Should you be worried if your child is a late talker?

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Moms and dads are constantly worried about whether or not their little one is developing normally or not. That’s why a lot of parents can get paranoid whenever their child’s development seems delayed or it’s slower than their peers.

But when it comes to your child’s speech, should you be worried if your child is a late talker?

Is it normal for your child to be a late talker?

When it comes to language development, there are 2 important aspects to consider. First would be what’s called “receptive vocabulary” or the words that your child can understand.

Second is what’s called “expressive vocabulary” or the words that your child uses to express themselves and communicate.

This means that if your child is a late talker, then it’s possible that their expressive vocabulary might be a bit delayed, but their receptive vocabulary could be developing normally. In some cases, children communicate through gestures, which can mean that they are trying to express themselves, but are just having some difficulties doing it verbally.

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Studies have also found that kids who are late talkers but communicate through gestures do eventually catch up with their peers when it comes to their expressive vocabulary.

Ideally, your toddler should already know at least 300 words by the time they’re 3 years old.

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Should you be worried if your child is a late talker?

If it seems that your child has difficulty communicating as well as understanding words, while their peers are able to understand more words than them, then it would be best if you can visit your doctor for a consultation regarding your child’s development.

Early diagnosis of a language problem is important since the earlier it can be diagnosed, the better the chances that it can be treated. This is why parents who feel that their child might be delayed in speech shouldn’t be scared to visit the doctor for a proper diagnosis.

If your child has been diagnosed with a speech delay, a speech pathologist can help you by providing different forms of therapy as well as teaching you exercises that you can do with your child in order to improve their speech.

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It’s important for parents of kids with speech delays to always be positive and to constantly monitor their child’s development in order to know if the therapy is working or not. Parents also shouldn’t feel guilty, but instead, focus on how they can help their child’s development.


READ: 10 ways to let your toddler’s language development blossom

Written by

Jan Alwyn Batara