9 Ways to save on hospital bills before and after giving birth

Welcoming a baby can be the most magical thing in the world but it is also filled with real, financial responsibilities. Here are some simple tips on how to welcome your bundle of joy without breaking the bank.

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Pregnancy is an exciting time filled with anticipation and excitement but it can also be filled with worry. Don't let financial problems take over what's supposed to be a magical time.

Here are some simple ways on how you can save on hospital bills before and after giving birth.

1. Check your health insurance coverage

First things first: be informed and take action early. Once you find out you're expecting, check what your health insurance plan can do for you.

If you are employed in a company or if your husband has indicated you as a dependent, make sure you approach your human resources department to know what kind of coverage you are entitled to.

If you are self-employed, you can proceed directly to your insurance company provider to get information on what benefits and compensation you can expect, now that you're expecting.

This way, you can come up with a plan to save up before the big day.

2. Do your homework 

Read up on hospitals and the packages they offer. You can also consult your OB-Gyne regarding what hospital best suits your needs as well as your budget.

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Why not try visiting the hospital so you can get a feel of the place?

This may also help you pick which one you'd most be comfortable in. Affordability should not be your sole consideration.

Don't hesitate to tell your OB-Gyne about your financial concerns because it's better to be upfront as early as possible.

READ: Maternity package rates from over 40 maternity hospitals in Manila 

3. Have a pediatrician in advance

You can use your medical insurance to guide you. Review their list of associate pediatricians ahead of time so you can start building a relationsip with them as well.

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Specialists may cost more so refrain from choosing them unless your OB-Gyne refers you to one.

Having a pediatrician can also give you peace of mind so you can focus on preparing for your delivery.

4. Know what comes with the package

It always helps to know where your money will be going. That way, you can shed those expenses which are unnecessary.

For instance: toiletries and medication provided by the hospital may cost more. So, you can ask to bring your own toilet paper, wipes, alcohol, maternity pads etc. Knowing what over-the-counter medication you'll need and buying them in advance could also help you save up.

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Don't forget to also ask about freebies that come with the maternity package you decide on!

More hospital bill-saving tips on the next page!

5. Check Philhealth

Philhealth's maternity coverage applies to both cesarean and normal deliveries.

So it's best to know ahead of time by reviewing your coverage. The hospital you'll be giving birth should also be a consideration.

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Note that PhilHealth will only cover your first four normal deliveries. Members should also be constantly making their contributions in order to avail of their full maternity benefits.

Remember: All the requirements need to be submitted within 60 days after you are discharged.

READ: Philhealth Maternity Benefits: Your benefits and how you can avail them

 6. Share a room

Choosing a ward or a semi-private room can be a lot more practical than booking a private room. Most semi-private rooms still offer a certain level of privacy by way of curtains and partitions; there's no harm in sharing a room as long as there are no complications after birth that require isolation.

7. Go natural

For low-risk pregnancies, home births or birthing centers are viable options. Having a natural and drug-free delivery will save you a lot of money.

You may also choose to do away with pain medications or epidurals in order to save more but read up and prepare yourself before making a decision.

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8. Be meticulous with your bill

Once you're ready to take your little one home, it's easy to be caught up in the bliss of parenthood that you forget to review the bill.

Don't forget to check each item and verify if everything is in order. Ask questions if you are unsure of any item on the bill; this will help make sure they did not make any mistakes in billing you.

9. Pay cash

If you say you're paying the amount upfront and in full, you may get a reduced rate. Ask the hospital's financial department about their available payment schemes.

Who knows? Maybe you can get a discount if you get the bill settled as early as possible.

We hope you find these tips helpful. Getting into the habit of saving early on will prove to be a great skill as you navigate the challenges of raising your little one.

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Written by

Bianchi Mendoza