Vaginal Itchiness during Pregnancy

Vaginal Itchiness during Pregnancy happens usually due to fungus in the vagina. Pregnancy increases the chance of getting a vaginal fungal infection.

Vaginal Itchiness during Pregnancy

Vaginal Itchiness during Pregnancy

Vaginal itchiness happens usually due to bacteria, viruses, and fungi in the vagina. Pregnancy increases the chance of getting a vaginal fungal infection called Candida due to the surge in hormones and other changes in the body. Vaginal itchiness caused by infection is easily treated once diagnosed. It is important, however, not to self-medicate and instead go to the doctor for medical advice.

Symptoms of Candida

• Itchiness and pain around the vagina

• Redness of the labia

• Whitish-yellow discharge that may or may not have an odor

Prevention of Candida

• Shower regularly using gentle or unscented soaps

• Wear cotton panties

• Avoid using pads unless absolutely necessary

• Avoid antibiotics

• Reduce sugar and refined grain products

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