LOOK: 192 traditional Filipino baby boy names and their meaning

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There’s a lot of Filipino baby boy names with wonderful meanings that you can choose from in naming your baby.

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Still have no idea on what to name your baby boy? Take a look at these Traditional Filipino baby boy names and their meanings.

What can you read in this article?

  • Traditional Filipino baby boy names
  • Baby boy names and their meaning

Filipino baby boy names

Naming your baby is one of the most exciting parts of being a new parent. The name you are going to give your baby will be a an important piece of his identity. Choosing a name requires a crucial decision-making process that sometimes needs research.

To help you, we came up with a list of traditional Filipino baby boy names with their corresponding meanings.

200 traditional Filipino baby boy names and their meaning

Photo by Tuấn Kiệt Jr. from Pexels

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  1. Aaron – high mountain
  2. Adrian – a popular name meaning “sea” or “water.”
  3. Abraham – father of nation
  4. Adan – first man on earth
  5. Ace – unity
  6. Adonis – extremely good looking
  7. Agapito -loved
  8. Akio – bright man
  9. Alejandro – helper of mankind
  10. Alex – defender of men
  11. Albert / Alberto – noble and bright
  12. Allen – Harmony, pagkakasundo
  13. Alon – a unique Filipino baby boy name which means “waves.” Also a short form of Alfonzo and Alphonso.
  14. Andrei – warrior
  15. Andres – brave
  16. Angelito – little angel
  17. Angelo – messenger of God
  18. Antonio – a widely used and traditional baby boy name which means “worthy of praise and value.”
  19. Araw – sun
  20. Arnold – a name derived from an old German name that means eagle power.
  21. Asterio – star
  22. Axel – father is peace
  23. Bagani – warrior
  24. Bagwis – a unique Filipino baby boy name which means “long feather.”
  25. Bayani – an old Filipino baby boy name which means “hero.”
  26. Ben – high mountain
  27. Benigno – kind
  28. Bien – good
  29. Benjie – a Tagalog variant of the name Benjamin that means “son of the right hand, son of the south and son of luck.”
  30. Bulan – In Filipino folklore, Bulan is the deity of the moon.
  31. Calag – soul
  32. Caesar/Cesar – derived from the Latin name Caesar which means “long-haired.”
  33. Carlo – a famous name with French origin that means “strong.”
  34. Christian – a popular baby boy name that means “follower of Christ.”
  35. Christopher – a popular baby boy name which means “carrier of Christ.”
  36. Crisanto – a traditional name which means “golden flower.”
  37. Crispin – curly hair
  38. Dakila – a unique Filipino baby boy name that means “big and great.”
  39. Danilo – a traditional baby boy name and a Tagalog variant of the name Daniel that means “God is my judge.”
  40. Dante – lasting, enduring
  41. Darwin – dear friend
  42. Datu – a unique Filipino baby boy name that means “chief.”
  43. David – another popular baby boy name which means “beloved.”
  44. Diego – a traditional baby boy name which means “he who replaces.”
  45. Drew – Manly
  46. Donato – giver
  47. Dos – two
  48. Earl – Nobleman
  49. Edmund/Edmond – prosperity
  50. Edward – a popular name which means “rich guard.”

  1. Efren – a Spanish variant of the name Ephraim which means “fertile and fruitful.”
  2. Eli – high
  3. Emmanuel – God is with us
  4. Enrique – home rule
  5. Enzo – Winner
  6. Erik/Eric – a popular baby boy name all over the world which means “eternal ruler” or “honorable king.”
  7. Esteban – crown
  8. Ethan – strong
  9. Ezekiel – God’s strength
  10. Felix – happy
  11. Francisco / Francis – free
  12. Franco – Free
  13. Gabriel – a popular name meaning “God is my strength.”
  14. Genesis – a Hebrew name which means “beginning.”

  1. Gian – an Italian name that means “God is gracious.”
  2. Gio – God is gracious
  3. Graham – grey home
  4. Gregory – comes from the Latin name Gregorious, that means “watchful or alert.”
  5. Hari – King
  6. Hayden – an English name for baby boys, which is a variant of Haydn thatmeans “heathen.”
  7. Honesto – an old Filipino baby boy name that means “honest.”
  8. Homobono – a unique Filipino baby boy name that comes from a Hispanic origin which means “good man.”
  9. Hugo – intelligent
  10. Ian – God is gracious
  11. Iñigo – my little love
  12. Ion – God is good
  13. Isaac – laughter
  14. Isagani – an old Filipino baby boy name that means “a rich, bountiful harvest.”
  15. Isaiah – another Hebrew name for Filipino baby boy that means, “Yahweh is salvation.”

  16. Ivan – God is gracious
  17. Isko – an old Filipino name that is also the shortened version of the name Francisco which means “free one.”
  18. Jack – God is gracious, supplanter
  19. Jared – descendant
  20. Jason – healer
  21. Javier – castle or new house
  22. Jayden – thankful
  23. Jericho 0 city of the moon
  24. John – God is gracious
  25. Jejomar – a Filipino baby boy name that is a combination of the names Joseph and Mary.
  26. Jerome – another popular name that means “sacred name.
  27. Jomari – also combination of the names Joseph and Mary, the parents of Jesus.
  28. Jose – a traditional and popular name that means “He (God) will add.”
  29. Joselito – an old Filipino baby boy name and a variation of the name Joseph.
  30. Joseph – a Hebrew name that means “May Jehovah add increase.”
  31. Joshua – another popular baby boy name which means “Jehovah is generous”.



