Are you curious to know about Philhealth maternity benefits? There are actually Philhealth maternity benefits for unemployed and employed. Read on to know more about how to avail Philhealth maternity benefits and when to file it. And how much is Philhealth contribution for unemployed individuals.
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Philhealth benefits
They say that a baby is always a blessing, and so families often receive pregnancies with much excitement and infanticipation. At the same time, starting from day one of pregnancy, health and medical expenses are already present.
The best way to ease and address the financial burden that comes with carrying a child is to become fully aware of your benefits and entitlements and make the most out of them. For its members, for example, PhilHealth Benefits include a Normal Spontaneous Delivery (NSD) and a Maternity Care Package.
What is Philhealth maternity benefits for normal delivery or normal spontaneous delivery?
The NSD Package is applicable for births in accredited hospitals. The Maternity Care Package is for births in birthing homes, midwife clinics, and lying-in clinics.
What are the Philhealth maternity benefits?
Expectant moms may expect PhilHealth benefits for maternity of varied coverage, depending on the type of delivery, whether normal or cesarean. It also depends on the type of hospital or medical facility where the procedure takes place. There’s a difference between Philhealth maternity benefits for normal delivery and that of cesarean delivery.
Maternity Care Package
Philhealth maternity benefits for normal delivery
Woman photo created by valuavitaly –
For women who give birth via normal delivery in maternity clinics, lying-in clinic, dispensaries, infirmaries, birthing homes, and other accredited non-hospital facilities, the total coverage amounts to Php8,000. This will cover fees for the medical facility and professional handling the case, as well as prenatal care.
The P8,000 PhilHealth maternity care package includes the following:
- Pre-natal care
- Professional fees for accredited doctors and fees for facilities mothers use for delivery and postpartum care, and reproductive health, breastfeeding, and newborn screening counseling.
- Room and board at the hospital or medical facility
- Necessary medicine
- Laboratory fees, supplies, and other additional procedures
- Immunization for tetanus
- Follow-up checkups from three to seven days after childbirth
Normal Spontaneous Delivery Package
For normal deliveries in PhilHealth accredited hospitals and accredited non-hospital facilities the Philhealth maternity benefits are the same as those stated above. But the total receivable amount is only P6,500. However, this is broken down into three parts: P3,000 for the medical facility, P2,500 for the professional fee, and P1,000 for prenatal care expenses.
Cesarean Delivery Package and for other types of birth
PhilHealth benefits for maternity cover mothers who give birth via cesarean section, with a total fixed amount of P19,000. PhilHealth divides this amount in two parts: P11,400 for hospital and medical fees and P7,600 for doctors’ fees. This benefit only covers the first four normal delivery births.
In the case of a cesarean section, PhilHealth covers primary and successive cesarean sections, as well as cesarean delivery resulting from an unsuccessful vaginal delivery for those who previously gave birth via c-section.
PhilHealth also has maternity benefit packages for other types of birth such as the following:
- P12,120 for vaginal delivery after C-section/breech extraction
- P9,700 for complicated vaginal delivery)
Newborn Care Package
Baby photo created by KamranAydinov –
PhilHealth also offers Newborn Care Package amounting to P2,950 which includes the following:
- Essential newborn care supplies such as Vitamin K, eye ointment, vaccines for hepatitis B and BCG
- Doctor’s professional fee
- Expanded Newborn Screening Test or ENBS
- Newborn Hearing Screening Test or NHST
Z Benefits for Premature and Small Newborns
Another maternity benefit that PhilHealth offers is the Z Benefit for premature and small newborns. This includes a benefit package for preterm delivery prevention that amounts from P600 to P4,000. The package can be availed by pregnant women who are in their 24 to 36 and 6/7 weeks of gestation who are at risk of pre-term delivery.
While the benefit package for a premature newborn with a fetal age of 24 weeks to less than 32 weeks amounts from P35,000 to P135,000. Then P24,000 to P71,000 for premature newborns with a fetal age of 32 weeks to less than 37 weeks.
How to apply for PhilHealth maternity benefits
How to avail of Philhealth maternity benefits? In able to avail the Philhealth maternity benefits, you need to apply for them.
To apply for these PhilHealth maternity benefits, you must submit your updated PhilHealth Member Data Record and duly accomplished Claim Form to PhilHealth.
Aside from that, there’s another way how to avail of Philhealth maternity benefits. You can check your PhilHealth contribution online so you won’t need to visit the nearest PhilHealth office to check.
You will also need to include some necessary documentary attachments, such as official receipts, marriage certificates, and proof of identification.
When to file Philhealth maternity benefits?
