Barbie has been getting a lot of makeovers lately. In the most recent one, Barbie dons a Hijab, a veil customarily worn by Muslim women beyond the age of puberty.
The fab fashionista is the brainchild of 24-year-old Haneefah Adam; it will soon be available in the US and will be sold in the UK this coming March 2016 by major toy retailers for 9.99 pounds each.
Haneefah told Style.Mic that she drew inspiration from the widely popular Barbie Style Instagram. “(It) got me thinking about how I’d actually like to see a doll dressed up like I would have — covered up.”
While she was in the U.K. completing her Master’s degree, she began to formulate how to go about creating Hijarbie. “When I got back to Nigeria, I went to the mall, purchased a doll, dressed it up, documented it and here we are,” she told Style.Mic.
Aside from creating Hijarbie, Haneefah also founded a lifestyle brand called Hanie.
A photo posted by Mini Hijab Fashion! (@hijarbie) on
A month prior to the birth of Hijarbie, Barbie also got a makeover which focused on highlighting body positivity and inclusivity.
This evolution of Barbie–from having flawless features and perfect bodies to realistic body types and skin tones–marks the most significant transformation in the six-decade history of Mattel’s iconic creation.
Hijarbie continues the mission to bring respect for different cultures and diversity to the forefront. In this way, Hijarbie not only inspires through her fashion but through the message she carries as well.
A photo posted by Mini Hijab Fashion! (@hijarbie) on
Go to the next page to see more of Hijarbie’s awww-inspiring #OOTDs
With flowing abayas in rich and neutral colors, Hijarbie has been dubbed the cutest little fashionista star on Instagram, a title which we believe is well earned.
Just look at how cute she is!
A photo posted by Mini Hijab Fashion! (@hijarbie) on
A photo posted by Mini Hijab Fashion! (@hijarbie) on
A photo posted by Mini Hijab Fashion! (@hijarbie) on
Hijarbie even draws inspiration from real women!
A photo posted by Mini Hijab Fashion! (@hijarbie) on
A photo posted by Mini Hijab Fashion! (@hijarbie) on
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