Do you have a trip coming? Thus, you wonder if your baby will need a passport. The answer is, YES. Even the little ones need their identification ID, if they are going to travel internationally. So, know how to get a Philippine passport application for a baby.
What can you read in this article?
- The 4 (four) steps that you need to follow to get a passport for your baby
- Requirements for an infants’ passport
- Frequently Asked Questions
4 Step-by-step guide on how to get a passport for your baby
1.) Complete the Passport Requirements
The following is a complete and updated list of passport requirements for minors:
A. Confirmed online appointment.
Minor? That’s easy! You don’t need an appointment to get your child’s passport. But that is BEFORE. When the COVID-19 is not present in our country.
Now, they need to set an online appointment with DFA– even those who are qualified to use the courtesy lane–are now required to make an appointment online before going to the DFA office.
Second, they need to be accompanied by you, Mommy! Parents/Legal guardians will be provided by courtesy lane only after you secure an online appointment.
However, minors aged 8 to 17 years old are likewise required to secure an appointment online. And on the day of their appointment, they can’t be given a courtesy/priority lane unless they’re applying with another minor sibling aged 7 years old or below.

B. Duly accomplished passport application form.
Of course, some minors can’t write or even understand the application form. That’s why the parents or legal guardians may answer and sign the application form on the minor’s behalf. The passport application form can be obtained on-site. You can also download the passport application form for minors here.
C. Personal appearance of BOTH the minor and either parent or authorized legal companion.
For minors whose parents live abroad, follow these guidelines when applying for a passport and traveling alone.
D. Birth Certificate.
The minor applicant’s birth certificate must be issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority or PSA (formerly NSO).
E. Marriage Certificate (if only one parent is accompanying the child).
F Original + photocopy of the passport or valid government-issued ID of either parent or of the authorized adult companion who will accompany the child in the application process.
G. School ID of the minor (if applicable).
2. Submit all passport requirements to DFA
Image from iStock
For minors 0 – 7 years old.
Babies and minors aged 7 years old and below are entitled to use the courtesy lanes at different DFA branches. They don’t need to set an appointment prior to the day that they need to visit any DFA branches.
But, as stated above, the pandemic has changed all the rules in this world, and the exception of this is not included. So again, they need to set an online appointment before coming to any DFA branches. This will remain effective until further notice.
Along with the minor, the parents as well as minor siblings 17 years old and below will also be given access to the passport courtesy lane.
3.) Pay the Philippine passport fee.
ASEANA and Consular Offices (Within Metro Manila) – Php 950 (12 working days)
Consular Offices (Outside Metro Manila) – Php 950 (12 working days)
Foreign Service Posts – $60
ASEANA and Consular Offices (Within Metro Manila)- Php 1200 (6 working days)
Consular Offices (Outside Metro Manila) – Php (7 working days)
4.) Claim the passport/s.
Image from Geco Caranzo
Just wait for your passport/s to process. See the indicated date on your receipt to claim the passport/s. If you chose to delivered it via courier, simply wait again for the passport/s to arrive at your home or office.
Common questions:
1.) How long is the validity of Philippine passport/s for minors?
In 2017, President Rodrigo Duterte signed Republic Act 10928 which officially extended the validity of Philippine passports to 10 years.
On the other hand, this 10 year period only applies to Philippine passports issued to those 18 years old and above who are applying either to get passports for the first time or to replace/renew their old Philippine passports.
2.) Do you need to bring collared top for your baby?
No, any decent top is allowed. But sleeveless is a big NO.
3.) What if you’re a single parent? Can you still apply?
Either one of the parents could process the passport on behalf of their child.
Minors with parents separated through a legal separation.
The legal guardian who will accompany the minor child should need to bring the following:
- Court order awarding guardianship of the minor applicant or substitute parental authority to you.
- Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Travel Clearance.
Minors with parents separated through an annulment
The legal guardian who will accompany the minor child should need to bring the following:
- Court order awarding guardianship over the minor applicant or substitute parental authority to you.
- DSWD Travel Clearance
- PSA/NSO Marriage Certificate with annotation of annulment decree.
4.) What are the Philippine passport requirements for minors who have been adopted or in the process of getting adopted?
Domestic Adoption.
For minor applicants who have undergone the process of domestic adoption, take note of the following requirements:
Image from Geco Caranzo
Foreign Adoption.
For minor applicants undergoing or have undergone the process of foreign adoption / Inter-Country Adoption Board (ICAB) adoption process, please take note of the following requirements:
Personal appearance of the minor applicant and ICAB representative.
- PSA Birth Certificate/PSA Certificate of Foundling.
- Endorsement from ICAB.
- Certificate of Child Available for Adoption/Deed of Voluntary Commitment.
- Placement Authority issued by ICAB.
- Certificate for Issuance of Passport issued by ICAB.
- Clearance for Inter-Country Adoption.
- Child Study Report.
- DSWD clearance.
5.) How can I renew my child’s passport?
1. Complete all passport renewal requirements.
As per the DFA website, here are the requirements that you need to bring for the passport renewal of minors:
- Confirmed online appointment. As mentioned above, all applicants, including minors who are qualified for the use of the courtesy lane, are now required to secure an online appointment. This is to ensure compliance with the health protocols implemented to contain COVID-19.
- Personal appearance of both the minor applicant and either parent. If none of the parents is available to accompany the minor on the day of the appointment, the parents must execute a Special Power of Attorney designating someone else as the minor’s authorized adult companion.
- Current e-Passport with a photocopy of the passport data page (second page of the current passport).
- Marriage certificate, if only one parent is available to accompany the child.
- Original and photocopy of proof of filiation and/or guardianship.
- Original and photocopy of either parent’s passport or valid government-issued ID.
- School ID (if applicable).
2. Proceed to the DFA office on the day of the appointment
If the minor applicant is 7 years old or below, he/she can go straight to the courtesy lane along with the parents and/or minor siblings 17 years old or below who are also renewing or applying for a Philippine passport.
3. Get photo and biometrics captured in the Encoding section
4. Wait for the scheduled release of the new Philippine passport
Filipiknow, MamatheExplorer, DFA