4 Things that couples should be able to talk about

Making sure that you're open to talking to your spouse about these 4 important things can make a big difference in you and your spouse's relationship!

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What you hate, and love most about each other

It’s easy to talk about the things that you love about someone, but when it comes to the things that you hate, that’s when it gets difficult.

It’s important to be open about these topics since honesty is important in a relationship. Your spouse might have an annoying habit that you absolutely hate, like smoking, or drinking too much, but you’re afraid that they might get angry or lash out if you say something about it.

That’s when trust and openness comes in. Being able to talk about these things without any grudges or issues happening means that the both of you are open to change, and have a deep trust in each other.

Your biggest regrets in the relationship

It’s important to talk about your deepest regrets in the relationship as it allows you to tell your spouse that you’re sorry for what you might have done in the past, and it lets you ask for forgiveness for a mistake.

It’s also good to know if your spouse is probably still holding a grudge, or feels bad about something you might have said or done in the past, so talking about it helps give you and your spouse closure when it comes to those problems.

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Your dreams and aspirations

Everyone has dreams and aspirations for themselves, even outside the relationship. Maybe you’ve always wanted to be a painter, or become a writer? These things are important to talk about since you want your spouse to support your goals, even if it doesn’t necessarily involve them directly.

Likewise, listening to your spouse’s hopes and dreams is helpful in getting to know what they really want out of life, and perhaps you can do something to help them make those dreams a reality.

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What the other spouse will do if the other one passes away

This is something that almost all couples avoid talking about. Death is a rather sensitive and difficult topic to handle, so most couples would prefer not talking about it at all. However, it’s important to talk about what your spouse, or you would do, should one of you pass away, especially if you have kids.

That way, should anything happen to either one of you, you’ll be ready and you’ll have a plan to deal with the loss. It’s also important to figure out how to deal with money problems, as sometimes people pass away, and suddenly leave a large amount of debt that has to be paid for by the family. Those situations cause a lot of problems, and they could have been resolved faster only if there was prior preparation.

Source: familyshare.com

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Written by

Jan Alwyn Batara