8 DIY moisturizer recipes that will give you naturally glowing skin

Make skin care affordable! Here are 8 homemade moisturizers and their recipes that will give you naturally glowing skin.

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Don’t underestimate the importance of moisturizing for glowing, silky skin. Today, I propose to you eight recipes for homemade moisturizers that will reinvigorate your skin from the inside out!

Having nourishing moisturizers in your skin care routine is more than compulsory if you wish to preserve your skin’s wellness. Such a product aims at maintaining the water locked in the skin, avoiding dehydration.  

The thing about over-the-counter moisturizers is that they have an array of harmful chemicals, which are linked to many side effects. People with sensitive skin types are more likely to suffer from these. I know what I’m talking about since it’s my skin’s sensitivity that pushed me to the realm of homemade moisturizers.

8 DIY homemade moisturizers

Keep on reading to get acquainted with my DIY homemade moisturizers. They are easy to prepare, all-natural, and quick to make! What more could you ask for?

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1. Coconut oil moisturizer


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  • ½ cup organic coconut oil
  • One teaspoon liquid vitamin E
  • 12 drops of lavender essential oil

Begin by melting the coconut oil. Next, place the jar into a receptacle filled with warm water. Incorporate the other ingredients, and mix until they’re evenly combined. After the coconut oil is solidified, you’ll have created your handmade moisturizer that has an abundance of health benefits.

Now, I will share with you what I love about this recipe. For starters, coconut oil is highly recommended for its fantastic nourishing features. At the same time, it has antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-fungal properties, which means that it behaves similarly to an antioxidant. Also, because it is rich in vitamin E, it repairs and invigorates the skin. It protects skin from cracking and premature wrinkling, while keeping it smooth and toned. Find out more about its effects on the skin here.

Lavender oil, on the other hand, relaxes the face muscles. Thanks to its powerful antioxidants, it protects the skin from the effects of free radicals.

2. Olive Oil Moisturizer


  • Half cup extra virgin olive oil
  • Two capsules of vitamin E
  • Two tbsp coconut oil
  • One tbsp beeswax

Combine the coconut and olive oil with the beeswax in a pan. Let it simmer until the content is melted. After crushing the capsules of vitamin E, add them to the content. Once it’s cooled down, your moisturizer is ready to use!

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Vitamin E is acknowledged to be extremely beneficial for the skin. It has excellent moisturizing properties while treating acne scars. Also, olive oil and coconut oil lock in the skin’s moisture, deterring dehydration and dryness.

3. Aloe Vera Moisturizer


  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 4 tbsp aloe vera gel
  • One tsp vitamin E oil
  • 2 tbsp almond oil

Mix the oil with aloe vera gel into a clean container. Then, add the melted coconut oil to the content, afterward. That is all!

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This is a moisturizer that will keep your skin supple and soft while aiming at diminishing the wrinkles and tightening up the skin. Aloe vera can do marvels for your complexion, especially if you’re dealing with excessive dryness during winter. It aims at rejuvenating fibroblast cells in the skin, which protect your complexion from the harmful UV radiation.

At the same time, almond oil is known for its high vitamin E and D levels, which maximize this moisturizer’s capability of hydrating the skin, treating irritation and dryness.

4. Almond Oil Moisturizer for Dry Skin


  • 1 tbsp almond oil
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp cocoa butter
  • 2 tsp rose water

Start by melting the cocoa butter and almond oil in a container. Remove the mixture from the heat and add the rose water and honey to it. After blending the solution, allow it to cool down.

Almond oil is known to promote the health of the skin. It is loaded with vitamin E, potassium, zinc, monounsaturated fatty acids, and other essential vitamins. Plus, it’s hypoallergenic, recommended especially for sensitive, dry skin.

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Moreover, since it also contains vitamin A, it prevents the appearance of pimples. Honey is also renowned for its antibacterial and nourishing properties, while rose water soothes irritated, sensitive skin, revitalising it.

