If there is one thing that is universally a dread for all parents, nothing will beat their toddlers’ temper tantrums. All children throw tantrums and that too at the most inopportune of moments, thereby embarrassing most parents.
Parents tend to view temper tantrums in toddlers as a result of their bad upbringing. Nothing could be more wrong than this assumption.
It is pertinent to note that even the best of parents can have toddlers throwing tantrums at inopportune moments. And yet, this is absolutely natural.
It is important, however, that you as parents understand the nature and the reason for the tantrums. And by understanding them is to handle it accordingly.
Temper tantrums in toddlers
Temper tantrums have a definition and description as emotional responses to situations where the demand of the toddler or the child has no fulfillment.
Additionally, these tantrums could also be the result of frustration or due to inability in expressing their wants. Experts believe that there are many reasons for such temper tantrums or emotional outbursts and understanding the reason for it will actually help in dealing with them.
The most common reasons for temper tantrums include not being able to do what they want to do, being on their own when they wish to or when something is lost from them.
Other reasons include the inability to express their feelings or the inability to understand what you are saying. Some children throw temper tantrums when they feel tired, hungry, sleepy, stressed out, or worried.
It is important to deal with each kind of tantrum differently and in such a way so as to ensure that your child does not repeat the behavior but still feels secure and safe with you.
Tantrums in toddlers 13 to 15 months old

It is not abnormal for toddlers ages 13 to 15 months old to have tantrums. The resistance we start to see at the age of 13 months old is actually a good and very positive development milestone. It is the beginning of your child asserting themselves as a separate person.
Tantrums in toddlers 13 months olds
According to Aha Parenting, 13 months old is a start of a new stage. And, it might be a wonderful start. Worrying about comforting 13-month-old toddlers during tantrums will make their tantrumming worse.
Comforting during a time of tantrums in toddlers is a way to help them feel understood. As a result, it will help them learn to tantrum less often.
In addition, if they cry, that is just okay, too. As long as, mommies will stay with their 13 months old toddlers during their tantrums, you may let them feel safe. Mommies should try to trust their own instincts and enjoy their little 13 months old toddlers.
Tantrums in 14 to 15 months old toddlers
At 14 months old, your toddler journeyed an exciting and wonderful transformation. However, many parents are shocked when encountering 14 months old toddlers in tantrums.
In addition, 14 to 15 month old toddlers and their aggressive behaviors may be shocking to see. Yet, it is typical for toddlers as they age. And, you are not alone in experiencing this frustrating behavior of your toddler.
At 14 to 15 months old, your toddler can walk or even run, and developmentally, they can see and interact with people and their surroundings in a whole new way.
However, this may possibly start with whining or screaming. This may also include feet stomping, throwing objects, or even biting you.
These behaviors usually do not last long. But, it can last up to 30 minutes. It depends on the reason behind your 14 to 15 months old toddler’s tantrum and the feeling of their frustration.
Additionally, as your toddlers get more tired or stimulated throughout the whole day, they might have tantrums. They become more flustered with a feeling of wearing down. So, this may result in having more tantrums during bedtime.
Your 14 month old toddler is still at a very young age. They are still in their developmental growth but they can now express their emotions to you.
So knowing the cause of their tantrums might be helpful to know your next steps in dealing with them.
Why is my toddler biting and hitting me?
Tantrums and other related behaviors may come together. Some of these things that you might ask are “why my toddler in tantrums is biting and hitting me?”
Well, it is their interaction and way of expression to the world they perceive as they start to grow in a new stage. For them, it is their way of throwing out their frustrations, or there can be something that they want to say.
And it is quite normal and explaining to them why biting and hitting you is not the proper way to express themselves is a better thing to do. Furthermore, it can help them understand the good and the bad thing.
In comforting them, you should explain and make them understand the correct way how they should express their feelings or what they want to say. This is also one of the ways how to stop toddlers from biting or hitting when they are mad.
How to prevent tantrums in toddlers
Before understanding how to prevent temper tantrums in toddlers, it is important to understand other factors leading to it.
These factors may impact the intensity of the tantrum. The first deciding factor is the emotional quotient of your child and his or her intensity of reacting to things. This is very important because toddlers learn to over-dramatize situations, just to catch your attention.
Secondly, the external environment surrounding the toddlers is equally important to the intensity of their tantrums. Because the external environment also plays a very important role in the intensity of their tantrums.
How to control tantrums in toddlers ages 13, 14, and 15 months olds
Most experts and most parents feel that ignoring the child while he or she is throwing a tantrum is the best way to handle it. Believe me, it really works!
Every time I have my three-year-old screaming to glory, I ignore her and she stops when she realizes that it is not working. In fact, the frequency of tantrum throwing has reduced considerably with this method.
Another very easy way is to divert the attention of the child to something else. Always stick to routines and schedules laid down because this will help avoid tantrums caused due to lack of sleep or hunger. Always remain calm and do not let the tantrum affect you and ensure complete discipline.
However, having said that, it is important to remember that your toddler is very young. And, there is still a lot of time before he or she completely understands discipline and follows it.
Patience is a virtue that all parents must have, at least in the initial years. This will ensure that you bring up your child in a healthy environment.
Image from | pexels.com
Sometimes, your toddler has tantrums and may start hitting and biting you. This can trigger anger as a parent, but asking them the reason for their tantrums is also a good approach to teach them to speak when expressing themselves.
As parents, we should slowly learn how to stop toddlers in tantrums from biting and hitting when mad. 13 or 14 months old toddlers in tantrums who do not feel attended when having tantrums may learn that hitting and biting are good.
However, if something is off than normal about your toddler’s behavior, you may seek help from an expert’s point of view regarding your toddler’ mentality and behavior.
Additional information by Nathanielle Torre
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