The conception of every child is a miracle. The sheer chance of a sperm fertilizing an egg is literally one in a million. Those who are planning for a family are hyper-aware of every tiny symptom that might indicate a positive pregnancy.
For women who have had difficulty conceiving, or have suffered miscarriages, this is a particularly stressful time. With the possibility of pregnancy occurring being so near the normal menstruation period, many women are quite confused as to whether they are experiencing implantation bleeding or period.
Here, we try to dispel some of your confusion by helping you spot the difference between implantation bleeding in pregnancy or pregnancy spotting vs period symptoms.
Implantation Bleeding
First of all, let’s discuss what exactly is implantation.
Once sperm has successfully fertilized an egg inside the fallopian tube, the cell multiplies quickly and moves into the uterus. Here, it further matures and becomes a ‘blastocyst’ which then embeds itself into the uterine tissue. This is known as ‘implantation’ and is an indication of a positive pregnancy.
When does spotting occur in early pregnancy?
Are you wondering when do spotting occur in pregnancy? It is normal to mistakenly think that what you experienced is a menstrual period instead of pregnancy spotting or implantation bleeding.
When does spotting occur in early pregnancy or when does pregnancy spotting occur?
Successful implantation usually occurs near the time you would expect your menstruation to start.
Symptoms of implantation are very similar to that of periods, therefore, it is no wonder that women are confused about it. In fact, if you happen to experience irregular periods (for instance, because you suffer from PCOS), the confusion is more rampant. But despite the similarity, you can distinguish between implantation bleeding in pregnancy or pregnancy spotting vs period.
Implantation bleeding in pregnancy & how it differs from periods
Most signs of pregnancy implantation bleeding or implantation bleeding in pregnancy is almost similar to that of a menstrual period. But here are some points to note on how pregnancy implantation bleeding differs from period symptoms.
1. Cramps
Image: iStock
Successful implantation might result in some cramps as the blastocyst implants itself in the uterine tissue. Although similar to pre-period cramps, implantation cramps usually do not last longer than a day or two at most, whereas pre-period cramps can last as long as the menstruation flow continues. It has to be kept in mind that every woman’s experience is unique. So, there is no need to go into a panic if you do not experience any cramps or if your cramps last for longer than a couple of days. It is more important to pay attention to what feels out-of-the-ordinary to your body.
2. Spotting
Are you still wondering when do spotting occur in pregnancy? If you are asking when spotting in pregnancy occurs, here’s the answer:

One of the main reasons that women confuse implantation bleeding with periods is ‘spotting’.
But when does pregnancy spotting occur? Some women experience light bleeding 10 to 14 days after successful implantation. This is, again, completely normal and not an indication of miscarriage.
How spotting looks like in pregnancy?
Spotting looks like pregnancy: Implantation bleeding is usually much lighter in color than ordinary menstruation. Sometimes, it will only appear as slight discoloration on the edges of your panties. On the other hand, some women have been known to experience implantation bleeding as heavy as their usual menstruation.
How long does spotting last in early pregnancy? Are you also concerned about how long does pregnancy spotting last? No need to worry mommy!
How long does spotting last in early pregnancy?
Spotting occurs for only a couple of days; sometimes, it can occur on and off for a couple of days. Menstruation bleeding starts out light but progressively gets heavier and can last up to 7 days.
Also, implantation bleeding is usually a pale pink or dark brown color whereas menstruation bleeding is dark red. Another major difference between implantation bleeding and periods is that implantation bleeding does not contain any clots.
3. Fatigue and nausea

Other common symptoms of successful implantation are nausea and fatigue. Nausea can occur at any time of the day, and not just early in the morning. Food smells are a common cause of nausea.
You will also experience fatigue during the early days of your pregnancy. Again, both these symptoms are also experienced by some women during menstruation.
You need to pay careful attention to your body, in order to distinguish between implantation nausea and period troubles. During the early weeks of your pregnancy, your breasts might feel swollen and tender, and you might also suffer from constipation and mood swings.

Ultimately, a pregnancy test is the only sure way to know for certain whether you are pregnant or not. Regardless of whether you are trying for a baby or not, it is always better to consult your ob-gyn if you experience unusual bleeding around the time of your regular periods.
Brown discharge early pregnancy: What does brown discharge mean in pregnancy?
Brown discharge in early pregnancy has various causes. What does brown discharge mean in pregnancy?
Is brown discharge a sign of pregnancy?
Brown discharge in early pregnancy or early pregnancy brown spotting may also mean implantation bleeding. That means, the answer to the question “Is brown discharge a sign of pregnancy” is yes! A brown discharge can be a sign of pregnancy. But aside from that, it may also mean another thing.
According to Healthline, here are some possible reasons why you are having brown spotting in early pregnancy:
Implantation bleeding: Brown spotting in early pregnancy
At around 4 weeks of pregnancy, you may notice some light brown early pregnancy discharge. Early pregnancy brown spotting can be implantation bleeding. It occurs when the fertilized embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus.
Cervical irritation
If your cervix is irritated because of pregnancy, you may also have a pinkish-brown vaginal discharge. This may occur at any point during your pregnancy.
It may happen when you have sex while pregnant, or you had a cervical check by your doctor. It is not something to worry about. However, it is best to consult your doctor if you feel other symptoms together with the brown discharge. Because cervical irritation may also be an indication of infection.
Ectopic pregnancy
Early pregnancy brown discharge can also be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy happens when the pregnancy occurs outside of the uterus.
Most commonly, the pregnancy happens in the fallopian tube. Do not take for granted if you saw signs of ectopic pregnancy because it is a life-threatening emergency.
The early pregnancy brown spotting is due to the older blood. It is important to consult your doctor right away if you experience brown early pregnancy discharge together with symptoms like extreme dizziness, shoulder pain, fainting, lightheadedness, and abdominal or pelvic pain.
If your brown discharge is accompanied by cramping, increased bright red bleeding, a gush of fluid or watery discharge, abdominal pain, and lower back pain, it can be a sign of miscarriage. Rush to emergency right away.
How much bleeding is normal in early pregnancy?
Are you worried about the spotting you are experiencing during the first trimester? How much bleeding is normal in early pregnancy?
Are you having heavy implantation bleeding and a positive pregnancy test? A positive pregnancy test and signs of implantation bleeding are of course clear signs that you are pregnant. But how heavy is normal implantation bleeding?
Implantation bleeding pregnancy test
Normal implantation bleeding is usually light and only lasts one to two days. Heavy implantation bleeding and a positive pregnancy test may mean something.
According to Healthline, implantation bleeding is not normally heavy unless you have an underlying condition or bleeding disorder.
The possible causes of unusual heavy bleeding are:
- Cervical infection
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Birth control
- Bleeding disorder
- Uterine cancer
- Uterine fibroids
When you experience heavy implantation bleeding whether you have a positive pregnancy test or not, it is important to consult your doctor right away. Heavy bleeding may cause an underlying medical condition that is best to be treated as soon as possible.
Republished with permission from theAsianparent Singapore
Additional information from by Jobelle Macayan
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