Special prizes awaits ten participants with the most creative and practical sustainability projects. The
contest runs from July 15, 2021 to September 15, 2021.
“APC is committed on reducing its environmental impact and contributing to the development of a
sustainable society with company- and factory-wide initiatives to reduce plastic waste. We are also
passionate in educating and enjoining the community to take active part to reduce, reuse and recycle.
This is why we are tapping into each Filipino household to start leading an eco-friendlier lifestyle, one
sustainable project at a time,” says Roann Co, APC Group General Manager of Marketing and Public

How to join the #AjinomotoSustainAbilidadChallenge
A promo post will be shared on the Cookmunity® by Ajinomoto Philippines Facebook page where users
can comment their own DIY sustainability project using materials found at home. Entries shall show a
before-and-after photo with the hashtag #AjinomotoSustainabilidadChallenge.
Aside from Facebook, Filipinos can also join the contest through TikTok. To participate, just post a video
showing how they used materials at home to do their DIY sustainability project and use the
By the end of the contest run, APC will announce a total of ten (10) winners– five (5) from Facebook and
five (5) from TikTok. Special awards will also be given to a Facebook entry with the most number of likes
or reactions and a TikTok entry with the most number of hearts.

Ajinomoto’s greater challenge: Net-zero waste by 2030
The #AjinomotoSustainAbilildadChallenge is part of APC’s Ilabas ang SustainAbilidad environment
education campaign that was launched last year to encourage consumers to incorporate sustainable
practices in their daily lives. On the company’s end, it pledges to strengthen its environmental advocacy
and reduce its plastic waste to zero by 2030.
Some of Ajinomoto initiatives include reducing the size and thickness of its packaging resulting to plastic
waste reduction by 70-100 tons per year. The company also has wastewater treatment facilities and
technologies to convert some of its factory materials to reusable fuel.
“At Ajinomoto, we uphold ‘The Ajinomoto Group Creating Shared Value (ASV)’ model that represents our
unchanging commitment to help resolve society’s issues such as health and well-being, food resources,
and global sustainability. Through this cycle, we ensure that we provide healthy, delicious, and high-
quality products to Filipino families while reducing the impact of our business to the environment,” says
Co. “Through the #AjinomotoSustainabilidadChallenge, we hope to inspire more Filipinos to lead a
healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.”
For more details about the #AjinomotoSustainAbilidadChallenge, visit our Facebook Page,
Cookmunity® by Ajinomoto Philippines or website at www.ajinomoto.com.ph.