How to cope with a miscarriage the healthy way

Trying to overcome the pain after miscarrying is one of the hardest battles any parent has to fight. We share the best ways to cope with the pain.

When expectant mother miscarries, no one really knows how she feels except herself and other women who may have experienced something similar.

Miscarriages happen for different reasons and at different times, but the pain of the aftermath is always the same. For a woman who had been so excited about her baby and had even come up with a name, losing that precious life within her can be devastating and depressing.

Aided with time, a woman robbed of the opportunity of being a mother can heal herself and eventually get over a miscarriage.

It’s not your fault

Women who miscarried often blame themselves. If you suffered from a miscarriage, do not berate yourself too much. Miscarriages happen primarily because of problems with the chromosome make up, and not because you forgot to take your pre-natal vitamins or because you aren’t eating healthy.

It may be really hard to do at this point, but forgive yourself and accept what had happened.

Understand why the miscarriage happened

Instead of staying in bed all day and recalling how it felt when you miscarried, focus all your energy on finding out why it had happened. Visit your doctor and have her explain to you the causes on why you miscarried.

She may have already told you what had happened but now that your mind is clearer, you can truly understand everything with an open mind.

Get over a miscarriage together

Even if it was you who had physically lost a child, your spouse also lost his, albeit emotionally, so don’t shut him out. Instead, heal together.

Take some time off from work and just go somewhere where you can both relax, enjoy and just contemplate on what had happened. Grieving together actually helps move the healing process faster.

get over a miscarriage

Getting over a miscarriage is not easy but can be done with the support of friends and family.

Take action

Realizing the cause of what had happened can help you get over a miscarriage. You’ll be so distracted about following your doctor’s orders or seeking treatments that you won’t have time to mope or be depressed.

Do not forget

Most women who have miscarried have a hard time moving on because they just want to forget. Unfortunately, forgetting is not the key. The loss of a baby, no matter how early in the pregnancy, is real and just can’t be simply forgotten.

In order to get over a miscarriage, do not forget but accept what has happened. Acceptance is a much needed step in healing and moving on.

Surround yourself with friends

It is easier to get over a miscarriage if you surround yourself with positive individuals, who can make you laugh and enjoy your day. This might sound impossible with all the emotional pain you are currently feeling but it really helps. If you have some friends who have experienced the same thing, talk to them about how they got over a miscarriage.

What did you do to get over a miscarriage? We’d love to hear your story and how you managed coping with the loss of a baby. Tell us your story and you might be able to help others heal too. For more on how to deal with a miscarriage, watch this video:

Also read: Senyales ng miscarriage ng walang pagdurugo

Republished with permission from theAsianParent Singapore

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