To avail of Philhealth maternity benefits, it’s important to know when to file it. So, when to file Philhealth maternity benefits? This must be done within 60 days from your hospital discharge date.
Requirements for PhilHealth maternity benefits
In order to become eligible to avail of Philhealth maternity benefits, members should meet a required number of contributions prior to the month when this is to be availed.
1. For Employed members, the requirement is at least three months of contributions within the 6 months immediately before availment.
2. For Individually Paying members, a total of 9 months’ contributions must be made within the 12 months prior to availing it.
3. For sponsored and OFW members, this benefit may be enjoyed as long as the date of availment falls within the membership validity period.
o avail of these benefits, members should be aware of the following requirements and procedures:
Eligibility Criteria:
- Active PhilHealth Membership:
- The member must have an active PhilHealth membership status.
- Sufficient Regularity of Payment (SRP):
- Members are required to have a sufficient and regular contribution payment history to qualify for benefits.
Required Documents:
- PhilHealth Member Data Record (MDR):
- An updated MDR reflecting the member’s information.
- PhilHealth Claim Form 1 (CF1):
- Duly accomplished and signed by the member and employer (for employed members).
- Proof of Contributions:
- Official receipts or employer certification indicating updated premium payments.
- Valid Identification:
- Government-issued ID for identity verification.
- Medical Records:
- Clinical records related to the pregnancy and delivery, as required by the healthcare provider.
Application Process:
- Pre-Admission:
- Ensure all required documents are prepared before hospital admission.
- At the Healthcare Facility:
- Present the necessary documents to the billing or admissions department upon admission.
- Post-Discharge:
- The healthcare provider will process the claim directly with PhilHealth.
Reminder: Services must be availed at PhilHealth-accredited hospitals, infirmaries, dispensaries, birthing homes, or maternity clinics.
How much is Philhealth contribution for unemployed | Philhealth maternity benefits for unemployed
As stated above, these benefits are not only for the employed expectant moms but also for the self-employed and unemployed soon-to-be-mommies. There are also Philhealth maternity benefits for the unemployed.
If you are unemployed, you can avail of Philhealth maternity benefits when you have at least nine posted monthly contributions before you avail the said benefits.
Aside from that, the 45-day regular limit should not have been used. In addition, you should be attended by a Philhealth-accredited doctor and admitted to a Philhealth-accredited facility.
Whether you are employed, self-employed, unemployed, or an OFW member, you can avail of the Philhealth benefits for maternity even if you fail to consistently pay your monthly premiums, as long as you meet the required minimum number of monthly contributions. That is stated in the Universal Healthcare Law.
Photo by Mart Production from Pexels
How can a pregnant woman receive the full benefits for PhilHealth maternity packages?
According to PhilHealth, in order to avail the full benefits of their maternity packages, a pregnant woman should do the following:
- She should consult a PhilHealth accredited health care provider upon the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Through this, she will be given the necessary health services and the status of her PhilHealth membership will be verified and updated.
- The pregnant woman should regularly consult her health care provider. She should also secure a mother’s book with records of her consultation.
- Aside from updating her PhilHealth membership, the pregnant woman should also ensure that she pays her premium contributions on time.
- She should also make sure that she’ll give birth to a PhilHealth accredited health care institution.
Steps on how to be a PhilHealth member
If you are planning to get pregnant anytime soon and want to avail yourself of PhilHealth maternity benefits, here are the steps you need to take to become a PhilHealth member.
- First, visit any PhilHealth Insurance Offices or Express outlets near you.
- In the PhilHealth office or outlet, you will be instructed to fill out 2 copies, of the PhilHealth Member Registration Form (PMRF)
- After filling up the registration form submit it to the PhilHealth officer together with your Two (2) 1×1 latest ID picture and 2 valid IDs.
- Wait for your printed Member Data Record (MDR) and PhilHealth ID Card
- Pay the necessary premium contribution using your PhilHealth ID number.
How much is PhilHealth’s premium contribution?
As of the moment, the monthly PhilHealth contribution rate for employed members has increased as part of the full implementation of the Universal Health Care (UHC) Law.
For employed members with a salary of P10,000 and below, the fixed monthly contribution is P500. While for those who are earning a salary of P10,000.01 to P90,000.00 per month, the maximum monthly contribution is P4500.
The monthly premium for employed members will be shared equally between the employee and the employer.
The voluntary or self-employed PhilHealth members will also follow the same PhilHealth premium rate based on their monthly income.
For ease of transaction, you can take advantage of PhilHealth online services by visiting their website
How to pay Philhealth contributions online?
