3 weeks pregnant symptoms: What happens during the 3rd week of pregnancy?

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Implantation bleeding happens during the 3rd week of pregnancy. Aside from that, what other 3 weeks pregnant symptoms will you experience? Get to know in this article!

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You need to know that your pregnancy journey actually starts from the first day of your last menstrual period. Pregnancy is measured by weeks and the whole pregnancy journey lasts until 40 weeks.

In this article, we discussed the symptoms during 3 weeks of being pregnant and what happens during the first few weeks of pregnancy, beginning from fertilization.

3 weeks pregnant symptoms: Fertilization

From 1st to 3rd week of pregnancy, you are not officially pregnant. This may sound quite confusing but the pregnancy journey starts even before fertilization happens.

Doctors start counting your pregnancy journey beginning from the first day of your most recent period, even if fertilization happens days after the period has ended. So, by weeks 1 and 2, your baby is not yet there.

By the 3rd week of pregnancy, that is when fertilization might happen. When an egg is fertilized by a sperm, pregnancy results. This often happens two weeks after the beginning day of the most recent menstruation.

3 weeks pregnancy

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You might be wondering what will happen in 3 weeks pregnancy or the 3rd week of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy 3 weeks: A woman might not have any symptoms during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Some women can tell when they are pregnant, but the majority don’t until they miss their period.

3weeks pregnancy: 3 weeks pregnant symptoms

While you are not pregnant during Weeks 1-2, your body is getting ready for ovulation, and your uterus is preparing for the arrival of a fertilized egg. Things start to happen by Week 3! Along the fallopian tube, your fertilized egg is currently traveling toward your uterus.

Sperm must enter the vagina in order for fertilization to take place. The sperm enters the fallopian tubes through the cervix’s opening and moves there. The sperm will penetrate and fertilize the egg. When the egg is fertilized, it moves via the fallopian tube and into the uterus, where it will implant in the uterine wall. After implantation, the fertilized egg is now referred to as an embryo.

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3weeks pregnancy: Signs of pregnancy 3 weeks

Implantation happens during the 3rd week of pregnancy. You might be asking what are the 3 weeks pregnant symptoms you need to be prepared for. In this section, we will tackle the 3rd week of pregnancy symptoms that you may experience.

Pregnancy symptoms week 3

Pregnancy symptoms week 3: Here are some 3 weeks pregnant symptoms that may happen:

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  1. You could observe that your breasts feel a little more pronouncedly sensitive and swollen than they were prior to your period.
  2. Perhaps you are more worn out than normal.
  3. Your sense of smell may be heightened.
  4. You might have noticed that your basal body temperature, which is your temperature when you are fully rested, remains high.
  5. Some very sensitive home pregnancy tests may show up as positive if you test at this time.
  6. You might experience spotting known as “implantation bleeding” at the end of Week 3 as your embryo implants in your uterine lining.

3rd week pregnancy symptoms: Implantation bleeding

Implantation bleeding is one of the most common 3rd week pregnancy symptoms. But what is pregnancy bleeding? How will you know that what you are experiencing is implantation bleeding or just a menstrual period?

The cell multiplies and travels into the uterus when the sperm successfully fertilizes the egg inside the fallopian tube. It develops further and transforms into a “blastocyst”, then it embeds itself in the uterine tissue. This is an indication of a successful pregnancy and is referred to as “implantation.”

It is normal to mistakenly think that the bleeding is a menstrual period instead of pregnancy spotting or implantation bleeding.

Successful implantation typically takes place around the time that your period should start. Women’s confusion about implantation is understandable given that its symptoms are extremely similar to menstrual symptoms.

In reality, misunderstanding is more pervasive if you happen to have irregular periods (for instance, if you have PCOS). Although they are similar, you can tell the difference between menstruation and pregnancy spotting or implantation bleeding during pregnancy.

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 Implantation bleeding vs menstruation

  • As the blastocyst successfully attaches itself to the uterine tissue, considerable cramping may occur. Pre-period cramps can last as long as the menstrual flow continues. On the other hand, implantation cramps often last no more than a day or two at most.
  • Compared to regular menstruation, implantation bleeding typically has a significantly lighter color. There are times that it will only be noticeable as slight discoloration on underwear. However, some women have been known to experience implantation bleeding that is as intense as their monthly period.
  • Pregnancy spotting lasts for just a few days, though occasionally it can last for a few days on and off. Meanwhile, menstrual bleeding can last up to 7 days and begins off the light before getting heavier over time.
  • Menstrual blood is often dark red, whereas implantation bleeding is typically light pink or dark brown. The absence of clots in implantation bleeding is another significant distinction between it and periods.
  • According to Healthline, implantation bleeding is typically not severe unless you already have a bleeding disorder or underlying ailment. Whether a pregnancy test shows you are pregnant or not, it is crucial to see a doctor as soon as you start experiencing severe implantation bleeding. A medical issue that should be treated as soon as possible may be the result of heavy bleeding.

Prenatal care: 3 weeks pregnant symptoms

Maybe you are nervous or excited at this stage of your pregnancy journey. It’s normal for every expectant mom. Now, you have to remember that if you want to have a healthy pregnancy, you should start taking care of yourself. Remember, in your pregnancy journey, taking care of yourself means taking care of your soon-to-be-baby too.

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Here are some prenatal care tips that we recommend for you:

  • It’s time to make a prenatal visit to your doctor if you haven’t already. Through this, you will learn the potential risks to your fertility and unborn child related to your lifestyle, genetics, and environment. It can help you avoid anything that may add to the risks. You can talk to your doctor during this appointment about things like prenatal vitamins, food, and exercise.
  • A prenatal vitamin is something you should start taking right away if you haven’t already. It’s the perfect time to start taking your prenatal vitamins. You may ask for your doctor’s recommendation on this matter. Consult your doctor and ask what prenatal vitamins are best for you.
  • Eat a nutritious diet and drink six to eight glasses of water every day.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Start taking 400 micrograms of folic acid every day to ensure the proper development of the brain and spinal cord of your unborn child.
  • Given that caffeine might have a detrimental effect on fertility, you might wish to reduce your coffee consumption.
  • Check your vaccination status for rubella and chickenpox well in advance. If not, your doctor could suggest that you have these shots prior to getting pregnant.
  • Whether you are taking prescription, over-the-counter, or herbal drugs, make sure they are safe to use during this time that you are trying to conceive. You must consult your doctor to avoid taking anything that may negatively affect your fertility.


Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.

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Jobelle Macayan