“Week 6 post baby and I haven't lost ANY WEIGHT YET,” says Pink!

The singer and songwriter Pink admitted to having lost no post-pregnancy weight. But here’s what she intends to do about it!

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As a new mom, how often have you checked yourself out in the mirror and compared the reflection with that of a recent celeb mom? Wondering what is it about them that they are able to lose all the pregnancy weight overnight (almost)?Awestruck about how they do it? Wondering whether you are abnormal, or is it that celeb? Well, here we have the popular songwriter and singer, Pink!

Mother to a newborn, Pink recently uploaded a picture of hers on Instagram, stating she has not lost any weight post delivery! Just the fact that she is a celeb and has no qualms about posting her not-so-flattering image on social media itself is a welcome change. Add to that, the spunky lady is taking it on the chin and not afraid of body shamers one bit.

However, Pink is not just going to let the ‘baby’ fat be. Going by her caption on Instagram, Pink has decided to start her workout sessions to beat the fat! Check her out here:

No doubt, she is ‘normal’. Often, in a mad rush to lose the post-pregnancy weight, new moms forget the fact that their body has been through a lot in the recent past. To get back in shape just like that would need magic. Not only is it essential that we stop beating ourselves up emotionally, we need to also ensure that we take a positive and active step towards a healthy weight loss post the baby. Here are some tips to keep in mind, if you are that woman on a mission:

  • For pre-baby body, relax post-baby! Be realistic about what can be done and how soon. Can you really afford to cut down on your food? Can you really start intense workout sessions? Well, chances are you have said an emphatic ‘no’ to both! Avoid stressing yourself out and take each day as it comes. A relaxed mind will not only help your baby but will also give you a chance to chart out a better diet-exercise plan for yourself.
  • Prey on proteins: It’s a known fact that a high-protein diet curbs the constant hunger pang. Basically, they fill you up more than your carb-filled diet and also contain a hunger-fighting hormone. Amazing, isn’t it? Just opt for lean meats and keep an eye on your fat intake.
  • Exercise, but in limit: First of all, avoid hitting the gym soon after you’ve delivered. Depending on the type of delivery you’ve had, the type of exercise you can opt for will change. Consult your doctor about the right time and the right type of exercise you can opt for. Opting for yoga, or walking is the safest bet if you are in the first month of delivery.
  • Sleep well to lose more: Of course, it’s not possible to get your share of an uninterrupted 8-hours of sleep. However, the more sleep-deprived you are, the lesser your chances of losing weight in a healthy manner. Assign work that doesn’t need your direct involvement to someone else. Breastfeeding your child? How about pumping milk for a couple of feeds and assigning your husband, partner, or a family member to feed the bub, while you get your share of sleep?

It’s wonderful to go through the fancy celeb magazines, reading up about the who’s who of tinsel town delivering one day and strutting their surfboard abs in bikinis the next. I’d rather not know how they achieve that. Being a mom who had gained 22 kg post her baby, I took over a year to come close to my pre-pregnancy body (let’s ignore the battle scars aka stretch marks, please!) For me, it doesn’t seem natural. What’s natural is to understand your body, respect it for giving you that piece of heaven, and follow a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Republished with permission from: The Indus Parent

READ: Pink opens up about her “tough” parenting style and her 5-year-old daughter’s celebrity crush!

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[Images courtesy: Instagram]
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Divya Nair