REAL STORIES: "I work two jobs, 12 hours a day—and I'm exclusively breastfeeding!"

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Can you manage to be a full-time working mom while breastfeeding your baby at the same time? Read the innermost thoughts of one amazing multitasking mama. 

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Can you manage to be a full-time working mom while breastfeeding your baby at the same time? Read the innermost thoughts of one amazing multitasking mama.

What can you read in this article?

  • Working full-time and breastfeeding – how does this mom do it?
  • The struggles and joys of a working mom

Nowadays, many parents are struggling to provide enough money to cover all the expenses of the family. This is why a lot of mothers are also working to help their partners earn a living. I am one of them.

To say that I’m a working mom is almost an understatement – I have a full-time job, an online shop, and another part-time job. Sometimes I feel like I have more than 24 hours a day to do everything on top of taking care of my 9-month-old daughter who is also exclusively breastfeeding. My day job consumes most of my energy.

The struggles of being a working mom and breastfeeding mom

I must admit, leaving our place before the sun rises and going home past dinner time five days a week is so heartbreaking for a working mom. But I always look forward to weekends since that’s the only time that my daughter can sleep and wake up with me by her side.

I feel tired, exhausted and sometimes get to the point of breaking down, but I still manage to get up and tell myself to keep going.

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As a new parent, I had a hard time coping up with my obligations as a mother. Most of the time. I feel guilty for working for more than twelve hours a day that I barely spend time with my daughter. But the situation brought about by the pandemic pushed me to get more than one job.

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In spite of my very busy schedule, I make sure to eat healthily and take supplements to have a sufficient milk supply since she is exclusively breastfed. I may be a working mom, but I’m a breastfeeding mom too. I may have limited time, for now, to spend with my child, but I am doing my best to nourish her with love and the best milk that I can give.

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In my nine-month journey, I realized how tough motherhood is and how strong mothers can be. I feel like I have too much on my plate but I am excited to discover how will I accomplish everything. I am amazed at the strength I have now. Knowing myself before motherhood, I can say that I discovered a lot of things about myself.


Want to boost your milk supply? One working mom shares her tips

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How does she do it?

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Of all the jobs I had before and the jobs I am still doing now, taking care of a baby is the most challenging. Looking after my own child, making sure I am giving her the right food, the proper care, and an endless list of things to make sure is well. Looking after a child, even for just a couple of hours is truly exhausting that only a mother can endure it happily.

Aside from the energy and determination, having proper time management keeps me on track of the things I need to do. Effective scheduling means a lot to me as a multitasker. Given my busy schedule and the limited hours in a day, being efficient with my time is a must.

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And even though I want to finish all the tasks on time, I still need to pause and rest. I do not allow myself to be mentally and physically drained, as I acknowledge how important my health and well-being are. As much as I need to take care of my family, I should take care of myself first. As the old saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Though I feel sometimes that there’s so much to do and I get overwhelmed with the responsibilities in our household, I keep on reminding myself to enjoy the journey of motherhood. Whenever stress and exhaustion strike, I find a way to cheer myself up. Big thanks to my husband who always make me feel that we are in this together.

I believe that I am able to accomplish my tasks as a wife and a mother because I am appreciated and supported by my husband. Because of our respect and love for each other, we make it work and are able to provide a happy home for our little family.

I may have more than just one role in our family but I am grateful for it. To manage a household, support my husband, do more than just one job – being a working mom while exclusively breastfeeding an infant make me not just a supermom or a super wife, but a superwoman.

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