STUDY: Your children can boost their cognitive development while watching TV with family

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Parents! While watching TV is a bonding and recreation for the family, present studies call for its contribution towards your children's cognitive development.

Kid's TV shows are prominently widening across the world's screens. From 1997 to 2014, the screen time for television shows for kids has dramatically doubled.

Also, watching TV affects the cultural adaptation of every people. That is why, parents are concerned of what shows their kids are watching. In the present time, family watching TV can be considered a bonding or recreation, and also, learning.


Your kid's cognitive development

Different TV shows like Dora the Explorer, or the newest and most trending like Peppa Pig and Cocomelon, labeled themselves as educational TV shows. Since then, kids watching TV learn other vocabularies and even cognitive skills that may help reach their different milestones.

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Some TV shows for kids worth watching have integrated also different modes and fields of learning. These varieties include simple math, scientific information, and even pictographic images embedded in simple historical trivia. There are also shows that caters the artistic skills which are very hands-on and more practical than theoretical.

But, do children need their family beside them while watching TV? What help will it give?

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Family watching TV

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Science Daily reviewed an article from Frontiers in Psychology that passive screen use may affect a child's cognitive development. More particularly, watching different television Shows.

Surprisingly, however, Dr. Somogyi of University of Portsmouth stated that watching TV might negatively affect the child's cognitive development. But, by focusing on the quality of the shows rather than the quantity of screen time, appropriate children's shows can help boost their cognition.

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Also, the family watching beside their children may also help in this development. Children are very curious about the new things that they might discover, so parents and family beside them can guide the children.

Asking questions are part of their cognitive development as to how they process what they see from the screens. And, kids can be curious if what they have watched are true or are logical.

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Your kids can sometimes feel the need to be independent. However, as they are dealing with new things step by step, as parents, we always need to be their guide.



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Written by Nathanielle Torre

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Written by

Nathanielle Torre