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  1. Juan – a Spanish baby boy name which means “God is gracious.”
  2. Julian – a name derives from a Latin language which means youthful.
  3. Julius – youthful, sky
  4. Jun – a popular Filipino baby boy name and an abbreviation of the name Junior, which means the “younger version of his father.”
  5. Kawayan – This means bamboo, which can signify strength or resilience.
  6. Kagirim – peace
  7. Kaluasam – freedom
  8. Karl – free man, brave
  9. Keith – wood, forest, from the battle ground
  10. Kier – caring
  11. Kenji – wise, healthy
  12. Keanu – cool breeze over the mountain
  13. Kenneth – handsome
  14. Kent – high
  15. Kevin – a name with Irish origin that means “birth of a kind, gentle and handsome.”
  16. Kian – ancient, king
  17. Kidlat – a unique Filipino baby boy name which means “lightning.”
  18. Knight – knight’s meadow
  19. Kobe – turtle
  20. Kurt – courteous, polite
  21. Kyle – a baby boy name with Scottish origin which means “narrow, straight.”
  22. Lance – land, long knife, sword
  23. Laurel – plant, the bay,
  24. Leonardo – brave lion
  25. Lester – popular name with an English origin meaning “fortified place.”
  26. Levi – joined in harmony
  27. Lewis – renowned warrior
  28. Liam – guardian, helmet of will
  29. Lucas – bright, shining
  30. Luico – light
  31. Luis – another popular baby boy name for Filipinos that came from an Spanish origin meaning “fame and warrior.”
  32. Luke – the bright one, the one born at dawn
  33. Luther – lute player, people, free
  34. Luzvimindo – an old Filipino baby boy name that is the combination of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.
  35. Mac – “son of”
  36. Macario – fortunate
  37. Makisig – a unique Filipino baby boy name and perfect for every baby boy which means “handsome.”
  38. Magtanggol – another unique Filipino baby boy name which means “to defend.”
  39. Marcus – it is of latin origin which means “dedicated to Mars”. In Roman mythology Mars is the God of fertility.
  40. Mark – a common name that means “consecrated to the god of war, Mars.”
  41. Mason – one who works with stone
  42. Matteo – gift from God
  43. Mauricio – a name that means ‘dark skinned’.
  44. Maverick – independent
  45. Maximo – greatest
  46. Maynard – brave
  47. Melchor – a name which means “city of the king.”
  48. Miguel – “who is like God”
  49. Mio – mine
  50. Modesto – modest
  51. Mohan – attractive
  52. Nathaniel – gift of God
  53. Nicholas – a name with Greek origin that means “victory of the people.”.
  54. Nico – people of victory, full of charm, energy and effortless cool
  55. Nimuel – a name which means “peace.”
  56. Niño – Yahweh is merciful
  57. Noel – derives from French Noël “Christmas”. In Latin language it means birth
  58. Norman – a popular baby boy name meaning “northman” or Viking.
  59. Oliver – olive tree planter, (Olive tree symbolizes fruitfulness, beauty, and dignity
  60. Omar – a Hebrew baby boy name meaning “eloquent.”
  61. Owen – young warrior, noble, well-born
  62. Pacifico – Pacific
  63. Paglaum – hope
  64. Paul/Paulo – another common baby boy name for Pinoys that means “small, humble.”
  65. Pedro – rock
  66. Pierre – stone, rock
  67. Primo – meaning first from the word “primus”
  68. Richard – brave ruler
  69. Restituto – a traditional name that means “put back or restore.”
  70. Rizal – named after Philippines’ national hero José Rizal that also means “greening again.”
  71. Rodel – a name with French origin that means “famous ruler.”
  72. Rodrigo – an old baby boy name and a Spanish version of classic name Roderick that also means “famous ruler.”
  73. Roman – citizen of Rome
  74. Rommel – a popular name that means “to make a noise.”
  75. Ronald – a popular name that means “advice” and “ruler.”
  76. Ryan – king
  77. Rye – from Gaelic meaning “king”
  78. Sebastian – venerable
  79. Sherwin – a name of Persian origin, that means “eternalsoul” and “like a lion.”
  80. Sky – clouds, the heavens
  81. Skylar – Scholar

Image from Shutterstock

  1. Steven/Stephen – a baby boy name with Latin origin meaning “crown” or “garland.”

  2. Theo – divine gift
  3. Thor – thunder
  4. Timothy – to honor God
  5. Titus – giant
  6. Tomas – a name meaning “twin.”
  7. Ulan – rain
  8. Uno – one
  9. Venancio – a baby boy name that means “hunting.”
  10. Victor – winner
  11. Vincent – a famous name derived from the Latin word vincere or “to conquer.”
  12. Vito – comes from the Latin word vita meaning “life.”
  13. Wilfred – an old English baby boy name which means “desiring peace.”
  14. Xander – a famous Filipino baby boy name derived from the name Alexander which means “defending men.”
  15. Yanno – Though popularized by a Filipino band called Yano, the word Yanno traces its origins to Hebrew culture. It means “God is gracious.”
  16. Zeus – the name of the Greek god of the sky and thunder.

Naming a baby is indeed very challenging but fun. You just need to choose what you think will best fit your baby. Hope this list of traditional Filipino baby boy names will help you on your parenting journey.

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Sources: Baby Names, EverydayKnow, BehindTheName

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