Wondering if you are pregnant? How to detect the early signs of pregnancy

Am I pregnant or just bloated? Learn how to detect the signs of pregnancy.

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This week, we take a look at the early signs of pregnancy in 1 week that might just let you know if you’ve got one in the oven. You don’t need to undergo an ultrasound in an instant because we listed down some of the symptoms if you are pregnant.

Missed your period? Having an uneasy stomach? Is appetite down to a low? How about your cravings, is it becoming unusual already? If your answer to all of these questions is yes, then we are telling you that these are some of the feelings of being pregnant! If you’re going through all or some of these, you could very well be on your way to the land of pregnancy.

Wondering if you are pregnant? How to detect the early signs of pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy: #1 Irregular periods

If you have a regular menstrual period and you missed a month or two, well you might be pregnant! | Photo grabbed from Pexels

One way to know the early signs of pregnancy is with your menstrual period. Many women still have light bleeding in the first 2 weeks or 1 month of pregnancy. If you have a regular menstrual period or you didn’t experience any of these in the past, chances are you have a baby growing inside your tummy.

If you have an irregular period and you noticed that something is changing with your body, we suggest that you dust off those pregnancy kits and check them already!

Signs of pregnancy: #2 Exhaustion & Nausea

You’ve slept your fair share of eight hours and even packed in a few more hours but still feel like you ran to save your life from a pack of wolves? Exhaustion mixed with fatigue will begin to plague your life. These things combined with feeling hot or about to faint are quite common during the first 2 weeks or months of pregnancy.

During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone soar. In high enough doses, progesterone can put you to sleep. At the same time, lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, and increased blood production may team up to sap your energy.

Signs of pregnancy: #3 Mood Swings

Snapping at everything? Feeling blue? Feel like you want to hug every single person in the world and then later, spit them out? Hello, mood swings! The rush of hormones, during your early pregnancy, in your body, can make you emotional and teary.

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This is extremely common in the first trimester.

“I would wake up and scream at my husband unreasonably and then go back under the covers. I was 2 months along then but I had no idea I was pregnant,” remembers Jacell Kwong, mother of 2.

Mood swings are also common for pregnant women. These ups and downs are caused by many factors like stress, fatigue, and of course, the physical discomforts brought by pregnancy. The changes in your mood are also because of the rapidly shifting of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.

Signs of pregnancy: #4 Tender Breasts

Yep, tender breasts are one of the early signs of pregnancy too! | Photo grabbed from Pexels

Know that feeling your breasts have just before your period? Tender to touch and temperature? Well if you’re having that again then you might just be pregnant. According to experts, the pain will eventually subside when your body adjusts to the hormonal changes.

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A rough estimate of around 2 weeks after conception, your breasts could either feel tender and sore or fuller and heavier. However, parenting author, Teresa Pitman has noted, “that not all women experience these changes, especially if they have been on birth control pills.” This may be a sign but if you are having all the symptoms except this one, it is best to take a pregnancy test already to make sure.

Signs of pregnancy: #5 Food Cravings

Thinking of how lovely a bowl of Teochew porridge would taste in your mouth? Or do you wish you could just get your hands on a nice plump green mango? Surprised that the foods you like before are starting to disgust you? Ah, food cravings aren’t just for those in their 2nd and 3rd trimesters. These are some of the weird changes you may experience if you are having a little one already.

Hormonal changes in the 1st trimester can chalk up cravings but don’t use them solely as a confirmation that you are pregnant. The menstrual period may confuse you with these too because many women crave more food if their period is coming.

You can also crave more food, especially desserts or sweets if you are stressed. Try checking other symptoms of pregnancy to double-check if you are really becoming a mom.

Signs of pregnancy: #6 Slight Bleeding / Spotting

Certain women may experience a small amount of spotting or even bleeding at the beginning of their pregnancy, around 2 weeks or 14 days after conceiving. This is known as implantation bleeding and it occurs when the fertilized egg first attaches to the lining of the uterus. This occurrence is common and it should not be a sign of a problem in pregnancy.

The bleeding is usually lighter in color than the usual period bleeding and does not last long. Many women also experience cramping very early in pregnancy as the uterus begins to enlarge. These cramps are similar to menstrual cramps.

Is stomach ache a sign of pregnancy?

Yes, stomach pain is also a symptom that you are already pregnant. Period pains like cramps are very common in early pregnancy. This usually occurs because of the changes in hormones inside your body. You also experience these pains because your womb is already growing as your pregnancy progresses.

However, you should be careful also because severe stomach pains can be a sign of something more serious. If you can’t bear the pain already, you should go to your OB-GYN or doctor to check if this is normal.

Still not sure if you are pregnant? Try a pregnancy test kit

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Still unsure if you are pregnant? A pregnancy test kit is your savior! | Photo grabbed from Pexels

If you’re only having one or two of the mentioned signs above, then it might be too easy to say you are pregnant. You can be saved by a pregnancy kit!

Remember that tossed pregnancy kit that lay in the trash in the final episode of Season 6 of Friends that had everyone guessing who was pregnant? Well, pregnancy kits have changed lives not only on T.V but in real life too. These tests are 99% accurate and are used internationally.

So you’ve heard about them but have no idea exactly what is being tested. Sure, we have heard the phrase, ‘pee on a stick’ but what exactly is being calculated to tell you that you have a ‘bun in the oven? Well, during pregnancy, a hormone known as human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is produced and released in the blood and can be traced in the urine. The pregnancy test kit looks out for hCG when you test yourself.

However, be warned. If you’re early in your pregnancy and the test is done too early, the test could come back negative. Test yourself again in a few days’ time. Moreover, blood tests are more accurate in tracing hCG and if you’re comfortable with the result on your stick, well the option for a blood test is always available.

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Republished with permission from theAsianparent Singapore

Additional information from Ange Villanueva

Here at theAsianparent Philippines, it’s important for us to give information that is correct, significant, and timely. But this doesn’t serve as an alternative for medical advise or medical treatment. theAsianparent Philippines is not responsible to those that would choose to drink medicines based on information from our website. If you have any doubts, we recommend to consult your doctor for clearer information.

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roshni mahtani