You’ve heard about the terror that are the “terrible twos”. It’s a dark chapter in the book of parenting wherein your toddler begins to develop emotionally and socially. This means tons of frustration, heaps of misbehavior, and loads of temper tantrums. That’s probably why parents refer to year two as…terrible! Or so they say.
Is this period of time really as bad as parents claim it to be? Maybe not. In fact, we’ve reason to believe that the “terrible twos” are actually pretty terrific!
Check out these 5 ways that prove the “terrible twos” are actually terrific:
1. Your child is more self-reliant
At 2-years-old, there’s actually surprising amount of things that your toddler can do for themselves. They won’t be able to be 100% self-reliant by any means, but they can handle a number of things that fell under your responsibility earlier in their development. Now, that your baby is two you’ll notice that list of duties isn’t so bad anymore. Your toddler is also more interested in doing things for himself, though you’ll still need to lend a helping hand every now and then.
Learn about the terrific side of “terrible twos”! Click next to read on!
2. Your child can communicate with you
The past two years were a bit of a mystery at times. Your parental instincts often let you know what you had to do and when you had to do it, but it’s always easier when you can communicate! Now that your child is two, he/she probably knows a pretty large vocabulary that helps him/her to express needs and wants. No more mind reading to find out if your toddler is hungry, nowadays he/she can simply tell you!
3. You can see noticeable cognitive development
You’re probably already aware of the behavioral changes your toddler is going through, and it’s not very fun to be apart of them. However, it can be incredibly exciting for parents to track and note how much their children are growing intellectually. Plus, their motor skills are far more developed than before.

4. Your child is genuinely entertaining
With your toddler able to walk and talk, you can expect a fair share of adorable and hilarious entertainment. Sometimes for hours at a time, he’ll definitely bring a smile to your face at least once a day. Toddlers put on a show for their audience (aka their parents) all the time, and aren;t even aware of it!
5. You don’t have to worry quite as much
Understandably, you’re not going to test the limits of “not worrying” with your 2-year-old, but you’ll probably notice that you worry considerably less about what they’re doing every second of the day. You’ll still need to make sure they’re safe and baby proof the house, but you’re able to let him/her out of you’re sight for a little bit without worrying about anything too severe. That’s a luxury that parents of newborns simply don’t have.
This article was originally published by Mom.Me
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