38 weeks pregnant what to expect: You are now 38 weeks pregnant, two more weeks and you are finally giving birth to your baby. Are you excited? Or maybe you are nervous? In this pregnancy guide, we discussed about what to expect if you are 38 weeks pregnant.
How big is your baby? 38 weeks pregnant baby weight in kg
38 weeks pregnant baby weight in kg: You may be wondering how big is your baby at this stage of your pregnancy.
Your baby at 38 weeks of pregnancy is about 35 to 49 centimeters from head to bottom, and it weighs about 3 to 3.2 kg.

Your Baby’s Development
In this week by week pregnancy guide, you’ll learn that:
- While most of your baby’s organ systems may be fully developed and in place by now, his lungs have yet to reach maturity. In fact, even when born, it will take a while for him to develop a normal breathing pattern.
- His nails have been growing and now have reached the ends of his teeny tiny fingers and toes.
Your baby is now in its full term. Just two more weeks and they are ready to be born in this world. Being full-term doesn’t necessarily mean that their development is now done, their critical organs such as the heart, lungs, and brain are still growing.
38 weeks pregnant baby position
According to Healthline, by this time, your baby should have already moved into a birth-ready position, such as facing your back with their head down and engaged in your pelvis. While most babies do this by 36 weeks, some take longer. Every pregnancy is different so there’s nothing to worry about if your baby is not yet in its birth-ready position. However, if you are worrying, you can also talk to your doctor and ask about ways to encourage your baby to assume the right position. Your doctor may recommend pregnancy-safe methods for turning babies in the womb.
38 weeks pregnant symptoms
To fully grasp what to expect during this stage, it is better to know what 38 weeks pregnant symptoms you may experience. Here’s a quick rundown of pregnancy symptoms that may occur during the 38th week of pregnancy:
- Chances are your feet and ankles are swollen. However, if you experience swelling in your hands and face or if you experience puffiness around your eyes, immediately call your doctor.
- You must be wary of preeclampsia symptoms which include severe headaches, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, and intense abdominal pain. Should you experience any of these symptoms, immediately call your doctor or rush to the hospital.
- Your breasts may begin leaking colostrum, a thin yellowish liquid that is the precursor to breast milk. Colostrum is packed with antibodies to protect your newborn from infections. It has more protein, less fat, and less sugar than the breast milk that arrives later.
- Your legs and vaginal area will begin to feel uncomfortable as your baby makes his way down your pelvis and pushes against some of your nerves.
Other 38 weeks pregnant symptoms that you may experience according to Healthline:
38 weeks pregnant symptoms not to ignore
Photo by Lucas Mendes from Pexels
According to Healthline, the above-mentioned symptoms are all normal for 38 weeks pregnant. However, other symptoms are considered not normal and shouldn’t be ignored. The following are 38 weeks pregnant symptoms not to ignore:
- Severe headache
- Dizziness or blurred vision
- Fever
- Decrease in fetal movement
- Difficulty urinating or painful urination
- Significant vaginal bleeding
- Inflammation in the face
- Severe stomach cramps
- Vomiting
You should contact your healthcare provider once you experience the said symptoms. Those are unusual signs of impending labor.
38 weeks pregnant white milky discharge
According to NHS UK, it is normal for pregnant women to have an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy as compared to before pregnancy. In addition, the normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy is usually milky white or clear in color. It should smell unpleasant too. So, if you notice 38 weeks pregnant white milky discharge, remember that it is normal and healthy.
38 weeks pregnant brown discharge when i wipe
You may be wondering, what does it mean to have brown discharge in 9th month of pregnancy. Should you be worried about it? Here’s the answer to your question.
38 weeks pregnant brown discharge when I wipe
According to Medline Plus, if you have bloody or brownish discharge from your vagina, this could indicate that your cervix has started to dilate. During your pregnancy, the mucus plug that sealed your cervix may be visible. This is a promising sign. However, active labor may still be a few days away.
On the other hand, according to Cleveland Clinic, because every pregnancy is different, it’s difficult to predict when labor will begin after the bloody show. The bloody discharge indicates that your cervix is dilating in preparation for labor. Labor could start in the next few hours or take several days.
38 weeks pregnant signs of labor
You probably have been dealing with lots of Braxton Hicks contractions or false labor contractions. This is just normal and a natural way for your body to prepare for real labor contractions. But what are 38 weeks pregnant signs of labor?
You are 2 more weeks away from giving birth, which means you are not yet going to experience real labor contractions at the moment. But when labor is really coming, you may experience regular, measurable contractions that do not just go away.
False labor contractions go away on their own when you change position or change the activities you are doing. Furthermore, real labor contractions become more intense and get closer to one another.
Aside from labor contractions, you may also experience a rupture of the amniotic sac and diarrhea.
Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska on Unsplash
Pregnancy Care
- If your breasts are leaking colostrum, place nursing pads in your bra to protect your clothes. On the other hand, even if you do not experience leakage, colostrum is still being produced in your breasts as it is the nutrition that your baby will need when you breastfeed.
Your Checklist
- Double check your list on what your nursery needs. Ensure that you have everything you need before the baby comes.
- Shop for your breast pump if you intend to express milk. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to buy the perfect one. Do also buy breast pads and nursing bras.
Your next week: 39 weeks pregnant
Your previous week: 37 weeks pregnant
Additional information from Jobelle Macayan
Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.