Getting ready for the arrival of your baby boss? Here are cute baby names that mean successful. Fitting for someone who’s born to make it big.
What you can read from this article:
- Baby names that mean successful for your baby boy
- Baby names that mean successful for your baby girl
- Other meaning of the following baby names
When coming up with a name for your child, we want something meaningful yet also something that will stand out. Why, of course! We’re going to be raising the next big thing, so we want to give him a name that spells success.
Let’s face it: no matter what our kids do with their lives or who they become, chances are high that we’ll always think of them as winners.
But even though they’ll always be amazing in our eyes, it can’t hurt to give them a little extra push and good vibes in the form of a meaningful baby name, right?
Baby names for girls that mean successful
Having a baby girl? Here are some baby names that mean successful:
The name Aisha comes from an Arabic word that means “alive and well” — not exactly a terrible meaning to bestow upon a baby girl whose parents are hoping to live a healthy and happy life for years to come!
The name Edith means “prosperous in war,” and as we all know, it can be a battle out there. Don’t we want our daughters to be successful in it? Besides, Edith also comes with cute nicknames like Edie, making it a solid, classic choice.
The name Gwenn, which ties back to Gwyneth, a name with Celtic roots, means “fair, blessed,” — which sounds pretty successful to us. Just look at Gwyneth Paltrow, after all. The name happened to work for her!
Aside from being the name of the adorable redheaded heroine from the Disney movie Brave, the name Merida also has links to “rebellion” and the meaning “wished-for child,” practically guaranteeing a child just as determined as the princess herself.
The name Nicole is the female form of the Greek name Nicholas, which means “victory of the people.” Where one person succeeds, we all succeed — that’s a pretty good lesson for kids to learn, starting with their own names.
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The name Aaliyah comes from a Hebrew word that means “to ascend.” That sounds like a name for a little girl who is destined to reach the top. It also helps that it’s an unusual, pretty name at the same time.
Although the name Bernice might be considered a bit old-fashioned, it’s still a classic — and it definitely comes with a strong meaning. Its Greek origin means “bringing victory.” What can be more straightforward than that?
The name Sia was popularized by a successful singer, but it is of Swedish origin that means “victory.” Considering the fact that it’s not hugely popular, it’s perfect for parents who are looking for a name for their little one that evokes success and individuality.
Victoria literally means “victory,” so this one perfectly fits the bill when it comes to name meanings. But it also makes a solid name for a baby girl for a lot of other reasons, like nickname potential — Vicky, Tori, and Toria, to name a few — and the fact that it’s so timeless, it will never go out of style.
This name is the female version of Charles, which means strong or manly. It is also used as the feminine version of Carl, which means joy. To be strong and to be happy – that’s a good thing to wish for any baby girl.
For parents interested in the name, it’s important to know that Jennifer not only means “white wave,” it is a Cornish variation on the name “Guinevere,” King Arthur’s infamous wife. Modern parents are opting for a more unique version of Jennifer such as Jenny or Jenna.
The name means “bee” in Hebrew, and any girl with such a buzzing name is sure to stand out from the rest.
Can it get any more literal than that? Of Latin origins, Fortune would make a beautiful middle name for a baby girl. Surely, it’s a name that invokes prosperity.
The name that is of Hebrew origin means “grace,” and it undoubtedly takes someone who is graceful under pressure to be successful.
Mieko is a Japanese name that means “prosperous.”
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A shortened form of Elizabeth, Lisa is a name with wide Biblical and religious significance. With Hebrew and English origins, one of the meanings of Lisa is “God is bountiful.”
Here’s another cute baby girl name that stands for success. In Arabic, this name means “fortunate, prosperous.”
Of Scandinavian origin, this traditional Nordic name means “holy, blessed.” Two words that contribute a lot to one’s true success.
Short, pretty names are all the rage nowadays. This name, from Hindi origins, means victorious.
In French baby names, the meaning of Jo is “May Jehovah add.” It can also be a diminutive of Joanne, meaning “God is gracious.”
This beautiful name with Arabic origin means, “the attainer, the achiever and the successful one.” This is definitely one of those baby names that mean success. It cannot be any more specific than that.
Meera Bai, also spelled Mirabai, was a great female Hindu mystical poet whose works are popular throughout India. She was a fifteenth-sixteenth century Indian princess who devoted her life to writing paeans of devotion to the god Krishna.
In Sanskrit, the meaning of the name Meerah is “prosperous.”
So many beautiful names with such strong meanings! But if you still haven’t found “the one,” here are some more names you might want to consider:
Most Successful Girl Names
1. Madeline (From Magdalene, meaning “of Magdala”)
2. Kate (Short form of Katherine, meaning “pure”)
3. Catherine (meaning “pure”)
4. Lauraine (English origin, symbolic of honor and victory”)
5. Morgan (From the Old Welsh Morcant, meaning “sea” and “circle”)
6. Jacqueline (A feminine form of Jacques, meaning “heel” or “supplanter”)
Baby names for boys that mean successful
Having a baby boy? Don’t worry because we got your back! Here is the list of baby names that mean success for your little boy:
An offbeat alternative to more popular Ed- names, Edric, from English origins, means “wealthy ruler.”
