Woman fights back after mother-in-law embarrassed her

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"His mom then told me there was no place left for me and that I could either have Bob get up and take his seat or .... go home."

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Have you ever been involved in mother-in-law fights or other arguments with your in-laws? Like in most cases, there could be a considerable chance that your spouse is a bit fond of their family. Concerning this, you will need to make an effort and find a way to like them as well.

Once a person gets married, for better or worse, in-laws will be and always be part of their lives. In whatever circumstance, it would be best to figure out how to co-exist and keep the peace in the family. Lucky are those who effortlessly have a good and harmonious relationship with their in-laws.

However, that is not always the case for everyone. Not every married person has a good, if not the best, relationship with the family of their spouse. Even up to now, some people are still trying to get along with their in-laws.

A good and harmonious relationship with your spouse’s loved ones could be the best for everyone. Unfortunately, it will not always be a thing for every married person. Many people find it difficult to get along with their in-laws. In some cases, wives often deal with creepy brothers-in-law or fathers-in-law.

After getting through lots of impoliteness and embarrassment, a woman on Reddit learned to fight back. She was able to save herself from further embarrassment and learned to stand up on her own.

Woman Fights Back After Mother-In-Law Embarrassed Her

A 32-year-old woman has been married to her 39-year-old husband for a year now. Meanwhile, she has already been in a relationship with the same man for three years.

Unfortunately, she never had the best relationship with her mother-in-law. According to her, her husband’s mum usually doesn’t include her in most family gatherings or functions.

What’s her mum’s excuse? Well, the mother-in-law fights back subtly by saying she thought the woman was busy working.

Understandably, the poster disagrees. It is because there were times when she made herself available to feel that she did not belong during a gathering.

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The Mother-In-Law Subtly Humiliates Her

During one gathering, the woman’s mum-in-law invited her and her husband for a celebratory dinner at a restaurant. It was meant to celebrate the health recovery of her mother-in-law.

However, the woman had a prior commitment which is why she came to the venue late. Before the dinner, everyone knows that she will be arriving late and will surely come.

“Thing was when I arrived at the restaurant, I saw that the table was full,” said the woman.

All chairs at their table had been taken, and she stood there with complete puzzlement. Unfortunately, no one saved a seat for her, not even her husband; he and his mum was staring at her.

According to her, “His mom then told me there was no place left for me and that I could either have Bob get up and take his seat or …. go home.” The woman got upset because of the incident. “Instead of going home, I just went and took an entire table for me,” she said.

The husband and his mum did not expect that she would do that. They watched her with their eyes popping out of their heads like they saw something shocking. Aside from the two, she also got weird looks from the guests.

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“It was awkward, in all honesty,” said the woman.

Image source: iStock

Mother-In-Law Fights Back With Son

Despite the awkward situation, she remained firm. She had her dinner at the restaurant and went home after. She even saw her husband and mother-in-law giving her a grudging look on her way out.

The husband got home an hour after she did. He immediately went to her to yell and say how much she embarrassed him and his mum. The two felt embarrassed about what she did in front of the guests.

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She then expressed her side and said how she felt after they denied her a seat. Unfortunately, the mother-in-law fights back by using her son against the woman.

The husband told her that it was not his nor his mum’s fault that there were no available seats when she arrived. He emphasized that the guests came before her and occupied the seats.

“I told him he could’ve saved me a chair,” she explained. “He said that I could’ve just left instead.” After that, he “reminded me that I was a ‘guest,’ and that I shouldn’t expect this level of entitlement to be ‘accepted.’”

The woman’s husband continuously vents about how she ruined his mum’s celebratory dinner. The couple hardly made it up to each other since the incident.

She was still confused about why she was treated that way by her mother-in-law and her husband. She then ends her post, wondering if was wrong for her to assume that her husband reserved a seat for her.

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Image Source: iStock

Who Was in the Wrong?

Like most posts from this famous subreddit, the poster asked if fellow users agree or disagree with their actions. Several netizens reacted and commented on the post due to the in-law’s toxic behaviour.

Meanwhile, other users pointed out the husband’s “mama’s boy” attitude after his mum disrespected his wife. We understand the common reactions of netizens because marriages often fall out due to circumstances similar to the woman’s experience. However, we also don’t know the whole story behind the woman’s post.

This article has been republished with the permission of theAsianparent Singapore.

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