Shopping for your baby – we all love it, but it’s fraught with peril. Does he have enough? Did you buy too much? Will it fit her? Does she need all this stuff? Are you making smart purchases? Are you over-spending? Don’t worry, moms. Now you can complete that list of things you need for a new baby with our top tips.
While it’s easy to splurge on a ton of cute outfits or fun toys for your bundle of joy, your priority should be the important things — basically only what you’ll really, really need. Here are our top six shopping tips for new parents. Even expert moms and dads can learn a thing or two from our list.

6 Smart Shopping Tips for Any Parent
1. Research Research Research
There’s nothing more stressful than going into a store without knowing what you want or need. Before even buying anything, make sure you research on the price, specs and features – especially for big items like strollers.
Make sure you get the size right for diapers and clothes – you don’t want to spend a lot for something you won’t use.
You’ll also want to shop at reputable stores because not all stores allow refunds, and exchanging items can be a hassle.
Make sure you also have a list of everything you need for easy tracking. Start out with the general items like those for feeding, then narrow it down to the specifics like breast pumps, bottles and bottle warmers. For sleeping, think pillows, baby bedding, blankets and pillowcases. That way, you don’t get sidetracked.
2. Search for Options
Some expensive items like strollers or baby carriers will only be used for a while, especially since babies grow fast. Check out different brands and compare their features and prices until you find one that best fits your baby. Remember, expensive doesn’t always mean high quality.
You can even save up by checking out secondhand items that are in good condition. There are tons of “pre-loved” or “gently used” items online. But take note, this only applies for large purchases. And only do so if you’re comfortable with used products. For items that you will use frequently, like bottles, pacifiers, breast pumps and the like, you’re better off getting them brand new.
3. Think Practical
Babies grow fast. Today’s onesie may not fit them tomorrow, and an outfit that’s too tight may make them fussy. Let’s also not forget the ton of outfits that you got from your baby shower – you still need to use those!
You’ll get more bang out of your buck if you buy clothes a few sizes bigger – think one or two sizes bigger. Most babies reach that half-year size even before they hit that age, so chances are you’ll need some extra big clothes as a precaution. Don’t worry, your baby will grow into it easily.
It’s also important to make sure that the clothes you buy – no matter how cute they may look – are comfortable for your baby and can easily be removed. Fancy designs and tons of buttons don’t make things easier when you’re sleep-deprived or rushing, so just go with basic outfits that zip up easily or can be opened and closed in a snap.
4. Stock Up on Necessities
You never know what will happen next. Babies are messy, and accidents are common. Every parent needs to have an arsenal of diapers tissues and wipes and cloths on hand. Then there are medicines and a first-aid kit for home and for when you’re out and about.
Make sure your baby’s pantry is always filled with the things they need because you can’t always go on a grocery run. After all, you’re too busy taking care of your baby!
Basically, any chance you get to shop, buy, buy, buy! (And make sure you’re buying the right necessities.)
5. Must-Have: Baby Carrier
No matter how much you love carrying your baby, it will be tiring. Plus, it would be inconvenient and even troublesome to keep passing your baby around for people to carry while you eat or take a break.
Invest in a stroller for long walks in the mall, or for your baby to sleep in while you take a break. A baby carrier, or sling, that you can strap on yourself is also a good investment, since this makes it easier for you to multitask.
6. Put Off What You Don’t Need Yet
That pair of sneakers may be totes adorbs, but better buy the gear for older babies when they actually need it. For all you know, something better, or more affordable might come along later. Or who knows? Someone might just give it to you as a gift!
The Time to Shop is NOW
Just like with fashion, there’s a time of year when all the best sales happen. And when it comes to your baby’s things, there’s no better time to go shopping than now. And that’s at the Grand Baby Fair Year 9. Here’s why you should check it out!
1. It’s the Biggest One Ever
Now even bigger and better, the Grand Baby Fair Year 9 will fill up all three halls of the SM Megatrade Hall. Happening on January 25 to 27, this is your chance to get everything in one place!
2. All the Big Brands Are There
The Grand Baby Fair Year 9 has all the big brands, and everything that a smart mom should get! You can find strollers from Looping, Babyzen, Aprica, Chicco and Graco. Diaper brands like Huggies, Pampers and Mamy Poko are there too. And for skincare, you got Cetaphil, Nivea Baby, Johnson’s Baby and Tiny Buds. Avent, Cradle and Pigeon can take care of your bottle needs, along with a whole lot of other brands.
But wait, there’s more. You can get a first look at new products that haven’t even hit the shelves! Now isn’t that exciting?
3. Up to 70% Off on Select Items
Do I need to say more? Great deals and more savings await!
4. Freebies and Raffle Prizes Await!
Use your Mom Card while shopping and get a free swag bag that’s loaded with cool goodies for a minimum single-receipt purchase worth PHP6,000!
So, mark your calendars! A fun day of shopping awaits!