Myths and facts about what's safe and what’s not during breastfeeding

We're here to debunk the myths and share the facts about what's safe and what's not safe for your baby during breastfeeding.

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Breastfeeding has a lot of benefits for both you and your newborn baby. That's why it's recommended to exclusively breastfeed your child until they're able to eat solid food. And even then, you should still supplement their diet with breast milk since it has the important nutrients that their body needs.

However, as new moms, you might hear a lot of myths and misconceptions about how to go about breastfeeding, as well as what to do and what not to do. We're here to help get you sorted so that you can breastfeed your child without any worries!

If you're breastfeeding, you shouldn't use an antiperspirant

You've probably heard that you shouldn't use antiperspirants when you're breastfeeding since the aluminum which stops sweat, might get into your milk and get ingested by your baby.

However, doctors say that there's no evidence that the aluminum in antiperspirants can reach your milk, so there's no reason to stop using antiperspirants when you're breastfeeding.

It is advised however, to use an antiperspirant that has little to no scent, as your baby latches on by smell, and using a strongly scented antiperspirant or even a body wash can confuse your newborn.

Pain relievers are a no-no

Nope, again this isn't true. Generally speaking, pain relievers such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and naproxen are okay to use, so long as you don't have any pre-existing restrictions or allergies with those pain killers. However, pain relievers with decongestants can possibly lower your milk supply, and antihistamines tend to make you drowsy, so it's best to avoid those while breastfeeding.

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As usual, if you could ask your doctor about pain relievers, then you should ask them as they know best.

Coffee is off-limits

You can still drink your beloved brew in the morning, even if you're breastfeeding. Studies show that a very small amount of caffeine goes into your milk, and it's generally safe for your baby.

If you're a heavy coffee drinker however, it might be best to drink a lot less, as the caffeine can accumulate in your baby's body, and make them fussy and irritable. If you can skip the coffee, then you should. But a cup or two wouldn't hurt.

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You should eat less if you want to lose the pregnancy weight

Great news! Did you know that breastfeeding burns about 500 calories? This means that if you want to lose the pounds you packed during your pregnancy, then you only need to breastfeed your child.

There's no need to go on a diet, or cut back significantly on your calories. Just make sure to eat well, and eat right so that you can produce enough milk for your newborn.

You can drink alcohol so long as you pump before drinking

This one's not true. If you're breastfeeding, it's best to avoid alcohol, as a small amount of alcohol does get into your milk, and can change the taste of your breast milk. The risk here is that your child might get used to how the alcohol tastes, and can thus cause problems for them.

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A glass of champagne or red wine on your birthday, is fine. However, doing it weekly, or even daily, can be a risk for your child, so it's best to lay off the booze while you're breastfeeding.


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Written by

Jan Alwyn Batara