As technology advances, our government offices also try to adopt digitalization in their processes. If you are an unemployed or self-employed individual, you can now pay your health insurance contributions online. You do not need to line up in a long queue in Philhealth’s branches.
Here’s what you have to do to pay your contributions online:
- Log in to the Philhealth member site and type in your Philhealth number and password.
- Once logged in, look for the “Payment Management” module.
- Generate your statement of premium account (SPA) at the portal’s payment management module. That will serve as your billing statement.
- Select the desired number of months that you will pay. You can choose from one month up to three years. After that, the module will automatically compute your total contributions for the desired payment range based on your declared income. It will also indicate your due date.
- Once your SPA is generated, you may proceed in choosing the accredited collecting agent (ACA) to process your payment. As of now, the agency’s payment partner is IPAY-MYEG Philippines Inc.
- Afterward, you will be directed to the ACA’s domain where you will make the payment. You can pay using a credit card, debit card, prepaid card, or GCash. Expect additional service fees for each transaction.
- If the payment is successful, you will receive an electronic Philhealth acknowledgment receipt (ePAR) and an email or SMS confirmation.
Mommies, aside from Philhealth benefits for maternity, you can also avail SSS maternity benefits. Check here on how you can avail of maternity benefits from your SSS contributions.
Philhealth voluntary membership: How much is Philhealth contribution for unemployed?
The privilege granted to people who are not technically employed by an employer in the Philippines or by a recognized firm is known as PhilHealth voluntary membership. Unlike employees, who are automatically members, voluntary members must sign up and make their own contributions.
how much is philhealth contribution for unemployed
Any Filipino who is not a senior citizen, an indigent member, a sponsored member, or someone with a fixed job term may sign up as a voluntary member.
How much is philhealth contribution for unemployed: Who can apply as voluntary member?
Filipinos in informal sector | how much is philhealth contribution for unemployed?
These are self-employed people who manufacture or provide goods and services. They don’t have formal or contractual employment agreements; instead, they work on a casual basis.
Tricycle drivers, jeepney drivers, street vendors, and minor construction workers are a few examples of PhilHealth members who work in the informal sector. This group also includes those who run and work for home-based businesses. Family drivers and kasambahays are not included because their employers are required to register and enroll them as employees.
Self-employed individuals | how much is philhealth contribution for unemployed?
These are those who conduct business without regard to contracts between employees and employers. Entrepreneurs, professional athletes, news reporters, independent contractors, and other professionals are examples. They neither hire somebody for a job nor do they do so in accordance with any official employment contracts.
Aside from people from the aforementioned individuals, here’s the list of those who are qualified to apply for Philhealth voluntary contribution:
- Dual Citizens
- Naturalized Filipino Citizens
- Expatriates
- Migrant Workers or OFWs
how much is Philhealth contribution for employed individuals?
Starting January 1, 2025, the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) has increased the premium contribution rate for employed individuals to 5% of their monthly basic salary.
To compute the PhilHealth contribution, use the following formula:
Monthly Contribution = Monthly Basic Salary × Contribution Rate
- For an employee earning below ₱10,000:
₱10,000 × .05% = ₱500 (shared equally by employee and employer).
- For an employee earning below ₱20,000:
₱20,000 x .05%= ₱1000 (shared equally by employee and employer).
- For an employee earning below ₱30,000:
₱30,000 x .05%= ₱1500 (shared equally by employee and employer).
- For an employee earning below ₱90,000:
₱90,000 x .05%= ₱4500 (shared equally by employee and employer).
Additional information
Filipinos can reach out to PhilHealth for more information about its programs, benefits, and contribution details through the following channels:
1. PhilHealth Branches
- Visit the nearest PhilHealth Regional or Local Office to inquire or process transactions.
- Use their branch locator to find the closest office: PhilHealth Branch Directory
2. PhilHealth Hotline
- Call the PhilHealth Call Center Hotline: (02) 8441-7442 (available 24/7).
3. Email
- Send inquiries via email to:
4. Official Website
- Visit the PhilHealth website for comprehensive information, including benefits, downloadable forms, and updates.
5. Social Media
- Message their verified social media pages for assistance:
- Facebook: PhilHealth Official
- Twitter: @teamphilhealth
6. Text or SMS
- Send a text inquiry to 0917-898-7442 or 0921-630-0009 for faster assistance.
7. Partner Hospitals and Clinics
- Accredited hospitals, clinics, and healthcare providers often have information desks that can assist with PhilHealth-related concerns.
These channels ensure members and potential beneficiaries receive accurate and timely information.
Additional information written by Jobelle Macayan and Irish Manlapaz