Self care tips for quarantined moms

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15 seconds or 3 hours—no matter how much time moms can spare, finding time for oneself is essential. And when moms feel great, they’re in tiptop shape to take care of their family. It’s a win-win!

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Staying home is more than just necessary for the safety of others and of your own, it’s also a luxury. Think of all the frontliners, essential workers, and employees who are risking their lives every day to serve and earn a living. 

If you’re a quarantined mom, the time you’ve spent with your child these past few months is perhaps the most time you’ve had with them in a long time. And while that quality time is something to be treasured and remembered, the constant togetherness might make you feel like you hardly have time for yourself. 

Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s what you need to do to recharge and be a better mom, and to give yourself the love that you so generously give to others. Here are a few self-care ideas that you could try, depending on how much time you’ve got to spare. If you’ve got… 


15 seconds: Breathe It Out 

Think of this as your way to take a literal pause on your day. In a quiet space, sit still, put your hand on your heart, and breathe in deeply for five seconds, breathe out for five seconds, too. Repeat for fifteen seconds, or for as long as you like. 

Why is this helpful? It helps calm you down, for one thing. It also reminds you that you’re still here—and that’s more than enough reason to celebrate. 

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1 minute: Look out the window, or stare at greenery. 

Studies have proven that being around nature gives an instant relaxing feeling for humans. Give yourself a moment to look at the sky and trees outside. If you have a garden or backyard, take a break and sit outside for a while. 


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3 minutes: Savor your favorite meal or drink. 

When you’ve been having homecooked meals for the past few months, it’s understandable that too much exposure to it has made you rush through mealtime. Today, take time to make the perfect bite, and thoroughly taste and chew it. Close your eyes and go slowly if needed. If you want to go the extra mile, order food from your favorite restaurant and get your perfect bite from there—you’ll definitely have an easier time savoring a dish that you haven’t had in a while. 


30 minutes: Get all dressed up. 

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When was the last time you put on makeup and clothes that aren’t loungewear? If you can’t remember, then it’s been far too long. Pick out nice clothes to wear around the house today, it doesn’t need to be the pieces you used to wear on a night out with friends or with your spouse, it just needs to make you feel good and happy. Put on a swipe of lipstick, or a full face, and a spritz of your favorite perfume. Staying home in style might just be the way to lift up your spirits!


1 hour: Indulge in your hobbies. 

Netflix and chill, baking, reading, napping—whatever is your favorite activity, go ahead and do it. If getting me-time is a challenge, making chores more efficient will shave off precious minutes—maybe even hours!—that you can use for me-time. Go ahead and use Downy Expert Antibac with 99.9% germ protection on clothes (as tested on representative germ Staphylococcus aureus on cotton terry fabric) to take care of your clothes. Let it give your clothes the bangong parang tinuyo sa araw, even when dried indoors, and you can enjoy your me-time in peace!


If you have a whole hour to yourself with nothing to do, that’s precious time that will re-energize you—time that you can’t get back, time that you’re taking away from your day. It’s like you’re saying to yourself that you’re important enough to spend time on, and isn’t that the truth? 

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Also read: Get in Control of that Electricity Bill with these Home Energy-Saving Tips


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Written by

Maita De Jesus