1 month old baby development: A guide for parents

The first year of a newborn's life is one of the fastest in human development; it’s no wonder that when you have a baby, you often hear people say ‘they grow so quickly!’ or ‘time goes so fast!’ The best thing you can do is enjoy and marvel at your baby's month-by-month development.

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At 1 month old, babies undergo rapid growth and development. During this short but incredibly significant period, the newborn undergoes a series of remarkable changes, both in terms of physical development and sensory experiences.

As parents, caregivers, or even just curious observers, understanding what unfolds in the life of a one-month-old baby is not only fascinating but also essential for providing the best possible care and nurturing environment.

In this article, we delve into the enchanting world of a one-month-old’s development, exploring the milestones, challenges, and joys that define this precious time in an infant’s life.

Physical Development

When a baby is born, he already has some amazing abilities though he has a long way to go in terms of baby development.

A newborn without complications has the instincts to breathe, tightly hold fingers, and even smell his own mother and know her from any other person.

Incredibly, some babies even suck their thumbs when still in the womb!

Despite the fact that a baby is born with all of these incredible skills, for the first month of your baby’s life it can seem that all he does is lots of eating, sleep, and cry, and requires frequent nappy changes.

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At this age, babies have very little control of their muscles. Instead rely mainly on reflex actions, such as sucking, yawning, sneezing, and crying.

As a baby progresses through his first month of life, he begins to discover that he has control of his body.

Discovering his hands is a big moment. It gets even more exciting when your baby realizes he can use his hand, to squeeze things like your finger, or suck on for comfort, or when he is hungry!

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Sensory Development

Crawling, walking, running, and even dancing will happen sooner than you think.

But the road to these skills starts when your baby discovers his own body, and how he begins to interact with the world around him.


A newborn can open his eyes and see almost immediately after being born. Though his eyes are not yet able to focus on things that are farther away than one meter, he can focus perfectly on your face when you hold him in your arms–which is the distance from your breast to your eyes.

Looking into your newborn’s eyes is an important way to bond with him. Spend time just looking at your newborn; study his features, and tiny body, and get to know him by looking into his face and smiling.

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Your baby will also get to know you by looking at your face, and the bond between you will strengthen.


A newborn can hear from around 28 weeks of pregnancy. From inside his mother’s tummy, he has been able to listen and hear both the sounds of his mother’s body and noises from the outside world.

Studies have found that newborns react more strongly to the higher pitch of a female voice, than to a deeper male voice.

Newborn babies are soothed by the sound of their mother’s voice talking and singing to them (thank goodness!)–and they can be upset when that voice becomes sad or angry.

Interestingly, many dads raise the pitch of their voice when talking to their newborn.


A baby’s nose is sensitive; a newborn can tell the difference between the smell of his own mother and another person.

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This is combined with a well-developed sense of taste (babies have more taste buds than adults) which is finely tuned towards the sweet taste of breast or formula milk.


Everyone needs a human touch to promote feelings of well-being and happiness. Baby massage is a great way to bond with your baby, and he will find the touch of your hands comforting and soothing, just as an adult would!

Gentle massage also helps with baby development, specifically your newborn’s muscles.

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Newborn babies are born with a number of reflexes, which are vital for survival.

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These include the rooting reflex which enables your baby to find your breast his cheek is placed nearby; the sucking and swallowing reflexes that allow your baby to drink, and the gagging reflex which prevents him from taking too much liquid.

A newborn is also able to cough up the mucus that has filled his lungs for the last nine months.

When a baby is put down on his tummy, he will automatically turn his head to help him breathe; he won’t just lie with his head face down. This is known as the labyrinthine reflex.

Cognitive Development

Cognitive development is the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving and decision-making.

Beginning immediately, babies soak up information about this new world and the people in it. Your baby is constantly watching you, listening to what you say, and observing his surroundings.

At this young age, it is difficult to assess cognitive development, but you can pay attention to sight and hearing milestones.

For example, if your baby doesn’t ever follow you with his eyes or respond to loud sounds. It is important to speak with your general practitioner or your baby’s pediatrician.

Emotional and Social Development

Newborns cry for specific needs like hunger, wet diapers, or tiredness. It is crucial not to ignore their cries or let them stay distressed for long.

Crying is the way your baby communicates, and he needs your help with it. Ignoring him can harm baby’s development. If you are having trouble calming your baby, seek out tips here.

At this age, your baby’s caretakers can easily influence them. Your baby may become fussy when you display a short temper, or they may become alert and excited when you are happy. Your baby should find enjoyment in looking at your face and listening to you speak in a slow, gentle voice.

Keep in mind that as part of baby development, your newborn is already beginning to learn how to express his emotions from watching your behavior. So, the calmer you are, the more reassured and calm your baby is likely to be.

Speech and Language

An interesting thing about baby development is that the foundations for speech and language begin when a baby first develops his hearing.

It is important you check your child’s ability to hear, and pay attention to ear problems or infections, especially if they keep occurring.

The first “baby talk” is non-verbal and happens soon after birth. Your baby grimaces, cries, and squirms to express a range of emotions and physical needs, from fear and hunger to frustration and sensory overload.

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When to Worry?

Baby development depends on various antenatal and postnatal factors such as the mother’s health during pregnancy, the gestational age of the baby at delivery (for example, a baby born at 38 weeks may reach milestones slower than a baby born at 40 weeks), complications at the time of birth, illness during early years, as well as genetics and environmental factors.

Don’t forget the influence of each parent’s personality, education, and attitude towards the baby.

A child who grows in a healthy, loving environment will do better than a child in a less comforting environment.

Where to get help?

If your baby is not meeting the average age for baby development milestones and his progression seems delayed and is causing you concern, you should consult your baby’s pediatrician or a general practitioner for advice.

It is important to remember that while your baby is growing and changing quickly. There are emotional and physical stresses also being felt by the baby’s parents!

New mothers often feel pressure to look and feel a certain way and expect parenthood to come naturally. Becoming a parent and adapting to changes in your body, emotions, and life course typically take time.

If you have feelings of unhappiness or are having trouble relating to your baby or your partner, you could be suffering from post-natal depression (PND).

You can always reach out to your general practitioner for advice.

Remember, baby development varies for each child, and reaching milestones faster or slower than average doesn’t predict future development.

A baby who is last to reach his milestones can still grow up to be a doctor or scientist!

Republished with permission from theAsianparent Singapore

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Amanda Broad