Li’s parents knew that she was already showing signs of depression and suicidal thoughts after being sexually abused by her teacher in September of 2016. But there is nothing they can do now but mourn the loss of their daughter.
Picture screengrabbed from Rest in peace, beautiful girl.
In her last letter, Li wrote that she had gone to her school’s medical room after having a bad stomachache. According to Li, her teacher surnamed Wu had gone to the medical room to check on her.
While in the waiting area, he touched her inappropriately, kissed her mouth, and bit her ear. He also proceeded to touch her lower back and tore off some of her clothes. Luckily, another teacher walked in on them and Li was sent back to her dorm.
Reportedly, the school covered up the issue and ordered Wu to apologize to Li. Li was sent back to class and Wu continued to serve as her teacher.
She wrote:
“I only felt endless darkness and fear. I was disgusted and ashamed and barely slept that night.”
Despite Li taking matters to the authorities, Wu was not charged with any crime in the end. There was insufficient evidence and her teacher insisted that what he did was only a physical check-up.
Wu was also released after 10 days of detention after Li’s own father made an appeal. This caused Li to give up pursuing any justice and fall into depression.
Li Fell, as the Crowd Cheered Her On
People should be taken seriously when they start showing signs of depression and suicidal thoughts. They shouldn’t be ridiculed with captions like “1,2,3, jump!” or be pushed to end their life.
Before this, Li was already showing signs of depression and suicidal thoughts. She had already attempted to take her own life twice by swallowing pills. But on June 20 2018 the 19-year-old fell to her death.
Her suicide was caught on video. Horrifyingly, it showed people from the huge crowd gathered below her, urging her to “jump quickly.”
There were even mean comments hurled at her for being an attention-seeker when she live-streamed her own suicide on the Chinese video app Kuaishou:
“I waited an hour under the sun for you to jump off the building” and “Jump quickly, I have to go pick up my kids.”
Her last words to the firefighters before letting go were:
“Thank you, but I have to go.”
The disturbing video captures the horrifying moment when Li fell and the futile cries of agony from the firefighter who was trying to save her. The sickening video ends with a mix of gasping and screaming, before some in the crowd started cheering and clapping.
The public security bureau has confirmed that two people have been held for applauding. The police are also asking for the surrender of the six people suspected of filming the cheering.
We have no words to describe the sickening behavior of the crowd. Li, we are devastated for the loss of your young life.
Signs of Depression and Suicidal Thoughts
- Excessive sadness or moodiness
- Hopelessness
- Sleep problems
- Sudden unexplained calmness
- Withdrawal
- Changes in personality and/or appearance
- Exhibiting dangerous behavior
- Engaging in self-harm
- Recent trauma or life crisis, PTSD
According to WebMD 50% to 75% of those who are considering to end their life usually give someone a warning sign. But this is tricky because not everyone follows through with suicide every time. Still, even a small cry for help should be taken very seriously.
As a mom of two small daughters, writing about this news makes me think something is radically wrong with our society today.
What kind of a world are our children growing up in? How do people find it in themselves to urge another person to hurry up and end their life without even asking what’s wrong? What makes them clap and cheer on a young girl about to kill herself, egging her on to take her life?
This behavior is cold and heartless. It is worrying that there are parts of the world that are still inherently male-centric and women are unable to defend their rights whether it is from assault, rape or abuse.
As a result, they end up alone and suffer depression in silence. How much hurt and betrayal did Li keep in her heart when her own father filed that appeal to release the man who molested her? We may never know the true answer to that one, now that she’s gone.
RIP, Li.
If you detect any of the previously mentioned signs in a loved one, or even yourself, please tell a family member or a friend immediately. Talking is the first step to healing.
Sources:, WebMD, Asia One
Read also: Yes, Parental Suicide Is Actually Pretty Selfish
Republished with permission from: theAsianParent Singapore