The Believe and Achieve Series

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Whether you live in a home where you're constantly worrying about what is going to set your children off or just need some tips on time and life management, this is one CD series you want to have in your collection.

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Alan Yips believe and achieve series

Alan Yip’s believe and achieve series


The Believe and Achieve Series by Alan Yip, Mind Edge, CD Review

Availability: Coming your way soon at all leading bookstores in Singapore

Published By: Mind Edge Pte Ltd

ISBN: 978-981-08-1849-4

Price: $99.00 GST

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The Believe and Achieve Series is a compilation of 13 weeks of Alan Yip’s inspirational talks on the “Breakfast Club” on 93.8 Live.

Alan is the master memory trainer and peak performance coach from Mind Edge. In 2004 Alan trained the Singapore memory team to compete in world Memory Championships and put our nation on the world map by producing Singapore’s first Grandmaster Norm of Memory (the finest of the finest memory experts in the world). Alan Yip himself is also the record holder in memory power as honoured in the Singapore book of records.

In the six CD compilation, Alan share his tips on how to improve both your memory and your child’s memory in order to achieve academic excellence. He also focuses on the holistic development and happiness of your child. In his talks he will guide you on how to raise children with a high level of self-esteem, equip them with vital life success skills to excel in today’s competitive environment, and bring your relationship to a whole new level.

Topics Covered in The Believe and Achieve Series:

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Disc 1:

1) Introduction to The Believe and Achieve Series

2) Powerful Memory Secrets for Exam Success

3) Sharpening Your Winning Edge for Exam Success

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Disc 2:

1) How Praise Can be Dangerous

2) Nurturing Positive Self Esteem in Your Child

Disc 3:

1) Effective Communication With Your Child

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2) Goal Setting Skills for Children

Disc 4:

1) Time Management: Life Management

2) Building Loving and Lasting Relationship with Your Child

Disc 5:

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1) Understanding your Childrens Behaviour

2) Understanding why your Children Misbehave

Disc 6:

1) Effective Communication Strategies for Correcting Children’s Misbehavior

2) Cultivating Positive, Empowering Emotions

Pros of The Believe and Achieve Series:

1) Alan covers an extensive range of topics and provides many well thought out parenting strategies. He offers parents concrete and truly useful tips and tools that they can use right away to help their children boost their grades, change their behavior and improve overall relationships.

2) The talks come in bite size segments of 10-15 minutes, thus making it the perfect driving companion.

3) All in all, the Believe and Achieve Series gives solid practical advice, beneficial information and good reminders for all parents, grand parents and educators.

Cons The Believe and Achieve Series:

Our only quibbles were few:

1) First the title seems a little wishy-washy and implies a quick fix solution, but we all know that parenting isn’t a walk in the park!

2) While the talks are excellent, it does not drill down to deeper details or bigger crisis mode. The Believe and Achieve Series is perfect for those parents who are facing general teen problems. However it is not the first CD to grab if your teen is in severe crisis and needs major help.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately Alan Yips Believe and Achieve Series is full of helpful insights into the challenge of parenting older kids and teens.

Whether you live in a home where you’re constantly worrying about what is going to set your children off or just need some tips on goal setting, time and life management for your children, this is one CD series you want to have in your collection.

Written by

The Asian Parent