5. Shea Butter Eczema Moisturizer


  • ¼ cup shea butter
  • ½ coconut oil
  • ¼ cups of oats
  • 2 tsp Vitamin E oil
  • A few drops of lavender essential oil

Grind the oats, until you obtain a powdery consistency. To accomplish this, I use my blender or coffee grinder; each one would do. After that, melt the coconut oil in a pan, until it becomes liquid. Finally, add the lavender essential oil and shea butter. For excellent results, remember that the ingredients have to be evenly distributed, which is why you should mix well. Add the oats and continue stirring. And lastly, incorporate the vitamin E oil.

I already shared with you the benefits of coconut oil above. Now, allow me to introduce you to the health advantages related to shea butter and oats, especially for sensitive skin. The majority of skin treatments for eczema contain vitamin A, which makes shea butter the perfect candidate if you have such a condition since it is rich in this vitamin. Also, oats have soothing properties; it is known for centuries for its ability to soothe itchy skin.

6. Revitalizing Apple Moisturizer


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  • 2 apples
  • One teaspoon olive oil
  • 4-5 tbsp rose water

Cut the apples and remove the seeds. Use a blender to mix the apples with the olive oil. Make sure you obtain a smooth, fine paste. Transfer the content to a pot, and allow it to simmer. Remove the pan from the flame, and add the rose water to the content.

This is a pampering moisturizer, which nourishes your skin, making it glowing and silky better than any other countertop face cream! This is my holy grail for whenever I feel my skin dehydrated.

Apples encompass vitamins C, B and A, and a range of powerful antioxidants that revitalize the skin. Olive oil also has hydrating and antibacterial properties. The result is a smooth, pampered skin! Bear in mind that you have to consume this moisturizer in about one week, and store it in the refrigerator.

7. Beeswax Homemade Moisturizer


  • About ¼ cup beeswax
  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • ½ cup almond/olive oil
  • 1 tsp vitamin E oil
  • 2 tbsp shea butter
  • A few drops of Vanilla essential oil

Mix the ingredients in a jar, and then place it in a pan filled with water. Transfer it on the stove, over medium heat. Meanwhile, you will notice how the ingredients begin to melt. Once they are melted and incorporated, you can transfer the concoction into a receptacle of your choice.

This is a magical moisturizer that hydrates, treats irritations, scars, and eczema. It is also suitable for babies!

8. Green Tea Detox Moisturizer


  • One tsp green tea extract
  • One tbsp almond oil
  • One tbsp rose water
  • One tsp essential oil
  • One tbsp aloe vera juice
  • One tbsp beeswax

In a double boiler, combine the beeswax with the almond oil, and boil the content until the ingredients are melted and incorporated. Remove the concoction from the heat and add the other ingredients.

This moisturizer works best at removing impurities and diminishing the effects caused by pollution. All the ingredients work together to restore the health of your complexion. For more useful articles and skincare tips, check out Fix Your Skin.

Benefits of applying moisturizers to your skin

Moisturizers are a great addition to any daily skin care regimen, regardless of whether you have combination, oily, or dry skin. Using moisturizer may keep your skin feeling renewed and nourished. The oil glands that maintain the health of our skin weaken with age and produce less oil overall. Regular moisturizing lowers the amount of effort required by the glands to maintain good skin throughout life.

Your skin might become imbalanced when it dries out, which can lead to a number of problems. Increased redness, more acne cases, and even glossy skin due to an overreaction to oil production are possible symptoms. What you need is a moisturizer that balances your skin tone to prevent this.

Additionally, the replacement of skin cells occurs more often in some parts of the skin than in others. This can apply to the rest of your face, your neck and ears, and your chest. Your skin may be more vulnerable to UV rays while it is young and fresh. These are often the locations where skin cancer is most likely to occur. It also implies that, should trauma arise, the skin in certain regions of the body is significantly less resilient than the skin in other parts of the body. Because hydrated skin is healthier, applying a moisturizer will help your skin replace only the areas that are damaged.

Furthermore, applying moisturizer to your face helps fight wrinkles and keep your skin pores full of good elements.  Adding moisturizer causes your skin to plump up, which makes your face appear firmer and less wrinkled.

Updates by Jobelle Macayan

Also read: 7 Affordable skincare tips that actually work

Republished with permission from: theAsianParent Singapore

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