LOOK: Miriam Quiambao shares birth story of Baby Elijah

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Almost a month after giving birth prematurely, Miriam Quiambao shares the birth story of her son Elijah. She says it happened in "God’s perfect timing."

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Almost a month after giving birth prematurely, Miriam Quiambao shares her birth story in a post on Instagram. She writes in her caption, “On Perfect Gifts & God’s Perfect Timing.”

Miriam Quiambao: Birth story

In her post last March 12, the former beauty queen narrates that she was supposed to have a scheduled caesarean section that day to give birth to Baby Elijah, her firstborn with husband Ardy Roberto. March 12 marked the week before her baby was supposedly due.

For some reason, God sent him almost a month early and was born last Feb. 16, 2019, just a couple of days after Valentine’s day,” Miriam writes. “It has been a little over 3 weeks since and I’m still in awe about how the Lord orchestrated his arrival.”

Last February 13, Miriam went to the hospital for a check up. She found out that she was already 1cm dilated at 34 weeks! The former beauty queen was not allowed to go home anymore and was hooked on a fetal monitor.

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“My doppler ultrasound was scheduled on a Monday, the same day my OB [Dr. Becky Singson] was scheduled to leave for Japan. By some divine leading, she decided to have a doppler ultrasound a few days earlier where the sonologist found out that my amniotic fluid level was too low.”

Amniotic fluid in pregnancy is very important. It protects and aids the baby’s development of muscles, limbs, lungs and digestive system. It is what the baby “breathes” inside the womb.

When the amniotic fluid becomes too low, it becomes dangerous for the baby. In some cases, it might cause fetal death.

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“My doctor then decided that I should undergo an emergency C-Section that very Saturday before the baby becomes distressed which could lead to him being stillborn,” Miriam says.

Miriam gave birth via an emergency caesarean section at 7:32 p.m. on February 16. Baby Elijah “weighed 4lbs 7oz., cried heartily, had an Apgar score of 10 and has a perfect latch.

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Although the circumstances of Baby Elijah’s birth are not what she had hoped for, Miriam is nonetheless grateful.

“It may have seemed a month too early but it was God’s perfect timing — the supernatural childbirth that I was praying for. Now I am blessed that I can cradle him in my arms to stare at his beautiful face. What a perfect post-Valentine’s gift from a faithful God whom we serve!”

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Also read: Miriam Quiambao, gives birth at 34 weeks!