We all know that little kids love playing with their toy phones. They love imitating mommy and daddy, and acting serious while babbling away on their own little gadgets.
So it was with great shock that this mom realized that the ‘toy phone’ she had bought for her daughter was not a toy at all!
Singaporean Aifah Karsani put up a Facebook post yesterday warning parents about the dangers of this ‘toy’. She had seen her niece play with it.
She warns other parents, “If you came across any children particularly young children holding these type of toy phones, please check properly whether is it really a toy phone…”
She writes, “My niece was playing with it till she realised that she could actually pull open the top right button and to her surprise, it was not just a flash light toy phone but a lighter!”

“Even more shocking was that this toy phone was at the kids section as per my sister.”
Aifah also told theAsianparent, “My sister said she bought the toy phone last month in Johor Bahru, but could not remember the name of the shop, as it was bought in a hurry.”
“Thankfully my niece is fine… lucky enough, she informed me straight away when she realized that there was fire in the toy.”
Aifah finally urges everyone to, “Please be extra careful and do not compromise the safety of our young children.”
Thank you, Aifah for letting us share this very useful information. We are sure that the next time we spot a ‘toy’ gadget like this, we would double check for such hazards. It is also deplorable that this item got placed at the kids section carelessly. What if the poor little child had not realized the dangers of fire?
Do check Aifah’s video below:
This article was originally published on theAsianparent Singapore.
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