An open letter to my quarantine baby: The world is still better with you in it.

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What would you like to tell your child about the world you live in today? Read this heartwarming letter from a hopeful mother.

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Open Letter to My Quarantine Baby – from a hopeful mom’s point of view

Hello there, little one!

Where do I begin?

Okay, I’m not going to lie to you. This is a crazy world we live in.

You came into the world at an important point in history. All over the world, people are being infected by the coronavirus COVID-19. We are now in a pandemic, and the world has changed from how it was before.

The world before

Let me start by telling you about the world we lived in before all this happened.

Living in the 21st century has been great. But it wasn’t perfect.

“It was a world of waste and wonder, of poverty and plenty,” to borrow a line from the famous video called “The Great Realisation.” 

It’s true. Most of the time, people lived vicariously, and we felt we had a lot of time in our hands. We can do anything and go anywhere.

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An open letter to my quarantine baby. | Image from Stock

You can go to the beach on a hot summer day. You can ride on an airplane and let it take you a thousand miles away.

The schools were filled with children,  and you can hear their voices echoing down the halls. On weekends, you can see them in the playground without a mask or any care in the world. Cinemas were packed with moviegoers, and laughter filled each room.

Hugs and high-fives were the norms when you greet family and friends. You can also see the smiles of strangers when you pass by them in public places.

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What changed?

Then the pandemic happened, and then people got scared (rightfully so). Hundreds then thousands of people died and got so sick that our world leaders began to implement health and safety protocols to limit the spread of the virus.

In a nutshell, the world closed down.

Schools stopped to keep the kids at home, and the traditional way of education was replaced by distance learning and we all just had to adapt.

People grew worried and started hoarding goods like face masks and alcohol.

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Malls, cinemas, and other public places closed down. Now the only places that are full are the hospitals, and hospital beds are in-demand.

Businesses shut down and people lost their jobs.

An open letter to my quarantine baby. | Image from iStock

And the saddest part of all, some people lost their loved ones. We lost a beloved relative to COVID. And we never even got to say goodbye properly because we weren’t allowed to visit.

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But not all changes were for the worse.

Because of the virus, people learned to be more careful and took hygiene and sanitation seriously. We learned to wear masks to protect others and to wash our hands properly. We took a step back from our busy lives and started prioritizing our health.

We learned to be more considerate; to stay at home when we feel sick. The concept of social distancing was re-introduced and we learned to be more respectful of personal space.

People have a newfound respect for doctors, nurses, teachers, and people who make our lives easier. We took them for granted before. Stay-at-home moms finally got the appreciation they deserve.

Then you came

Finding out you were coming brought anxiety, fear, but above all, and always, so much joy.

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But we worried, day and night, about the kind of world you would be born into. We felt sad that it isn’t as great as we had hoped.

I was afraid for myself but most of all, I was so scared for you.

In every doctor’s appointment, every trip to the hospital, I was worried that the virus would sneak into my system and put you at risk.

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But we had to be brave, and we had to stay strong for you.

Then it was time for you to come out.

You were welcomed into the world by heroes. The doctors and nurses risked their lives to help your mother give birth and make sure you come out healthy and safe.

And we breathed a sigh of relief that you came out perfectly. The moment we saw you, we realized that all our pain and sufferings were worth it.


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Paano aalagaan si baby kapag siya ay nag-positibo sa COVID-19?


You are more than just a quarantine baby

There you are, a quarantine baby from the world’s definition. Yes, you are born at a time when the world was in quarantine, but to me and your family, you are more than that.

You’re the light at the end of a really long tunnel. You’re the star in our darkest night. You’re the beauty that happened in the midst of chaos. You are nothing short of a miracle.

Your smiles help us forget, at least momentarily, about everything sad that’s happening around us. Indeed, the world is better with you in it.

You’re the very reason why we keep living and keep fighting.

A world full of hope

Some say the world will never go back to the way it was before, and maybe they’re right. Each day is full of uncertainty.

But each day with you is also full of hope.

I hope in a few years’ time (or hopefully sooner than later), you get to see the world in all its glory.

I hope you experience walking in a busy street, seeing the smiles of strangers.

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I hope you enjoy welcoming a new year with fireworks, and a lot of noise.

I hope to get to have play dates, real ones, outdoors, where you can be silly with your friends, and not just in front of a screen.

I hope you get to go to a movie, or a play, or a concert filled with people having a good time together.

I hope you get to enjoy a warm hug from a loved one (even a group hug) and not have to worry about them getting sick or dying because of that display of affection.

We keep our hopes up for you. Thinking of a better future for you motivates us to keep fighting. And we will keep fighting because we owe it to you.

We owe it to you and other quarantine babies like you to keep fighting to make sure you will have a better, kinder world that you deserve.

You are my peace in this otherwise crazy world. Thank you for keeping me company during the world’s loneliest time.

Written by

Camille Eusebio