What are the signs of a successful implantation?
There are some obvious signs that your little blastocyst has comfortably buried itself in your uterine lining... also known as implantation.
When you’re trying to get pregnant, you are hyper-aware of all possible signs that indicate the good news. However, success can come quite sneakily, as the symptoms of successful implantation – hints of an early pregnancy – could be easily overlooked.
Here, we discuss the symptoms of successful implantation which you should be aware of. But first…
What is implantation?
The first step of pregnancy happens when a sperm fertilizes an egg in the fallopian tubes. After that, the cells divide, increasing in number.
Then the fertilised egg goes to the uterus, where it grows until it’s mature enough and becomes a blastocyst.
The blastocyst then burrows and embeds itself into the uterine tissue: and this is known as implantation.
In fact, implantation happens quite close to when you would normally get your period. So it’s easy to confuse the symptoms of successful implantation with regular pre-menstrual signs.
Worry not, moms-to-be: we’re here to clarify things, from symptoms of successful implantation, and how to differentiate these from regular period signs.

This is a blastocyst. The process of a blastocyst burying into your uterine lining, where it will grow into your baby, is known as implantation.
Symptoms of successful implantation
Generally, the symptoms of successful implantation are as follows:
- Cramps: While the blastocyst implants itself, you might sense some cramps or discomfort (again, you might also not suffer during implantation as every woman is different). These cramps happen as the blastocyst digs into the uterine wall. Unlike pre-period cramps, these are milder and will last only a day or two at the most. These cramps will occur along with, or just before implantation bleeding.
- Spotting: Implantation bleeding, otherwise known as spotting, is another early sign of pregnancy. You’ll experience this around 10 to 14 days following conception – which is around when you get your period.
How can I differentiate between implantation bleeding, or spotting and my periods?
Implantation bleeding is different to menstrual bleeding in a few ways because it clearly:
- has a different colour. Menstrual blood is usually a dark red. Implantation bleeding, on the other hand, is usually pale pink to rust-brown.
- doesn’t clot. Unlike menstrual bleeding, implantation bleeding definitely doesn’t come with any clots.
- is much shorter than usual menstruation. Normal menstruation lasts between three to seven days.Implantation bleeding takes much less time, and can last from a few hours to three whole days.
- isn’t as heavy as menstruation. Menstruation tends to make sanitary pads and tampons full, but implantation bleeding isn’t as intense. The word bleeding itself is a misnomer because implantation “bleeding” is usually a slight pinkish or brownish discharge that you might see when you wipe. At worst, it might barely stain a pantyliner.

Implantation symptoms are also very early signs of pregnancy
Other symptoms of successful implantation
Implantation is, in other words, a confirmation of your pregnancy. The cramps and spotting are symptoms of successful implantation, but also early signs of pregnancy.
Here are some other early signs of pregnancy that you might experience:
- Delayed period. If your period consistently happens every month and suddenly realise that it’s happening behind schedule, it could mean that you’re pregnant.
- Sensitive breasts. You might notices that your breasts appear swollen or feel sore. This is an early sign of pregnancy and occurs because of changes in hormone secretion.
- Becoming moody. Should you feel emotional compared to your normal self, it could be a sign of early pregnancy. These fluctuations in emotion are caused by hormonal adjustments.
- Avoiding certain foods. Pregnancy comes with increased sensitivity to certain tastes or smells, and is particularly strong when it comes to food.
- Feeling bloated. Although becoming bloated usually happens before your menstrual period, it could also be a pregnancy signs caused by hormonal alterations.
- Blocked Noses. As your hormones change, it could lead to swollen mucous membranes within the nose. Nose bleeds can also occur, too.
- Becoming constipated. Changes to your hormone may also delay your digestive system’s usual pace, leading to indigestion.
Do visit your medical professional if you have any concerns about your period or to receive further guidance on what else to do if you are indeed pregnant.
References: AmericanPregnancy.org, Healthline
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