All right, Dads. We get it. This title is making you cringe and feel uncomfortable. Pampering is like every woman’s Friday night crave. However, what is wrong with a little pampering for you? You work hard at being a Dad (we assume and sure hope!)
Child number two sees you as a climbing device and amuses himself daily by seeing your shoulders as the peak of the mountain. Child number one loves dancing with you by placing her feet on yours. Dad, come on. You need to be able to just lie there and let someone else take care of you at least once fortnightly. Massage those tootsies, shampoo the mane (or what is left of it), and dig the grime out of those pores and more.
Dad and kid activities:
If you’re one of those guys who refuse to step into the 5m-radius of any spa, beautician and etc, we understand. There is something about the male species that immediately tends to link pampering with effeminising himself. Always one to empathise with the guys, TheAsianParent has drawn up some ways that you can pamper yourself, Dads, in the comfort of your home as the kids sleep and the wife catches up on her office work in the dining room.
Bubbly joy
We know what you’re thinking. Bubbly joy = alcohol. No, don’t deny it. That was on your mind wasn’t it? Well we are not totally swearing off that. But the bubbly joy we had in mind was enjoying a good soak in the bath. Peppermint bath salts with some hairy Angelicas (its different from a hairy Angelina Jolie) thrown in to help you de-stress. What’s a bubbly bath without some bubbly juice? Soak in your bath with a glass of champagne in hand as Diana Krall sings to you about ‘The Look of Love’ that are in your eyes.
Face Off
A facial cleanses the pores. Need we say more? So you dread lying there as the beautician applies cream after cream on your face and forces you to try the new equipment she has purchased which promises to clean and magically remove pores. Well, to avoid that then try a simple facial on your own, in the privacy of your home. Using just the whites from the eggs spread them on your face and leave it on for around 15 minutes. The end result: a refreshing, smooth face with skin feeling lighter.
TLC for those tootsies!
If feet had mouths, they would be endlessly complaining as we stuffed them into biting shoes, stinky socks, sweaty sports shoes, etc. Whether you pamper the rest of yourself, feet are a must! No we are not asking you to give them a pedicure (though that is not to say we are against it either, just hold the colours.) Recommended by the Quiet Haus spa at Fredericksburg Herb Farm in Texas, put marbles in a bucket or bowl; add warm water and fresh sprigs of rosemary. Gently run feet through the marbles for a light massage. Afterwards, rub feet with a cooling peppermint-scented foot scrub.
Movie Marathon
Unleash that inner combat in you by renting the whole Die Hard or Lethal Weapon series. Tuck the children in for a nice long night of slumber, snuggle with the wife on the couch and go nuts over the flicks. To top it up, you could microwave your own popcorn and have the cinema setting right in your own living room or opt for a cup of cocoa with a nice thick layer of whipped cream on top.
There you have it, Dads. You guys can now pamper yourself without having anyone else knowing about it. These simple steps of pampering yourself not only help you to de-stress but also raise your point happiness higher. You deserve it, go on and spoil yourselves rotten, Dads!
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