These Kids Know Why They Want to Grow Strong

Find out how to help your kids by making sure they know why they should be healthy. Its important for them to know why they should grow strong.

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When a child is born, parents can already envision his/her future. They start imagining what their kid could be or should be. They set goals for their children and they expect them to follow a certain path. But in reality, children have their own goals and aspirations. As they grow strong, they learn more and more each day through TV, social media, and the people around them. Their dreams change and will continue to do so as they grow older. Nevertheless, whatever these dreams are, big or small, it’s a parent’s role to support them all the way.

Communication is the key in understanding your child’s aspirations. Make it a habit to ask them questions so you can get a glimpse of their thoughts and personality. You might even discover their goals in life with simple conversations and questions like:

  • Would you rather be ______ or ______? 
  • If you could be _______ for one day, what would you do?
  • Why do you want to grow strong?

Get a Glimpse of your Kids Goals 

When talking to your kid, you discover a lot about them. You learn about their likes and dislikes, their favorites, and even their goals! The more you talk to them, the more they get comfortable sharing their dreams. You will form a bond that will bring you and your child closer.

We asked a few moms to ask their kids this interesting question: “Why do you want to grow strong?” With their answers, we got a glimpse of what they wanted to be in the future!

Seb, 4 years old, son of Mommy Nessly has always been fascinated with animals. From the things he watches to the things he draws, he always chooses animals. So when asked why he wants to grow strong, his answer was – “[I want to be strong] because I want to be a zookeeper who protects and takes care of animals. I will feed them so that they can also be strong” At the age of 4, Seb is beginning to discover his nurturing side through his affection towards animals and his awareness towards the needs of others.

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Mommy Meg also shared to us Luke’s answer: “I want to live long and fight the bad guys.” First of all, who doesn’t want to live long? It’s admirable how Luke understands the value of life at an early age! On top of that, at 5 years old he is already advocating for human rights. Luke’s confidence and positive attitude is a reminder of how kids today bring so much hope for the future. Way to go Luke!

“I want to be a doctor, a painter, and a police.”  These are the words of Arya, a 3-year-old girl! Imagine, at 3 she already has three professions in mind with an unstoppable spirit! It’s good to instill this mindset among our kids, especially young girls who can be as brave and as fierce as young boys. Kids, regardless of gender, are capable to be whoever they want to be. And it’s our role as parents to support them.

Lastly, we have Zam. Mommy Abby said that ever since he was a little boy, Zam was very fond of building objects using Lego blocks. That is why it did not surprise Mommy Abby to hear that he wants to be an Architect. Zam already has an eye for design and he is inspired to someday build tall buildings and beautiful houses. His imagination can take him around the world and surely his mom is going to be so proud of him. 

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A couple more answers included being a Chef, Flight Attendant, Performer, and Gymnast. One girl even mentioned that she wants to grow strong so that she can take care of her family.

Indeed, our kids may be small but they surely have big dreams! That’s why it’s very important to engage with them through simple conversations because it is through connection with others that kids develop their personality, creativity and drive to succeed. 

Support their Goals with Proper Nutrition

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Part of raising strong kids is raising them in a healthy home. Aside from emotional support, providing complete nutrition for the brain and body is just as important. To achieve this, give your child a healthy and delicious drink like Vitamilk! It’s soymilk made with all natural ingredients and contains an all-encompassing set of nutrients to help your kids #GrowStrongFromBrainToBody! Each pack contains Protein to support growth, B-Vitamins for energy, and Omega 3,6,9 to support brain development. These nutrients form Vitamilk's Fills Good Formula, to help your child see better, move livelier, and grow stronger each day. Its soy chocolatey flavor also makes it irresistible for kids and the whole family!

“Together with parents, Vitamilk aims to raise strong and resilient kids through proper nutrition. Each pack of Vitamilk contains much needed nutrients for the brain and body to help kids achieve all the wonderful possibilities that lie ahead,” says Rhazel Gutierrez of the Vitamilk marketing team. 

Indeed, moms and dads only want what is best for their children. But keep in mind that our role as parents is to support our kids by making them feel that we always have their backs. Whatever or whoever they want to be in the future, trust your kids’ abilities. Be present, be encouraging, and don’t forget to provide the best nourishment you can offer.

About Vitamilk

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Vitamilk is the all-natural, protein-rich, and best-tasting soy milk that’s filled with vitamins and minerals to revitalize the whole family. When you need a good boost any time of the day, Vitamilk’s healthy, filling energy will surely go a long way. Choose from a wide variety of delicious flavors (Double Choco Shake, Original, Banana, Energy / Multi-grain, Choco Shake, and Strawberry) and pack sizes (300ml disposable glass bottles, 250ml, 200ml and 110ml kiddie packs, 1-liter packs and 200ml returnable glass bottles). Available in supermarkets, convenience stores, and sari-sari stores near you.

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