Keeping kids healthy and strong is still a challenging task ever since the quarantine started. With the ever-changing situation of the global pandemic, as parents we need to be quick to adapt. We are responsible in making sure our children grow as strong as possible and are able to advance into the new normal.
To help you with this, Vitamilk asked moms their secrets on how their kids are #GrowingVStrong from home.

Make Exercise Fun
Exercise is vital to our kids’ health and overall well-being. Make it fun by encouraging children to play games that require physical movement. Play games like hide-and-seek (taguan) which maximizes the rooms and corners of the house. Or hopscotch (piko) that can be setup in a small area with some masking tape. If you have your own garage or backyard, much better since there’s more room to run and play. Take for example, Krisha, who loves to ride her scooter. Mommy Kimberly encourages her to ride every morning as a form of exercise while getting her daily dose of fresh air and sunlight. To ensure Krisha is properly nourished every day, Mommy Kimberly gives her Protein-rich Vitamilk. It’s just what she needs to keep her muscles strong for her daily scooter rides.

Make Learning Fun
Similar to exercise, learning can be more effective if there’s an element of fun and entertainment. Four-year-old Matthew started developing his speaking and reading skills by singing along with nursery rhymes online. To Mommy Jae’s surprise, Matthew was able to memorize songs on his own. Aside from online resources, Mommy Jae also encouraged his son to appreciate books by reading stories together. In just a few months, he was able to learn new words and even apply them in conversations. With all these milestones happening at home, Mommy Jae couldn’t be more be proud of his son! Wondering what milk Mommy Jae gives to Matthew? No other than Vitamilk! It contains Omega 3,6,9 which supports brain development.

Discover Their Talents
Our kid’s talents naturally unfold when we give them the freedom to discover their own interests. Our role as parents is to encourage them to keep going while ensuring that they are equipped physically and mentally through proper nourishment. Take Arjeline for example. She loves to dance which is why Mommy Jeraldine motivated her to join online contests. This is her way to teach Arjeline the value of hard work and determination. In between dance practices when Arjeline needs a boost of endorphins, she drinks Vitamilk. It contains B-Vitamins to keep her energy upbeat and ready for any dance move.

Nurture Kids’ Creativity and Imagination
Have you ever noticed your kids acting like they’re superheroes or come up with their own dramatic dialogue while playing with their dolls or figurines? This is pretend-play and it’s an effective way to nurture your child’s imagination and self-discovery. Take Isaac who loves to play educational games online. He can be a detective, a doctor, or an astronaut—all while solving math and science problems! To make sure Isaac makes the most out of this fun learning experience, Mommy Irene gives him Vitamilk which is made from all-natural ingredients and has an all-encompassing set of nutrients from the Fills Good Formula to nourish his brain and body. Isaac can’t get enough of its delicious Double Choco Shake flavor too!

As we’ve heard from these moms, sometimes we just need a dash of creativity supplemented with proper nutrition to keep our kids physically and mentally stimulated. We are reminded that even at home, there are many ways to help kids grow strong from brain to body. With Vitamilk, everything you need for your child to #GrowVStrong is at home.
About Vitamilk
Vitamilk is the all-natural, protein-rich, and best-tasting soy milk that’s filled with vitamins and minerals to revitalize the whole family. When you need a good boost any time of the day, Vitamilk’s healthy, filling energy will surely go a long way. Choose from a wide variety of delicious flavors (Double Choco Shake, Original, Banana, Energy / Multi-grain, Choco Shake, and Strawberry) and pack sizes (300ml disposable glass bottles, 250ml, 200ml and 110ml kiddie packs, 1-liter packs and 200ml returnable glass bottles). Available in supermarkets, convenience stores, and sari-sari stores near you.
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