Derived from the Greek “Stephanos,” the name Steven means “crown,” and by extension, “reward, honor, renown, fame.”
Pronounced like “Devin,” we know that Bhevin is definitely a quirky name some may never have heard before, but the meaning may be just what parents who want a name that’s all about success are looking for. Bhevin is a Hindu name that means “winner” — spot on!
Felix is a super cute, old-fashioned name that’s been gaining a bit of popularity recently. And as for the meaning? Well, Felix comes from Latin and means “happy, lucky” — two adjectives we believe most certainly tie in with our idea of success.
Another unusual choice for parents looking for something that will help their little man stand out! Carney comes from the Irish name “Kearney” and means “warrior.” Who wouldn’t want their guy to be a fighter, even as a tiny baby?
Sigmund is an old-timey name if we’ve ever heard it, but give it a chance — it comes with a strong meaning for sure. Sigmund comes from German and means “protection through victory,” and we certainly can’t deny that Sig would be a pretty cute nickname.
Looking for a name that represents a little Greek heritage while also being all about success and the good things in life? Look no further than Milos. This name means “lover of glory.” TBH, that could apply to most of us … and Milos is a cute name for a boy.
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Let’s just call it like we see it and name our kid Champion — why not, right? There’s no doubting what this name means and what our child will be about, and the more we think about it, the more adorable this name sounds.
Alwyn is a Welsh name that means “blessed” and “loved by all.” And while people measure success in all kinds of ways, we think it’s safe to say that both of those things would definitely qualify our baby boy as successful — not to mention this is a cute and unusual name to bestow upon him. Also, it’s pronounced “all win” — which maybe guarantees his success.
If going with straight-up Champion doesn’t sound like the right choice, what about a name that simply means “champion?” If that’s the case, Nolan might happen to be the perfect pick — or, the more unusual spelling, Nolen.
Edward is a strong name that has stood the test of time (and was made even more popular by the novel and movie Twilight, but that’s not what we’re talking about right now). And as for its meaning? Edward means “wealthy or fortunate guardian.” While we’d wish for one of those for our kids, we wouldn’t hate our kid becoming that person, either.
The name Cash refers to, well, money. And while success definitely isn’t defined solely by finances, it sure would be nice if our kid never had to worry about money, wouldn’t it? Maybe a name like this will give them a little extra good juju.
A diminutive of Edward, this name, of English origins, also means “wealthy guardian.”
This is a variation of Darius, which means “wealth, kingly.”
Though it’s not a popular choice among boys compared to the version Ryan, the name Rayan in Arabic means “land that is lush and rich in water.”
The Biblical name meaning “warlike” or “horse,” appears at the top of some of the most influential companies in the world. However, since this is a very common name, it’s better to add another name to Mark to make your child stand out.
It’s very fitting that Richard means “dominant ruler,” as there have been quite a few influential Richards throughout history including King Richard the Lionheart and Richard Nixon.
The name Thomas has always been popular in the U.S. and Europe. Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, and even Thomas the Tank Engine have given this name notoriety. It’s origin is from Aramaic meaning “twin.”
William has always been a common choice among parents for boys because of the manly sound. And the meaning does not fall short. From its old German origin, the name William means “resolute protector” or “strong-willed warrior,” two descriptions that attribute to one’s success. Plus, think of the cute nicknames – Will or Liam. You’ve got yourself a winner.
The Hebrew name means “supplanter,” and that is defined as government or ruler of countries.
The popular name, from its Hebrew origins mean “Who is like God?” In the Bible, Michael was one of God’s archangels and the leader of heaven’s armies.
This is such a timeless name and is a strong choice for a boy. Its Biblical roots define the name as “Beloved.”
The old German name means “famed, bright and shining.” If you want your child to be famous and successful, maybe naming him Robert would be a good idea.
The name John is derived from the Hebrew word “Yohanan” which means “graced by God.” And of course, to be successful, you need God’s grace to make your plans fruitful.
So many nice boy names that mean success and are unique and strong-sounding. But if you want to hear more, just check out this shortlist:
Most Successful Boy Names
- Parker (Originally a surname, meaning “keeper of the park”)
- Kenneth (From Scottish Gaelic names meaning “handsome”)
- Christopher (meaning “christ” and pherein, meaning “to bear”)
- Ross (Originally a surname, meaning “headland”)
A person’s success would depend solely on him, of course. But if he is named after glory, fortune, wealth and success, it will also give him reassurance that a long time ago, his parents believed that he can make it, way before they knew how capable he is.