Parenting is a challenge for everyone, but when you’re an introvert, being a parent becomes much more difficult. No matter how much you love your children, being around them almost all day can be draining.
Because introverts need alone time to get energized, constant interaction with children can make it seem impossible to recharge. But with a little strategizing, you can regain the balance you need and be a more effective parent in the process. Here are some tips from The Huffington Post, Quiet Revolution, and Creating a Fair Haven on how to do just that.
1. Don’t punish yourself for being who you are
Your introversion is not a flaw. Instead of focusing on changing your personality (you can’t), look for external solutions to make parenting easier for you. As you make these changes in your home, explain to your children that you need isolation to recharge, and that they will benefit as well because you will be a more effective parent as a result.
2. Wake up early
Waking up early allows you to begin your day quietly. Take it slowly—instead of going straight to your chores, just sit down with your cup of coffee, the newspaper, and enjoy these precious moments of silence. If your kids are early risers as well, let them know that they should stay in their rooms until a designated time so that you can still have this time to yourself.
3. Set an early bedtime
When you have your kids go to bed early, you’ll have more time to yourself. Sending your kids to bed at 7pm doesn’t mean that they have to go to sleep right away—they can read or play quietly, for example—but it’s important for them to know that from that time onwards, you need to rest.
On the next page: more tips for introverted parents.
4. Set daily quiet times
Let’s face it—nap times just aren’t enough to let you recharge your batteries. If you need more quiet time, create some. Schedule about 30 minutes a day of quiet time, when your kids can play alone. This is also good for your kids, as it teaches them how play independently. If you have introverted children, this will also be helpful to them.
5. Discourage unnecessary noise
When you’re living with kids, noise is a given, so you can’t expect everything to be completely noise-free. But you can tell your kids to keep unnecessary noise to a minimum. That means yelling, tapping, drumming on surfaces, and so forth.
6. Get your kids out of the house
Try to look for a way to get the kids out of your hair, even if it’s only just for the mornings. You can take them to a daycare or a play school—it’ll do wonders for your sanity.
7. Organize playdates
Playdates sound like a lot of work, but they actually free you up because kids aren’t as dependent on you for entertainment. If you have extroverted kids, this will also take care of their need for social interaction.
READ: An open letter to the introverted mom
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