10 Tipid grocery tips to make the most out of your budget!

Stretch your grocery budget and make the most out of it to be able to spend more on other necessities with these saving tips!

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Whether you have 2 or 6 kids, or even more, parents always strive to save. With the rising prices of goods, it becomes even more important for moms and dads to be wise spenders. Here are some tips to help you out!

1. Make sure your list is up-to-date

Try to stick your list where you can easily see it. It can be handwritten, printed, or scrawled on a magnetic white board. You can highlight essentials and even color code it! For instance, highlight items pink if you’re running low on them. You can even rank them in order of importance. Check your pantry first before adding an item to the list!

2. Pay with cash (and adhere to a strict budget!)

While you may be disciplined enough not to overspend even when you’re charging, it can be super tempting! Pay with cash and hold yourself accountable when sticking to a budget. You’ll be thankful for it!

3. Adapt when needed!

Even if you’ve planned your meals for the week, you can always change the items on your list. For instance, there’s a chicken promo that will allow you to save and get more! Scrap pork for now and move it to next week’s list.

4. Go on grocery dates

This isn’t really a money management tip, but a time saver! When you have kids, it can be hard to spend one-on-one time with the hubby. Gorocery shopping together may be mundane, but it will allow you to reconnect and regroup as you prepare for the week ahead.

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5. Shop with your toddler (if you have one) or shop with older kids

Why? Toddlers still haven’t formed the habit of grabbing whatever it is they want off the shelves. And shopping with older kids helps them learn independence and become more money savvy!

6. Go on weekdays!

Daytime weekday shopping is the best option because it’s the most convenient. The kids are in school; stores are less crowded, and stores usually restock during the weekends.

7. Go just once a week

Going more than once a week is a no-no if you want to save because you’ll tend to buy extra items, as an afterthought, that you don’t really need. It’s best to buy in bulk once a week, than making multiple trips. No matter how “cheap” items are, they tend to add up!

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8. Think beyond the grocery

Will it be cheaper to head to your nearest wet market? Determine which items you don’t have to buy inside the grocery. Sure, it may not be as convenient, but it will help you stretch your pesos.

9. Compute before heading to the counter!

Most importantly, assess your cart’s contents before heading to the cashier. Is 1 liter of milk cheaper than multiple tetra paks? Add everything up to make sure you are sticking to your weekly budget. If you go over budget, decide what to scrap based on your priorities. There’s always at least one thing you can do without.

10. Don't miss out on sales and other promos!

You'll be surprised at how much you can save if you take advantage of sales and other promotions in supermarkets and groceries. There's usually a good promo or two that you can take advantage of whenever you're doing the groceries.

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Speaking of promos, Friso currently has an ongoing promotion where you can redeem an awesome Friso Watch! The Friso Watch acts much like any other smart watch, but it has great features such as a Smart Locator, a Safe Zone feature, as well as the Take me Home feature.

In order to avail of this promotion, all you need is to purchase 12 tins of Friso Four using your Friso Four Card. ou can get a Friso Four Card from Friso Nutritionists at selected Mercury Drug branches nationwide, or from selected pediatricians' office

You can get a Friso Four Card from Friso Nutritionists at selected Mercury Drug branches nationwide, or from selected pediatricians' office

Here's the awesome Friso Watch!

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We hope these tips help you make grocery shopping more convenient! Let us know what tipid tips have helped you below!

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Written by

Bianchi Mendoza