23 signs you're having a girl during pregnancy: Myths and Facts

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23 signs you're having a girl, myths, and facts you should know!

"Have you ever heard of the belief regarding predicting the gender of a fetus by observing the physical characteristics of the mother during pregnancy? There are many such beliefs circulating, one of which is the signs of carrying a girl seen from the mother's belly button.

Is it true that observing the mother's condition during pregnancy can predict the gender of the fetus? So, what steps can be taken to determine the baby's gender with certainty? Read on for the discussion!

Signs of carrying a girl seen from her mother's belly button

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The gender of a baby is indeed one of the many things that make parents curious and eager to guess before the baby is born. Therefore, there are various myths about how to predict the gender of the baby during pregnancy.

According to one circulating myth, the shape of the mother's belly button can determine the gender of the baby. Allegedly, if the belly button protrudes outward, it indicates a boy in the womb. Conversely, if the belly button points inward, it suggests that the mother is carrying a girl.

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This myth has been around since ancient times, and you may have heard of it. However, to this day, this myth has not been scientifically proven to be accurate.

In addition to the belly button myth, there are several other myths about the gender of the baby. For example, the shape and size of the belly, where a mother carrying a boy is believed to have a round, ball-like belly, while a mother carrying a girl has a more elongated one. Some even say that mothers carrying girls will appear dull during pregnancy, while those carrying boys will have a radiant glow.

While some myths lack scientific evidence, others are based on scientific research. For instance, it's scientifically supported that severe morning sickness is more likely to occur when pregnant with a girl. This is based on research findings indicating that severe morning sickness, known as hyperemesis gravidarum, tends to be associated with carrying a girl.

Is it true that signs of carrying a girl can be seen from the belly button?


In fact, a mother's belly button is not connected to the baby inside the womb.

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The belly button is where the umbilical cord attaches to the fetus. This cord stretches from the fetus to the placenta to supply the fetus with nutrients and oxygen and remove waste from the fetal body since the baby's body is not yet capable of doing so on its own.

After the baby is born into the world, it no longer needs the umbilical cord as it did in the womb. After the birthing process, a doctor or midwife will cut the umbilical cord, leaving a small protruding part on the baby's belly.

Over the course of a few weeks, the remaining umbilical cord detaches, leaving behind only the baby's belly button as a small, curved indentation on their abdomen. This is the process commonly known as 'cutting the cord.' The remaining part of the belly button is not connected to anything inside the baby's abdomen and remains that way into adulthood.

To this day, many pregnant women misunderstand that their belly button is somehow connected to something inside their abdomen. On the other hand, some mistakenly believe it is connected to the uterus, placenta, or the baby's own belly button.

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So, can signs of carrying a girl be seen from the belly button? The answer is no. Changes that occur to the belly button during pregnancy are due to physical changes in the growing abdomen and have no bearing on the gender of the baby being carried.

Changes that occur to the mother's belly button during pregnancy

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Once a woman becomes pregnant, there will be many changes that occur in her body, including changes in the shape of her belly button.

1. The belly button sticking out

Changes to the belly button typically occur around the second trimester of pregnancy. During this time period, the uterus grows and expands, pushing the abdomen forward.

This also causes the belly button to appear protruded due to the increasing size of the abdomen. There's no need to worry as this is a normal and harmless occurrence.

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If the belly button protrudes or sticks out during pregnancy, it's advisable to consult a doctor to ensure there is no hernia present. Check for any unusual protrusions, especially if the protruding belly button is painful or irreducible (doesn't flatten when pressed). Pregnancy can lead to an umbilical hernia or make an existing one more apparent. Umbilical hernias occur in 0.08% of pregnancies.

2. The belly button becomes flat

Another variation in belly button changes during pregnancy is that the belly button can become flat or level. As the abdomen expands with the growing baby in the womb, you may notice that the belly button appears to become flat and tight, sometimes accompanied by flat skin folds with indentations.

3. Itchy belly button

Itchy skin, especially around the belly button, is quite common during pregnancy. This occurs because as the skin stretches, it can become irritated and itchy. It's typically temporary and normal.

To alleviate the itchiness, keep the skin clean with soap and water and moisturize it well with lotion. If the itchiness around the belly button becomes very bothersome, consult a doctor. The doctor may prescribe hydrocortisone cream or antihistamines.

4. Pain or discomfort in the belly button

It's not uncommon for some pregnant mothers to experience pain in their belly button area. There is no medical consensus on why some pregnant mothers may feel uncomfortable pain in the belly button region.

