8 ways to have a pain-free breastfeeding journey

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Are you experiencing pain that makes you want to give up breastfeeding altogether? Here are 8 things to try before you do!

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There can be numerous reasons why your breast might be in pain during breastfeeding. Bridget Halnan, on NHS‘ interview, claimed that the reason for pain during breastfeeding can have an easy solution. She added that mothers experiencing this pain in breastfeeding should get the right help.

Also, in earlier periods. keeping yourself off without any help may get you in a worst-case scenario. Ideally, information is the key, and before any sore nipples and other conditions arise, we need to alleviate the symptoms.

Thankfully, relief and remedies for breastfeeding pain are just within our reach. Mommies do not need to worry about the eternity of nursery pain during breastfeeding.  However, mommies also need to take note that breastfeeding is not something perfect, it is a struggle that involves pain.

Different causes of pain in the breast while breastfeeding

Although some cases of pain during breastfeeding are normal, if you are having fever, pain in all parts of your breast, chills, rash, thrush, and others, this will need a consultation from a doctor. Meanwhile, here are the different causes of the breast while breastfeeding.

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1. Mastitis

Mastitis, as a condition, is an inflammation and infection existing in the milk duct. The pain, which is experienced during breastfeeding, is located in or near the painful and reddening area of the breast. This is a common condition that breastfeeding moms encounter that includes pain.

Mastitis usually grows and develops in tandem with an ignored latch or other breastfeeding struggles. Because of this, it will really need immediate lactation help at the first sign of pain to avoid severity.

The common remedy for mastitis during breastfeeding is antibiotics and continued breastfeeding after it resolves in a few days.

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2. Blocked breast milk duct

Did you know that the milk-developing glands in your breasts are divisible in segments, like an orange?

The milk ducts, or the narrow tubes, carry the milk from segment to segment and then through your nipples. If one of the segments is not drained carefully during feeding and cluster feeding, this will result in blockage of the milk ducts.

Also, the blocked milk ducts may let you feel a small tender lump in your breasts, which might include pain during breastfeeding

As one of the immediate home and natural remedies, you must avoid wearing tight bras or clothes. It will let your breasts flush the milk freely. 

Other natural and home remedies if you experience blocked milk ducts are the following:

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  • frequent feeding from the affected breast
  • warm flannels, or a warm bath to help the flow
  • a gentle massage on the lump towards the nipple while breastfeeding

In addition, dealing with a blocked milk duct as quickly as you can also help prevent mastitis.

3. Breast abscess

A breast abscess is a severe condition of mastitis. This is caused by neglecting the symptoms or pain you experience having mastitis while breastfeeding.

This condition may also develop if the mastitis does not adhere to frequent breastfeeding, or while taking antibiotics.

8 home remedies to relieve breast pain during breastfeeding

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Though some would argue that breastfeeding without pain is a myth, there are proven ways to make your journey easier. We can’t stress enough how good breastfeeding can be for you and your growing baby.

Breastmilk acts as her first vaccine and boosting her immune system. It also nourishes and provides your baby with nutrients. Best of all, it promotes early bonding between you and your baby. 

Some moms, no matter how much they want to continue nursing their little ones, they can’t do it due to intense pain and discomfort.

Though it’s best not to force it and to consult your doctor, here are the eight things you can try before you consider ending your breastfeeding journey prematurely.

8 home remedies for breast and nipple pain during breastfeeding

These are the following home remedies to relieve your breast and nipple pain during breastfeeding:

1. Check for mastitis or nipple thrush

If the pain doesn’t seem to be going away, it’s best to make sure you don’t have mastitis or nipple thrush. Mastitis is swelling or inflammation of the breast usually caused by infection. It’s usually treated with antibiotics.

Continuing breastfeeding will help drain the breast and hasten to heal. As for nipple thrush or yeast infection, it causes itchiness and cracked nipples accompanied by a sharp pain during nursing. Consult your doctor regarding the right medication, but continue breastfeeding your baby.

2. Relax and wait it out

Once your baby starts to feed and you experience pain, just wait it out. Pain during letdown is fairly common and it should disappear after a few seconds. If it doesn’t, consult your doctor, and don’t force yourself to feed through the pain.

You can also pump first and store your milk while you allow your sore nipples to heal. Regular pumping will prevent your breasts from becoming engorged, which would result in further pain.

3. Reposition yourself and your baby

Sometimes simply repositioning during breastfeeding can do wonders in lessening pain. If you are experiencing pain when doing the cradle hold, then perhaps the football hold or a side-lying position would be best for you.

Make sure the position provides adequate support and comfort for you and your baby. Changing positions allows you to drain your breasts thoroughly, preventing the risk of engorgement. It also relieves pressure from one side of the breast, which can also result in pain.

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4. Check if your baby’s latching well

Is your baby’s chin pressed against your breast? Are you hearing swallowing instead of clicking sounds? Then your baby is latched on properly. Improper latching can cause pain and discomfort.

Another way to tell if your baby is latching well is if their cheeks are full and rounded during feeding, while they take short and quick gulps. Which eventually becomes longer sucks in between which they pause to take in air.

Make sure not to pull out your nipple right away, as this will cause irritation. Gently assist your baby off your breast by pulling them gradually or by using a pinky finger to unlatch them through the side of their mouth.

5. Unclog ducts

Plugged ducts are one of the main causes of pain and swelling for breastfeeding moms. To help ease this, make it a habit to breastfeed on the affected side. You can also pump milk to unclog milk ducts.

6. Pamper your breast

If you have sore, cracked nipples, apply nipple cream or moisturizer. Care for your breasts by applying a warm and cold compresses, as needed.

Applying a warm compress prior to feeding helps reduce pain and swelling. As for cold compress, applying it after feeding can help keep soreness at bay.

7. Make feedings short and frequent

Quick feedings help lessen strain, pain, and discomfort and it also allows your breasts more time to recover. It also keeps your breasts from becoming engorged.

8. Check if you’re wearing the right bra

Make sure that your bra is not too tight and restrictive. Invest in a good nursing bra, which not only provides comfort and support but also makes it convenient for you to breastfeed anywhere.

Lastly, if your baby is teething make sure to guide them not to bite by taking the breast away if they do!

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We hope these tips help make achieving a pain-free breastfeeding journey easier for you!


Additional information by Nathanielle Torre

Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.

Written by

Bianchi Mendoza