Extended Breastfeeding: Is it for you and your toddler?

Armed with the right knowledge on nutrition and care tips, you can embark on a successful extended breastfeeding journey with your toddler.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that newborns are breastfed within their first hour into the world and exclusively for the first six months of life. WHO also recommends introducing solids at around six months while continuing breastfeeding up to when the child is two years of age or beyond.

Nursing beyond the first year is termed as “extended breastfeeding.” This may continue for as long as the mother or child wishes, until the child is weaned naturally, or when the mother prefers to stop.

Keep reading to find out how you can embark on a successful extended breastfeeding journey and what the benefits are for you and your tot by doing so.

Reasons for extended breastfeeding

Mothers breastfeed beyond the first year due to several reasons:

  • Mother-and-child bonding time
  • Emotional confidence for both mother and child
  • Personal preference to breastfeed child for a certain period
  • To provide the best source of milk for the child
  • Convenience
  • Child has low immunity
  • Child is not ready to wean

Extended breastfeeding helps to further cement the bond between mother and child, while the mother’s breastmilk adjusts its composition to suit the child’s needs.

Benefits of extended breastfeeding

For mothers:

  • Reduces the risks of breast and ovarian cancer, type II diabetes, and postpartum depression
  • Helps to keep weight in check, together with a balanced diet and exercise
  • Provides a natural method of birth control (98% protection in the first six months after birth), although it’s still possible to get pregnant
  • A way to reinforce the bond with their baby
  • Mothers who breastfed beyond one year were less likely to develop hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or cardiovascular diseases (CVD) when post-menopausal

For toddlers:

  • Second-year breastmilk continues to provide an excellent source of nutrients including protein, fat, calcium, and vitamins, in addition to calories, natural antibodies, and enzymes, which cannot be replicated by science and technology
  • Enhances their immunity so toddlers get sick less often and recover faster if they do fall ill
  • Provides a familiar sense of comfort and security when the child is unwell
  • Toddlers tend to develop fewer behavioral problems, including restlessness, anxiousness, and clinginess; where the latter is often associated with extended breastfeeding

Duration of breastfeeding sessions for toddlers

Breastfeeding mothers would know that these sessions vary with individual children. The flow of the breastmilk and the child’s personality (whether he’s a fast chomper or one who likes to take it slow and easy) contribute to the duration of nursing sessions.

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As they reach toddlerhood, children tend to be more active and distracted during the day, so mothers should expect shorter sessions as compared to when they are younger. At times, the toddler might just want a quick “drive through” – goes to the mother for a quick suckle and runs back to what he was doing.

Frequency of breastfeeding for toddlers

Breastfeeding frequency tends to become less for a toddler as compared to a newborn. For a toddler, breastfeeding is more a source of comfort, warmth, and security than a source of sustenance.

Some toddlers may nurse erratically throughout the day – once in the morning when they wake, a quick nurse during mid-day and, perhaps, nursing to sleep. Some toddlers may go through frequent night wakings to nurse, not because they are really hungry, but more for assurance that mama is around.

If your toddler has started going to school already, you may discover that he might want to nurse right after coming home. This is a normal sign, and your child simply wants to “connect” with you after being away for some time.

When your toddler is unwell, angry, frustrated, or scared, it is completely normal that he comes looking for you to nurse for that extra emotional comfort.

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Experts share that breastfeeding builds children’s immunity with natural antibodies found in breast milk.

Breastfeeding and a toddler’s diet

Contrary to belief, breastmilk after the first year continues to provide a wealth of nutrients such as proteins, fats, vitamins, and natural antibodies that are unable to be replicated via other sources.

While breastfeeding should be complementary to a toddler’s diet, a mother should also note the amount of solids the toddler is consuming and ensure that the bulk of his diet is primarily solids.

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During a child’s second year (12-23 months), 448ml of breastmilk provides:

  • 29% of energy requirements
  • 43% of protein requirements
  • 36% of calcium requirements
  • 75% of vitamin A requirements
  • 76% of folate requirements
  • 94% of vitamin B12 requirements
  • 60% of vitamin C requirements

Extended breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, type II diabetes and postpartum depression

Breastfeeding and a mother’s diet

The components of breastmilk change and transition to accommodate a toddler’s needs, so a mother should not neglect her own health.

Breastfeeding burns 300-500 calories a day, so nursing mothers need to ensure a healthy and balanced diet and keep themselves in the pink of health, too!

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Here’s an overview of what a breastfeeding mom should be eating to support her breastfeeding needs:

  • Iron-rich foods like dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli, red meat, iron-fortified cereals, breads and pasta
  • Calcium-rich foods like milk, tofu, cheese, yogurt, soybeans, sardines, turnips and enriched breads and grains
  • Protein-rich foods like lean meat, eggs, dairy, beans, lentils and seafood (if your child is not allergic to them)
  • Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon, fish supplements, nuts and seeds
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Soups
  • Water

There are also certain foods to avoid during nursing especially if your toddler reacts to them, including alcohol and seafood.