However, some healthcare experts believe this occurs because the belly button is located in the thinnest part of the abdominal wall. When the abdomen stretches and the uterus expands, it can exert pressure on the skin, leading to discomfort or pain.

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5. The belly button will return to normal after giving birth

Several months after giving birth, the belly button of a pregnant mother will return to its relatively normal position and shape. All discomfort sensations such as pain or itching will gradually disappear.

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Myth: 23 signs that you might be having a baby girl m

Here are 23 signs you're having a girl during your pregnancy:

1. Morning Sickness

Others believe that one of the 23 signs you're having a girl is having a more severe morning sickness.

2. Cravings for Sweets

A preference for sweet foods is often associated with having a girl.

3. Glowing Skin

Thirdly, carrying a girl is said to give mothers a radiant complexion.

4. Hair Growth

Some claim increased hair growth, especially on the legs and arms, is a sign of having a girl.

5. Carrying High

It's often suggested that carrying the baby higher in the abdomen indicates a girl.

6. Emotional Rollercoaster

In addition, another 23 signs you're having a girl is having mood swings and emotional fluctuations during pregnancy.

7. Heart Rate

A fetal heart rate above 140 beats per minute is sometimes linked to having a girl.

8. Cold Feet

If your feet are often cold, it could be a sign of a baby girl.

9. Dreams

Vivid and emotional dreams about girls are believed by some to be a sign of the baby's gender.

10. Skin Changes

Some think that clearer skin or fewer acne breakouts indicate a girl.

11. No Baby Bump Growth

One of the 23 signs you're having a girl during pregnancy is if your baby bump doesn't expand much.

12. Breast Size

An increase in breast size during pregnancy might be associated with having a girl.

13. Nausea All Day

Constant nausea and sickness throughout the day could be linked to having a girl.

14. Hair Condition

Some believe that dull hair during pregnancy may indicate a girl.

15. Ring Test

A popular old wives' tale involves using a ring on a string to predict the baby's gender.

16. Chinese Gender Predictor

This ancient Chinese chart is thought to predict the baby's gender based on the mother's age and conception month.

17. Mayan Gender Predictor

The Mayan calendar method uses the mother's age at conception and the year of conception to determine gender.

18. Drano Test

A risky test that involves mixing Drano with urine to observe a chemical reaction.

19. Baking Soda Test

This test involves mixing baking soda with urine to observe fizzing.

20. Acne Location

Some say that acne on the back indicates a baby girl.

21. Spinning Key

In addition, dangling a key on a string and observing its movement can supposedly reveal the baby's gender.

22. Partner's Weight Gain

Some believe that if the partner gains weight during the pregnancy, it's a sign of having a girl.

23. Intuition

Many people often consider motherly intuition or a gut feeling about the baby's gender as a sign.

Remember, these signs rely on myths and old wives' tales and lack scientific proof. The only reliable methods for determining a baby's gender are medical tests or ultrasound scans.

How to determine the baby's gender?

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1. Blood Test

First, parents can determine the baby's gender by undergoing a non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT), which is a blood test that can detect Down syndrome and some other chromosomal conditions starting from the 10th week of pregnancy. This test also examines fragments of male chromosomes in the mother's blood, which can determine the gender of the baby being carried.

2. Ultrasound

Many pregnant mothers discover the baby's gender through an ultrasound, typically conducted between 18 and 22 weeks. However, if the doctor cannot obtain a clear image of the baby's genitalia, there is a possibility that the gender prediction might be incorrect.

3. CVS or Amnio Test

Third, genetic tests such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis can also determine the baby's gender. Doctors usually perform these tests to check for any genetic or chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome. Typically doctors conduct CVS between the 10th and 13th weeks of pregnancy, while they perform amniocentesis between the 16th and 20th weeks.

Doctors generally do not recommend pregnant women with no increased risk of genetic and chromosomal issues to undergo CVS or amniocentesis because these tests are invasive and entail a small risk of miscarriage.

4. Preimplantation Genetic Testing

Lastly, if parents undergo preimplantation genetic testing during the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process, they will test embryos for genetic or chromosomal abnormalities and gender. Preimplantation genetic testing is nearly 100 percent accurate in determining the gender of the embryo.

The takeaway

Lastly, from ancient times to the present, there have been many myths surrounding baby gender predictions. However, most of these are just myths and are not scientifically proven, such as the idea that you can tell the gender of the baby by looking at the mother's belly button. The accuracy rate is 50:50 because there are only two genders, male and female. Have you also heard similar myths?


Translated with permission from theAsianparent Indonesia

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