All about calluses on feet: Causes, treatment and feet care tips

Calluses on feet can make you feel uncomfortable. Learn more about it and achieve having healthy and happy feet by following our care tips!

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Have you noticed thick and hard patches on your soles? Those are calluses! Calluses are a common occurrence on feet, often caused by excessive pressure or friction. It can cause discomfort, pain, and in severe cases, can even lead to mobility issues. 

Understanding the causes, signs and treatment of this condition is important for proper foot care. Keep on scrolling to learn more about calluses!

Calluses and its causes

Feet calluses are thickened parts of the skin. They are usually found on the soles and around the heels, due to the constant pressure and friction caused by walking, running, or standing for long periods of time. 

Although the buildup of thickened skin is the body's natural way of protecting itself from harm, when left untreated, it can become uncomfortable and even painful. Other causes of calluses are as follow:

  • Poorly fitting shoes

Shoes that are too tight, too loose, or do not provide enough support can cause friction and pressure on the feet, leading to callus formation.

  • High-impact activities

Running or other high-impact activities can cause the feet to develop calluses due to repetitive pressure and friction.

  • Walking barefoot

Walking barefoot on hard surfaces such as concrete or tile can cause calluses to form on the feet.

  • Abnormal foot mechanics

Certain foot deformities or abnormalities can cause calluses to form due to increased pressure on certain areas of the feet.

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  • Aging

As people age, the skin on their feet can become drier and thinner, making them more prone to callus formation.

  • Occupational factors

People who spend long hours on their feet, such as athletes, dancers, or those who work in jobs that require standing or walking for extended periods, are at higher risk of developing calluses.

Calluses On Feet: Causes, Treatment And Care Tips To Follow

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Treatment options for calluses on feet

Here are some common treatments for thickened skin on feet:

  1. Self-care measures: The first step in treating calluses on feet is to avoid the repetitive actions that caused them to form. Wearing shoes that fit properly and using protective pads can help alleviate the pressure and friction on the feet. Soaking the feet in warm water for 20 minutes and gently rubbing the callused area with a pumice stone or nail file can also help remove the excess skin.
  2. Medical treatments: If self-care measures are not effective, medical treatments can be used to provide relief from painful calluses. Trimming away excess skin by a medical professional can be an effective treatment for calluses on feet. In addition, medicated pads or patches containing salicylic acid can help soften and remove the callused skin.
  3. Custom orthotics: For calluses caused by abnormal foot mechanics, custom orthotics can help redistribute pressure and alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with calluses.

It is important to consult a medical professional if the callus is causing significant discomfort or pain. They can provide personalized treatment recommendations. Additionally, people with certain medical conditions such as diabetes should not attempt to treat their callus at home and should seek medical advice.

Care tips for feet

To prevent the formation of thickened skin on feet, you must take good care of it. Here are some care tips you can try:

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  1. Wear comfortable shoes that fit properly to avoid friction and pressure on the skin of your feet. Avoid tight-fitting shoes or high heels that put too much pressure on your feet.
  2. Use cushioned insoles or pads to reduce pressure on your feet and to provide extra padding for your feet.
  3. Regularly moisturize your feet to keep them hydrated. This will prevent dry and flaky skin that can lead to calluses. Use a moisturizer that contains urea or lactic acid to help soften and remove dead skin cells.
  4. Regularly soak your feet in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes to help soften any hard skin on your feet.
  5. Gently exfoliate the skin on your feet with a pumice stone or foot file to remove dead skin cells and prevent calluses from forming. Be gentle to avoid injuring your skin.
  6. Practice good foot hygiene by washing your feet regularly and keeping them dry to prevent infection and to keep your skin healthy.

Care tips for feet

Proper foot care is crucial in preventing calluses. By following these tips, you can achieve healthy and happy feet!

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Teresa Alcantara