Suggested feeding and sleeping schedule for 1 month old baby that mommies must know

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Every 1 month old baby should have a proper feeding and sleeping schedule as part of reaching their development milestones.

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Every 1 month old baby should have a proper feeding and sleeping schedule as part of reaching their developmental milestones.

Your newborn baby is growing and developing rapidly. It will feel as if tomorrow they turn 1 month old. And as they grew fast, they will need a proper sleeping and feeding schedule, various routines, and other preparation for their milestones.

Also, they start to develop their vision, they now smile at things around them, they become fussy and they cry a lot at times. All these changes can be tiresome for your baby, and this results in sleeping for longer hours (14 to 17 hours a day).

At times, while your baby is having a disorganized sleeping schedule, they may also have a disorganized schedule of cluster feeding. To correct this odd and disrupted (sometimes) feeding and sleeping schedule for your newborn to 1 month old baby, here is a short suggestion for mothers like you.

Suggested feeding and sleeping schedule for 1 month old baby

Your baby is one month old now. It is hard to think how much your day-to-day has progressed with your newborn baby.

One month old babies are still dependent on their parents and caregivers. You may be more confident by now with your parenting abilities than you were after a month. This, of course, goes with good reasons like trusting your instincts, prioritizing your baby, and looking for advice about parenting.

We need to know some red flags also while discussing a recommended feeding and sleeping schedule for your 1 month old baby. There are some baby developmental red flags that mommies should be aware of. You may need to call the doctor if your baby:

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  • Is feeding slowly, has trouble sucking, sweating while feeding, turns blue while feeding or projectile vomits when feeding
  • Would not blink in bright light
  • Does not respond to loud sounds
  • May not focus their eyes on an object or follow it with their eyes when it starts moving
  • Has a trembling jaw or repetitive movements that don’t stop when touched
  • Does not always move their arms and legs as much
  • They May seem overly loose or overly stiffing in their limbs

These conditions can be indicators of serious health situations that can affect their gradual development. Some of these conditions are related to the feeding and sleeping routines of a baby.

Because you, as mothers, are always supervising your 1 month old baby, you should also know how to properly schedule their sleeping and feeding routine. An odd or disorganized sleeping and feeding schedule may affect their brain and physiological development.

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How to get on a feeding schedule for 1 month old baby?

Schedules are essential for every parent. Your baby may naturally start falling into a feeding pattern as their tummy develops when they can feed more breast milk or formula at one sitting.

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But for now, focus more on learning your baby’s hunger cues, like the following:

  • reaching around your chest, looking for your nipples
  • putting their fist or fingers in their mouth
  • smacking or licking their lips
  • fussing that may rise quickly (don’t wait until your baby is hangry to feed them)

Once your baby turns 1 month old, you can introduce a sleeping or feeding schedule that works for you.


How to create a sleeping and feeding schedule for your newborn

Gaano ba dapat kadalas ang pag-feed kay baby? Ito ang feeding schedule ng 0 to 1 year old

How long do cluster feeding of babies last?

Feeding schedule for 1 month old baby

Newborn babies should breastfeed 8-12 times per day, for about their first month of life. Breast milk is easily digested, and newborns’ intestines are still developing, so they are often hungry.
Frequent feedings may help stimulate your milk production during the first two weeks after birth.
In the first few weeks of your baby, breastfeeding could be on “demand” (when your baby feels hungry), which is about 1.5 to 3 hours.
As your baby gets older, they will nurse less often, and they might have a more predictable feeding schedule. Some might feed every 1.5 hours, while others can go 2 to 3 hours between feedings.
Also at one month, your baby may probably be feeding once every two to three hours if you are breastfeeding, or 7 to 9 times a day. While in formula feeding, your baby might feed every three to four hours, or 5 to 7 times a day.
At this time, you have properly learned how to follow your baby’s cues to know when they are hungry. Sometimes, you may even be able to identify their own instinct, like the “hungry cry”.

How much milk should a newborn drink in 24 hours?

All breastfed babies need an estimated amount of 20-35 ounces of breast milk per day or 24 hours. In younger newborns and up to 2-3 months old, your baby should breastfeed on demand. And that means they need to breastfeed every 2-3 hours.
On day one of their life, our baby’s stomach is similar to the size of a marble and can hold 1 to 1.4 teaspoons of liquid at a time. And as your baby develops, their stomach stretches and then grows.
It is hard or it is really impossible to know how much milk your baby is feeding. However, you should not worry too much about the quantity of breast milk.
Baby will know when they have fed enough by stopping, moving away from your breast, or falling asleep. Sooner, the baby will become a more efficient feeder and will feed more milk in a shorter time span. That is why you would notice a teeny bit less time feeding or clusters in the next months.

Chart: How much breastmilk should a newborn eat?

If you are pumping, breastmilk bottles vary in size from 3 to 6 ounces, commonly, with 4 ounces being the average bottle size when your baby reaches 3-4 months old.
However, newborn to 1 month old babies should only drink at least 2-3 ounces (60-90 ml). Look at the chart below from to know more about the estimated amount of breastmilk the baby should eat per age.

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On the other hand, this is a general chart presented by to show how often should a newborn to 1 month old baby eat for both breastmilk and formula 2-3 ounces every 3-4hours.
Age What How much How often
0-1 month Breastmilk and Formula Nurse every 2 or 3 hours 8-12 feedings in a day. 
Continue to feed your baby regardless if it is breast milk or formula milk 
1-2 months Breastmilk and Formula Feed your baby every 2-3 hours, roughly 4 ounces every feeding


Feed your baby up to 8-12 feeding in a day. (breastfeeding)

6-8 feedings a day(Formula milk) 

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Chart: How much formula for a newborn baby

If your 1 month old baby is feeding formula milk or bottle-feeding due to any valid reasons, it will be bit easier to measure the amount needed for your baby.
Below is a chart from the American Academy of Pediatrics through, which is a typical feeding schedule and the age-appropriate amount of formula milk for your baby.

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Sleeping schedule for 1 month old baby

Your 1 month old baby may usually have a sleeping schedule of about 15-16 hours a day in between feeding. Splitting up this schedule for a day depends on your baby.
However, around three daytime naps are generally typical, with 8.5 hours of sleep that will come at night (of course, don’t forget about the interruptions).
Moreover, each baby has a different personality. You may consult your pediatrician regarding the possible sleep concerns of your baby with personalized advice.

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How much awake time is best for 1 month old baby?

Your baby may likely have awake times of 30-90 minutes in between sleep periods. Awake time windows are usually shorter in the morning and get longer at night. Expect your baby to be awake for a longer span of time (ideally not longer than 90 minutes) before nighttime.
So mommies, do not overfeed your baby and let them eat in between sleeping periods. This feeding and sleeping schedule of your baby may last until their 1 month old, which they truly need for their gradual growth and milestones.



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Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.

Written by

Nathanielle Torre