If your concern is to boost breastmilk supply, breastfeeding moms look to these nutrient-rich foods to help increase milk production. For example, fennel tea, fenugreek, alfafa, are available at our local supermarkets too.

Breastfeeding moms can also consider supplements to support their diet and nutritional needs. These are readily available at our local pharmacies and drugstores. However, do look out for product advice that states that they are suitable for breastfeeding and lactating mothers.

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Healthy, balanced meals are essential for breastfeeding mums to obtain sufficient nutrients to nourish her nurturing body, as she embraces extended breastfeeding with her toddler.

Is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) safe during breastfeeding?

As advised by the Health Science Authority (HSA), breastfeeding moms are advised to use caution when it comes to TCM.

Seek advice from TCM physicians on recommended herbs that are safe for breastfeeding, as well as on TCM health supplements that are meant to replenish your qi-blood. Soups such as Eight Treasures Soup (Ba Zhen), All Nourishing Decoction (Shi Quan), and Mutton Soup with Angelica Roots are all good for replenishing qi-blood.

Common concerns about extended breastfeeding

Will breastfeeding this past year make it harder to wean my child?

Many mothers hear that breastfeeding becomes a habit when it is prolonged, and thus makes it even harder to stop when the mother wants to.

Like any other stage of breastfeeding, weaning can be child-led or mother-led. The former allows the child to be developmentally ready and go off the breast on his own, while the latter has the mother take the lead to initiate weaning.

Some researchers feel that letting your child take the lead is more natural and it allows the child to be ready with the change. At the end of the day, the decision belongs to both mother and toddler.

Extended breastfeeding may pose new challenges, too – such as dealing with an active tot while breastfeeding!

How do I tackle an active toddler during breastfeeding?

If your child is capable of all sorts of nursing acrobatics, rejoice that you are not alone!

Here are some simple tips to help keep breastfeeding a less frantic one with an active toddler:

  • Set rules such as nursing at home only or in the nursing room if your child loves flashing you in public or the sessions get too much attention when outside.
  • Use a nursing cover to help protect your modesty and choose a quiet corner (if no nursing rooms are around) in the restaurant or cafe.
  • Some mothers set a routine or designated times for nursing to help manage things.
  • Teach your toddler a code word, that he could use should he wish to nurse when you are out. For example, he may say “neh neh” or “de de,” so you can anticipate his needs instead of him clawing at your blouse when he wants to be nursed.
  • Take along your child’s favorite toy or wear a nursing necklace to distract him during nursing.
  • Babywear your toddler and nurse-on-the-go, if your child dislikes sitting still when outside.
  • Express your breastmilk and offer your child the bottle when you are out, and keep direct latching at home or indoors only.

Is it possible to breastfeed my toddler while I’m pregnant?

Be prepared for your milk supply to dip due to hormonal changes. Milk supply is affected as your body starts redirecting resources toward the growing fetus, and pregnancy may also affect the taste of your breast milk.

However, do alert your gynecologist about your extended breastfeeding journey with the elder child. Should the pregnancy be unstable, the gynecologist may advise you to wean your toddler off breastfeeding, as a form of fetal and maternal health protection. Always check with your gynecologist in the event of pregnancy.

For healthy pregnancies, many local moms have managed to continue breastfeeding throughout their pregnancy, and sometimes even in tandem after the baby is out. This depends on several factors including your health, your foetus’ condition, and how your body is adjusting to the changes.

Breastfeeding moms who are pregnant should also ensure that their health takes priority by maintaining a healthy diet and taking prenatal supplements as advised by their gynecologist.

Pregnant moms who are breastfeeding should ensure that their health is taken care of, by consuming healthy meals and prenatal supplements provided by your gynecologists.

Many pregnant moms experience an aversion to breastfeeding, and this is entirely normal. Sore nipples and pain during nursing are common occurrences, too, making breastfeeding during pregnancy a whole set of challenges once again.

It is also during pregnancy that the toddler may wean himself, due to several reasons including a change of taste in breastmilk and knowing that mummy is in pain during nursing.

When you do decide to wean your toddler?

Singapore lactation nurse Jophia Bok advises that gentle and gradual weaning is the way to go. She suggests these steps to make weaning your toddler less stressful for both mum and child:

  • Limit breastfeeding to once a day.
  • Reduce the breastfeeding time, e.g., from 25 minutes to ten minutes.
  • Delay the breastfeeding time. For example, Jophia’s kids only breastfeed for about five to ten minutes before they sleep at night. Some nights when she knows that they are tired or in good spirits to sleep, she delays going into their bedroom while they are winding down on their bed. After a while when the room is quiet, she peeps in and finds them sleeping on their own.

Remember: patience is key when it comes to weaning. If your child starts reacting negatively with tantrums or meltdowns, tell yourself to remain calm. Do not blow your top, as your child is also trying to understand and transition with the change.

Weaning your toddler from extended breastfeeding may include tears, and tantrums. Go easy, moms and don’t be too hard on yourself.

Republished with permission from theAsianparent Singapore

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Cindy Gan