What is colostrum? Colostrum in breast milk and its benefits for your baby

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The first milk that a pregnant woman's body produces is known as colostrum. Colostrum milk has a number of colostrum benefits for your baby.

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Do you about colostrum in your breast milk? Know what is it here and its benefits for your breastfeeding baby.

What is Colostrum? 

newborn baby breastfeeding - colostrum benefits

Photo by Jonathan Borba

The first milk that a pregnant woman’s body produces is known as colostrum. It develops in the mammary glands of your breasts and is crucial for enhancing your child’s immune system.

If you opt to breastfeed, it will be the first milk your child ever receives from your breasts. You can manually express colostrum if you don’t want to breastfeed or if your child has trouble latching on. 

It contains a significant amount of protein, vitamins, minerals, and antibodies called immunoglobulins that help your baby’s immune system develop. It is frequently referred to as “liquid gold” for its many benefits.

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Colostrum milk

Colostrum is rich in protein and low in fat and sugar. White blood cells, which create antibodies, are crammed inside. These antibodies will boost your baby’s immune system and protect him or her from infection.

Colostrum is highly concentrated and nutrient-dense, so your baby’s stomach doesn’t need much to benefit from it, even in little dosages.

Colostrum is the name for the nutrient-rich first milk that your breasts make while you are pregnant. The breast milk changes from primary to transitional milk a few days after your baby is born. However, very little colostrum is still present in your breast milk for a few weeks.

Breast milk and colostrum differ significantly in several key areas, including:

  • Colostrum milk is rich in immunoglobins, which improve and maintain the health of your baby’s immune system.
  • The amount of protein in colostrum milk is twice as high.
  • The amount of zinc in colostrum milk is four times greater.
  • Since colostrum milk contains less sugar and fat, it is easier to digest.
  • Colostrum milk is more golden and thick

Colostrum milk breastfeeding

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The three stages of breast milk are mature milk, transitional milk, and colostrum.

  1. The first milk you make after giving birth is called colostrum, and it lasts for two to four days.
  2. Transitional milk starts four days after birth and lasts around two weeks.
  3. Mature milk: Milk that persists for at least 14 days after delivery or until you are unable to generate any more.

In 3-4 days, the transitional milk will replace the colostrum. Your breasts will feel tight, painful, and full as your milk production increases.

By now, your baby’s stomach should have expanded, enabling them to drink more milk at every meal. When your body has stabilized, and your milk production has become established, transitional milk becomes mature.

The placenta’s production of pregnancy hormones helps your body make colostrum. The hormone progesterone drops dramatically when the placenta separates from the uterus. In reaction to this drop in progesterone, your breasts start to produce milk.

Colostrum in breastfeeding: Nutrients found in colostrum milk

  • Lactoferrin

Lactoferrin, a protein, helps to bind iron. It is essential for the healthy operation of the immune system and possesses antibacterial and antiviral activities.

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  • Antibodies

Colostrum contains a variety of antibodies, including those that help guard against bacterial infections of the digestive system. Like human colostrum, which provides passive immunity to the calf, bovine colostrum is abundant in immunoglobulins.

  • Growth factors

The two most common growth factors in colostrum are growth factors: alpha and beta. It also contains insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2. These are essential for cartilage and muscle repair.

  • Hormones

Although many hormones exist in colostrum, scientists do not fully understand how each one affects the body. Some, however, might impair the early development of the stomach lining.

Is leaking colostrum a good sign for breastfeeding

The breasts may start making milk during pregnancy, weeks or even months before the due date.

Your breasts leak during pregnancy because prolactin, the hormone that stimulates milk production after your child’s birth, ramps up while you’re still pregnant, typically in the third trimester. Leakage is common and not a reason for alarm.

If the milk bothers you, try putting tissue or an absorbent breast pad in your bra to absorb it. 

