Our Unexpected Bundle of Joy

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It was in December 2019 when my partner and I first found out I have a PCOS in my left ovary. I was worried at first but I really don’t have extra time to do follow up check ups because of work. Plus, my OB told me that it’s not yet serious, so I just carried on with my ‘normal’ routine (that mantra that most of us do, ‘don’t get treated unless it’s worst, that’s me lol).

March 2020, my partner lost his dad. This was the most challenging year for us. He doesn’t have the drive to do anything. Plus it was ECQ, my partner was so frustrated because he can’t travel back to Cebu to see his dad for the last time. The only thing he can recall was the last time they talked, It was a conversation about him asking for a grand daughter.

We were left with no other choice but to move on with our lives and wait until ECQ is lifted so he can go back home.

After a few months of mourning, I suddenly felt an abnormality on my monthly period. It was unusually heavy. On my normal red days, I use 5 packs of napkin (max) but during this time, night pads can’t bearly hold up for 2 hours. There was also a time when the napkin can no longer hold the blood and it’s already dripping in my legs (looks like having a miscarriage). This was my cue that there’s something wrong. My partner immediately rushed me to the hospital. Did the pregnancy test and undergone trans-V. That’s when I found out that this is all because of my PCOS (now on both ovaries).

I was advised to keep away from stress and was prescribed meds for hormonal imbalance.

March 2021, travel restrictions was eased, and my partner was able to travel back to Cebu (for a month). I didn’t join him because of work. I also want him to take this time to be with his family, so I let him travel alone.

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But around end of March, I noticed that I was delayed, which was normal for me ever since I discovered that I have a PCOS. Out of nowhere I found a pregnancy test kit from our cabinet and tried it before I took a shower. I even forgot to check it after taking a bath. Only to find out that there’s a solid 2 lines on it…

I was shocked. I didn’t know how to react. It’s quite hard to process everything. But all I know is I’m happy and excited.

I told my partner about this, and of course he was very happy. He told the news to his mom right away, and we even made plans to get married once he gets back to MNL.

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Next morning, I went to the clinic to confirm everything, and make sure that the baby that’s growing inside me is ok. However, I got a news that I was most afraid to hear. They can’t detect the baby. There was no trace of it on my trans-V. But the doctor told me, it might just be too early. She gave me pre-natal vitamins and was advised to get an ultrasound after 2 weeks.

It was the longest 2 weeks of my life. By that time, my partner is already back and we went to the clinic together to get the ultrasound. He stayed outside. Until a few minutes later, I heard the heartbeat of my little one, and the doctor told me everything is now normal. I’m officially pregnant! My heart was jumping with joy! I was even teary-eyed when I walked out of the clinic.

I immediately told the good news to my husband and his face lit up. The smile that was once lost when his dad died came back.

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It was just one of the most priceless moments in our lives that we will surely treasure forever. Though his dad is no longer here physically to see this, we know his happy watching us from a far.

We also got married during my pregnancy, moved to a different apartment which is way bigger than the old one. We are now ready to build our family.

God definitely has a reason for eveything. This might not be planned but He gave us a bundle of joy that we are wanting for a long time. He made not just us happy, but everyone in our family.

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