Once your child starts school, you will notice how he has a different pace or style when it comes to learning. But being slower on the uptake when it comes to math, reading, and speaking may be early warning signs of a learning disability.
Interestingly, children with learning disabilities don’t usually have a low IQ. In fact, they possess is normal or above normal IQ, but what they lack is the ability to effectively express their knowledge. What’s more, they get easily frustrated when they feel they’ve failed a certain task set before them.
A child with a learning disability struggles with processing information and grasp certain concepts. It could be difficulty comprehending stories or struggling with spelling. Learning disabilities can even manifest in struggles to tie her shoelaces or dress themselves.
It’s not their ability to learn knowledge that’s the problem, it’s how they process it.

There are three major kinds of learning disabilities: speech or language problems; reading, writing, or math difficulties and problems with memory, motor abilities, and coordination. ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) isn’t classified as a learning disability, but it’s important to note that those with learning disabilities suffer from difficulty concentrating as well.
For kids aged 5 and below, here are some early warning signs parents should watch out for.
- Delayed speech development
- Problems pronouncing certain words
- Struggles with learning new words
- Problems with learning how to read
- Struggles to learn the alphabet, days of the week, numbers, colors, and shapes
- Poor ability to focus or concentrate
- Unable to follow directions
- Problems grasping a crayon or pen
- Struggles with zipping, buttoning, and tying
If you suspect your child has a learning disability, consult your pediatrician or your child’s teacher immediately, in order for you to help your child make the most out of her time in school and to better equip her to reach her full potential. He has the ability to learn and grow, all it takes is guidance to make use of the knowledge he’s learned.
sources: Baby Center, WebMD
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