Colostrum benefits

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Photo by Helena Lopes

Still, thinking if you should give colostrum milk breastfeeding a go? Here are some colostrum benefits for baby:

  • Colostrum benefits: Colostrum milk fights infection

Your child can develop his own defense system against illnesses with the support of white blood cells, which can make up as much as two-thirds of the cells in colostrum.

White blood cells in colostrum produce antibodies that can counteract the effects of germs or viruses. These antibodies are especially beneficial in reducing stomachaches and diarrhea for newborn children with growing stomachs.

  • Colostrum benefits for baby: Supports gut health

Your colostrum contains a significant antibody called sIgA in large quantities. This protects your child from illness by lining his digestive tract rather than getting into his bloodstream.

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Other immune components and growth factors that support the growth of your baby’s intestines’ protective mucous membranes can also be found in abundance in colostrum. The “good” bacteria in your baby’s stomach are fed and strengthened by the prebiotics in colostrum.

  • Colostrum benefits: Helps prevent jaundice

Since colostrum has a laxative effect, your baby will poop frequently. Meconium, or dark, sticky stools, are caused by all the food he consumed while in the womb filling his intestines, and colostrum milk help him pass it.

Additionally, regular defecation reduces a baby’s chance of getting neonatal jaundice. When your baby is born, the red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body are in great supply. 

The breakdown of these cells is assisted by his liver, which generates bilirubin as a byproduct. Bilirubin builds up in your baby’s body and causes jaundice when the liver cannot process it properly. The laxative properties of colostrum help your baby get rid of bilirubin in his stools.

  • Colostrum milk contains vitamins and minerals

The inclusion of carotenoids and vitamin A, which are essential for your baby’s skin and immune system health as well as his vision (vitamin A deficiency is a major cause of blindness globally), gives colostrum its unique yellow color. Colostrum makes up for the generally inadequate vitamin A reserves present in newborns.

  • It has colostrum benefits for adults too

Colostrum has lately been tried out as a supplement by adults. For instance, medical professionals might suggest utilizing colostrum milk to address a range of digestive disorders, like:

  • Harm to the stomach caused by NSAID use in excess
  • Helicobacter pylori infections have been linked to stomach ulcers.
  • Bovine diarrhea

How much colostrum the baby needs?

The amount of colostrum a baby needs depends on several factors, including the baby’s age, weight, and individual feeding requirements. Colostrum is the thick, yellowish early breast milk produced by the mother during the first few days after giving birth. It is rich in essential nutrients and antibodies, providing important benefits to the newborn.

Here are some general guidelines for colostrum feeding:

1. Frequency of feeding

Newborns have small stomachs and need frequent feedings. In the first 24 hours after birth, a baby may consume only small amounts of colostrum at each feeding, as their stomach is tiny and can hold only a small volume. It’s common for babies to feed every 1-2 hours initially.

2. Colostrum volume

On average, a newborn’s stomach capacity is around 5-7 mL (about one teaspoon) during the first 24 hours after birth and gradually increases over the first few days. By the third or fourth day, a baby’s stomach can hold about 22-27 mL (about 0.75 – 1 ounce).

3. Demand-responsive feeding

Babies are generally good at regulating their own intake. They will let you know when they are hungry and when they are full. It’s essential to feed on demand and not try to force-feed or strictly adhere to a schedule.

4. Weight and health status

The baby’s weight, general health, and any specific medical conditions should be considered when determining the appropriate amount of colostrum to offer. A healthcare professional, such as a pediatrician or lactation consultant, can help guide you on this matter.

5. Pumping and storage

If for some reason direct breastfeeding is not possible, colostrum can be expressed and fed to the baby using a syringe, spoon, or other feeding devices. It is generally recommended to consult with a lactation consultant or healthcare provider for proper pumping techniques and storage guidelines.

Remember that these are general guidelines, and every baby is different. Some babies may need more or less colostrum depending on their individual needs and growth patterns. If you have any concerns about your baby’s feeding, weight gain, or overall health, it is always best to consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and support.

Additional information from Marhiel Garrote

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Margaux Dolores