A mother's change of heart

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I'm Flong. Mom to 3 adorable kids. I am trying my best to be an intentional mom and an intentional wife while juggling my work-from-home career. I am a VIPParent with theAsianparent.

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Sometimes, blessings come to us unexpectedly. Maybe it all happened to us. I want to share the unexpected blessings that I receive will all the moms and parents out there.

What to read in this article:

  • An unexpected blessing of another child
  • Struggles of pregnancy

“Blessing come to us unexpectedly, and for me its another child”

Last Summer of 2018, a few days before our scheduled date to transfer to a new city, we discovered that God blessed us with another gift of life. My husband and I were a bit surprised. Don’t get us wrong. It’s just that we thought we are already good with Kuya Renz and Ate Mia. (Ika nga nila, may lalaki at babae na kayo so ok na!) But still, we got ecstatic with the idea of becoming parents for the third time around. Our excitement was heightened when our families and a few close friends knew the news and were excited for us as well.

When blessings come to us unexpectedly.

Difficulties I faced

But as the days passed, my excitement started to fade out. I experienced difficulties with my pregnancy that I never had experienced with my pregnancy with Renz and Mia. I got physically weak and I got so dizzy most of the time that I just stayed in the bed almost the whole day. I didn’t want to eat because everything smelled foul. My morning sickness was the worst. I vomited most of the time. I am like hugging the toilet 24/7. I became frustrated that I couldn’t do the things that I used to do.

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Dear future Isobel, because of you 2020 isn’t bad at all

A different Christmas with this Pediatrician

Unshaken Faith Pregnancy Journey

Being an active person who usually loves to multi-tasks, I started to become frustrated that I can’t follow my daily schedules and tasks-on-hand anymore. My frustrations were hyped-up with mom-guilt. I felt so guilty about not being able to take good care of Renz and Mia. My husband got really worried and his worries made me even more frustrated. He prayed for me every night. I also prayed every day, asking God to lift me from these burdens; to change my situation. But days turn to weeks and weeks to months still there are no changes. It seems God was so far away or He may not be listening to me at all that I started asking Him a lot of “Whys?”

One day, during my personal devotional time, these words hit me straight to my heart:

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“Sometimes God doesn’t change your situation because He is trying to change your heart.”

And at that moment I was opened to a realization that maybe, I was in this course of life because there is something that God wanted me to learn. And as I tried to accept the fact that my situation is normal, like any pregnant moms, and that this kind of journey is essential for me to fully experience the life of a mother, my frustrations started to wane out and my excitement started to find its light back in my heart. Truly, blessings come to us unexpectedly and made us realize many things. Maybe it also a way of God to teach us something.

I believe that in every trial that comes our way, God has a purpose for it. He is our greatest mentor and the ultimate designer of our life. He perfectly designs every lesson that will communicate to our individual hearts. We all seem to have the chance to acquire the same lessons in our life but through different ways and situations.

Maybe God is not allowing the situations in our life to change because He is trying to change the course of our heart. Because those situations are necessary for us to go through in order for God to really work His ways through us.

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For anyone who is facing difficulties in life

So, whatever situation you are in right now, may it be difficulties at work, at school, at relationships or you’re in a situation like I was in, TRUST GOD. TRUST HIS PLAN. TRUST HIS HEART. And consider this: how can you grow from the situation that you are in today?

Let God work on your heart.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
So, were you in the same situation? How did you allow God to work with you? We would love to hear your experiences.

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P.S. Last November 19, 2018, after 38 weeks, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Matt Cayden; simply means – a surprise blessing from God.

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Written by

Flong Aragones