Hi! first time mom here.
When I wasn’t pregnant yet, I really thought that pregnant women were just over reacting what they feel so that they can get what they want. I thought they were just make an excuse for everything but as I started being in their shoes, I proved myself wrong.
I found out that I was pregnant on my 6th week. My first craving was unripe mango. I really thought it was just natural to me because I really love to eat unripe mangoes. I even bring one everyday and eat it right after having lunch.
My second craving was orange and believe it or not, I even cried for it because my stomach can’t accept anything but just oranges.
Between my 2nd and 3rd month is my weirdest craving. I crave for santol (cotton fruit) and it’s very common here in the Philippines but the funny thing here is that I would buy at least 10 pieces, eat 2 and the rest will remain on the table without letting anyone get even a piece of it.
I just let it sit there until it rots…yeah! I know it’s weird. Another weird thing for me is that I really love to eat fish and vegetables.
I prefer having them on my daily viand but as I got pregnant, I really hated the smell of fish and I can’t swallow vegetables. I just love having meat in my meals and consuming them everyday is like heaven to me but not for my stomach because it caused me constipation which I really suffered in my pregnancy.
I even hated sweets until I got to reach my 4th month. Even by just looking at those fishes, vegetables, and sweets makes me feel sick and unlike most of the pregnant woman, I didn’t experienced being sleepy so often in the afternoon.
I’m in my 5th month right now and I really thank God that my taste buds have already returned to its normal state. I started to gain weight now and hoping for a healthier pregnancy journey with a healthy baby on the way. God bless to us mommies especially to first time moms like me.