Homeschooling in the Philippines: 10 things you need to know before homeschooling your kids

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Planning to homeschool your child? Here are the things you need to know about homeschooling in the Philippines.

Homeschooling in the Philippines

Homeschooling is gaining ground here in the Philippines as a viable educational option, with more parents choosing to explore it and “take the plunge” into the “road less travelled,” as many people call the homeschooling path. Even celebrity parents like Hans and Marilen Montenegro, Chuckie and Yen Dreyfus, and Chinkee and Nove-ann Tan have discovered the joys of homeschooling, as they have chosen to be their children’s teachers.

For those who are trying it out though, homeschooling may seem daunting, even scary, at first. That’s why attending homeschooling seminars and conferences and reading up about homeschooling can be a huge help to newbies or just-curious-about-homeschooling parents.

Homeschooling in the Philippines is regulated by the Department of Education (DepEd) Homeschooling Program. Parents must meet DepEd’s requirements, including submitting a letter of intent, a curriculum portfolio, and showing teaching capacity. Accredited homeschool providers offer support.

The curriculum aligns with national standards and covers subjects like Math, Science, Language, and Social Studies. Assessments and progress reports are needed. Socialization is encouraged through community activities. Completion requires a Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT). Regulations can change, so check DepEd’s website. Homeschooling demands parental time and effort. Thorough research is vital before committing.

Here are 10 things that you need to know before you get started in homeschool in Philippines:

10 things you need to know before homeschooling your kids

1. Your “inner why” for homeschooling

If you’re thinking about homeschooling, one of the most important things that you need to know is this — if you don’t have your own set of reasons for taking on your child’s education, you need to think on it, stat!

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Having your own “inner why’s” for homeschooling will help you stay focused if and when you decide to “take the plunge.” Your reasons for homeschooling will also help you stay strong amidst any negative statements and feedback that you might get from people who will question your decision.

Homeschooling in the Philippines | Image from Freepik

2. Your goals for your child’s education

Any parent — homeschooling or not — should have goals for their child’s education. Of course, having our own goals does not mean that we get to dictate what we want to our children, or pressure them too much to excel.

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Think about the kind of education you want your child to have, and involve him in goal-setting, if you can.

3. The local laws about homeschooling

In the Philippines, homeschooling is perfectly legal. You can read more about the legal status of homeschooling on the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) website.

4. The benefits and potential disadvantages of homeschooling

Do your research on the different “good” and possible “bad” effects of homeschooling. The Internet is a good place to start, but it will also help to talk to parents who are already homeschooling their kids. The upcoming Philippine Homeschool Conference is a great venue to meet these parents. (See more details on the Conference at the end of this article.)

5. That homeschooling is NOT “school at home.”

Many people think that homeschooling is simply bringing home the conventional school set-up that most of us have grown up with. This is not true at all, although some homeschooling parents may incorporate certain “school-ish” practices like having the kids wear uniforms, setting specific times for each subject, and so on, into their homeschooling routine.

The truth is, homeschooling gives families the freedom to learn anywhere and everywhere and at any time — so you certainly aren’t just limited to doing schoolwork within the four walls of your home.

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Homeschool in Philippines | Image from Freepik

6. The terms: “homeschool methods,” “homeschool curricula” and “homeschool providers”

Don’t be daunted by these foreign-sounding words. Learn what they are (again, the Internet is a very useful resource), and ask experienced homeschoolers what these terms mean if you can.

7. That it’s not an easy, widely accepted choice

Not everyone around you will be supportive of your decision to homeschool, if ever you do decide to do it. This is because homeschooling is still a fairly new educational option here in the Philippines, and many people have certain misconceptions about homeschooling.

The good news is, though, that when it comes to homeschooling, the most important people you should think about are your children. If you believe that it is the best option for them, what other people say won’t matter as much.

8. There will be challenging, difficult days when you will want to give up — and that’s perfectly normal

Many, if not most, home-schooling parents will agree with this statement: Home schooling is tough. It can bring out the worst (and the best!) in you as a person and as a parent. You will want to give up sometimes. You will want to call every day a “holiday” at times. Don’t worry — it’s normal to go through such moments. Those are the times when you should go back to your “inner why’s” for homeschooling.

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Homeschool in Philippines | Image from Freepik

9. You need to learn to let go of your preconceived notions, relax, and keep it real

Many parents who begin home schooling have “ideals” and preconceived notions about what a “perfect” or “typical” homeschool set-up is like.

Let me warn you now — you need to let go of them. Instead, do your best to relax, and just do your best every day. Keep it real, and don’t get hung up on sticking to your original plans — there is plenty of room for flexibility, and time to catch up on your goals. What matters most is your relationship with your kids.

10. Where to get support

As a homeschooler, you will need all the support you can get (see numbers 8 and 9 on this list again to know why that is so). Thankfully, there are many home schooling support groups now here in the Philippines — all you need to do is to connect yourself to them.

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If you’re considering homeschooling, or have already been homeschooling for a while, it would certainly be helpful to learn more about this unique educational path before you embark on it. A

t the upcoming “Ready For The World: Philippine Homeschool Conference 2015”, you’ll get to learn from both foreign and local speakers, who are home-schooling or have previously homeschooled their children, as well as mingle with like-minded parents. You can also find quality educational materials for your kids at the Conference expo, which will also be open to those who do not wish to attend the Conference talks.

Whether or not you choose to homeschool, it’s always good to expand your knowledge about different parenting options and methods. Because, after all, parenting is essentially the heart of homeschooling.


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Dazzle Ng Sy