Caught on CCTV: Woman stealing a bag inside Shangri-la mall

We often think of malls as a "safe haven" for our families but this recent footage of a theft inside the mall should make us think again.

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She looked just like any other mallgoer but what was captured by the CCTV cameras inside Shangri-la Mall in Mandaluyong proved otherwise.

In the video which is rapidly going viral, we see a petite woman in a black jacket, wandering the 5th floor of the east wing near a row of restaurants.

A cursory glance would suggest she was only looking for someone or perhaps she is deciding where to eat or shop next.

Then, she enters the restaurant Kettle and exits.

She stops right beside a set of tables; she looks around her again then kneels down, as if to pick up something she dropped.

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But then her arm quickly reaches through the partition to swipe a bag placed under the table. The owner of the bag doesn’t even notice a thing.

She then gets up, now carrying two bags, and walks away calmly and heads off to rejoin the mall crowd as if nothing happened.

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Below is the original post by facebook user Jowee Atienza.

Yes, this happened. I can't believe how stupid and naive I was thinking that Shang was a safe haven and how easy it is… Posted by Jowee Atienza on Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Even inside the malls, we are never fully safe. Always remember to watch your belongings and be vigilant especially during the holidays.

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Read: Holiday stress can be fatal, says health expert

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Written by

Bianchi Mendoza