Produced by Walt Disney, Aladdin tells of a lowly "street rat” tasked to enter the Cave of Wonders to retrieve a magical lamp for the dark Vizier Jafar. Aladdin becomes trapped in the cave with his sidekick, Abu, and discovers the Genie of the lamp (Robin Williams).
Aladdin develops a friendship with the Genie and uses his wishes to become a prince to chase the affections of Princess Jasmine. When Jafar finally steals the lamp and gets three wishes of his own, Aladdin must rely on his intelligence to save his friends and the Kingdom of Agraba.
Memorable Quote: Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance. Like so many things, it is not what outside, but what is inside that counts. This is no ordinary lamp. It once changed the course of a young man's life. A young man, who, like this lamp, was more than what he seemed. A diamond in the rough.